Being featured in my favorite StreetStyle blog again is beyond cool but this shot makes me miss the Copenhagen Fashion Week days even more :(.

P.S- I cant wait to go watch this movie on thursday…I have been waiting too long for it to come out.



61 Responses

  1. I would adore having that Acne dress and that Moschino belt. I've been looking desperately for a similar belt and I cannot find one anywhere. Not even on eBay.Congrats for your feature again!XX.Mae Lu, thereafterish.

  2. i love that acne top, i need something equally as flowy and sheer in my wardrobe…i heard that movies good! i wouldnt mind watching it

  3. I've been trying to figure out why I like you and your blog so much. It's not just your cute figure and clothes. There's this wonderful confidence and genuine warmth to you. While you are clearly very beautiful you don't come off as such; you come off as a incredible individual who shares in style and spirit the best of what's to be discovered in the world, who just so happens to be drop-dead gorgeous. Congrats on the feature. Always look forward to your posts.

  4. Congrats! You have so many features, that's so great! Oh and yea I wouldn't mind watching the movie, I think I'm gonna wait til it comes out on DVD though lol But I love Drew Barrymore! from ET to Wedding Singer, to Never been kissed to Riding in cars with boys, to Grey Gardens…lol I can keep going but I think I wrote too much this time! :D♥

  5. It´s really cool that you have been fetured in stockholm streetstyle several times, and that looks like a such a funny movie!!

  6. That outfit was amazing ! And o god i want to see that movie ! Went to Dinner for Schmucks sunday, haha it's amazing too.

  7. I LOVE LOVE LOVE your blog. You're such an inspiration! And btw, I watched 'Going the Distance' last night and it's awesome! Go watch it, lovely movie!

  8. I discovered your blog recently and I have totally fallen in love with you and your style! Keep up the good work!Also, I'm looking forward to Going the Distance as well, Drew Barrymore and Justin Long make such a cute couple!

  9. i love your style, i wish i could go to the Scandinavian fashion weeks, hopefully when my blog gets as big as yours haha :)