Thank you so much to Anna over at Overdose magazine for coming
to my house and putting together this lovely video interview! :D
If you haven’t discovered the new Overdose.am magazine, click
HERE, you wont regret it!
P.S- Click HERE to check more pics
123 Responses
Great interview..really love the personal feel to it. And yes, those wedges are definitely statement making show stoppers!!!NaughtyBaublesNaughtyBaubles on Etsy
i love your flat!
Beautiful! You are beautiful and very sympathetic! Love the watch statement! ^^ You, your style and now your apartment inspiring me a lot. Hope to see much more from you! Good luck for you and your blog for the future!xoxo Sandrahttp://glamirrorous.com
Andy! You have given me inspiration for my new apartment, we have 2 hallways that go to the same place… and I want to turn one of them into a closet! I'm so excited to decorate my new apartment now!
you are so cute and i wanna have so much clothes,too :P
I love your room! And the black and white pictures are so beautiful!Xhttp://rendez-fou.blogspot.comHTTP://RENDEZ-FOU.BLOGSPOT.COM
awesome interview andy!! I recently came across your blog and became a follower I find myself clicking on previous posts!xoxojOhttp://fashionbyjo.blogspot.com/
LOVED the video and your positivity!
Andy el bra que tienes me recordo a Selena!!! jajaja me encanta!
You pretty much have the coolest closet in the whole world.http://zisforzoe.blogspot.com/
Love Coca-Colla with Carl Lagerfeld :)I bought 4 in Paris :)new post from Paris on http://www.cookiebyme.blogspot.comG.
Que buena entrevista Andy! Yo tengo un blazer muy parecido a ese, Vintage YSL de los 70´s y lo AMO solo que está enorme y parezco Tontín. Ahora que vi el tuyo ya voy a arreglar el mío. xxRebecararelikeyou.blogspot.com
love your blog! so cute :)
I love this post! It's a bit more personal than usual:D
Lovedd de interview, echt heel leuk en super kast heb je!Lees je trouwens de secret?? want ik denk echt precies hetzelfde als jou over die negatieve gedachtes enz.. door te secret
You are so amazing and inspiring! I love your blog and loved this interview!I hope to have a quarter of the success you have!Dree xxstyle-on-sea.blogspot.com
This is really a nice interview…Greetings from Sardinia babe!Velvetuzi
Hello Andy ! :)Omg this interview is amazing, I loved it :) ! Your wardrobe is fantastic and you too ^^, I really like you because you're a really simple girl who loves fashion.You really inspire my love your blogkisswww.tokyoblondes.blogspot.com
Coooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool Things you have!I want the same room as you havei love it!
You so cute! Love u & ur style) xo, Yana.http://absque-nota.blogspot.com/
Love your photos, I must say I think your closet is very neat and tidy!! :) My husband always wonders how I can find anything in my closet…
tu voz me saco de onda por un momento, tienes carita de vosecita dulce y no, jaja pero me agrada tu tono de voz (:your place and closet are soo fantastic! i read the hypeed article about the moschino belt i think is very chic and unique. andy you rock ♥
love these shots!
You are so fashionable and seem to be pretty happy, and it's always nice to hear how successful people reason. Like the thing you said about never letting negative thoughts get to you and visualising success. And your wardorbe is awesoooome!
I've seen ur closet in ur video on youtube.. it's so nice!!!xoxohttp://shishiwaldorf.blogspot.com/
Just watched your video and I think you are so inspiring. Congrats on everything you've done. xx
I love the interview!! is always a pleasure to hear more about you. And I really love your style, 'cause it not only limited to your clothes!!XOXO
you come across away in the video, and i love your closetmrvideostyle.blogspot.com
Bueno, bueno me encanta. La blogosfera es realmente imprevisible. Sigue así y enhorabuena!www.fashionistaontour.com
love your closet! :] You have a lot of clothes! ;] You´re definitely one of my favourite fashion bloggers!http://www.style1509.blogspot.comLive.Laugh.Love.
Ziet er echt superleuk uit!
i love your closet ♥and you're so cute:)isaworld-isabella.blogspot.com
OMG i totally loved it! i love your house and the eiffel tower in your living room <3
you sound so nice and funny, great video and interview :)
UHHHuuHHH!! Love your close, Andy!! Actually I have the same furniture… Great idea! crossingredlines
i just looooooove the photos! and oh that paris keychain is loveeeeeeeee too!!!!
Great video, and I love your outlook on life:)!!Cathythestylestrutter.blogspot.comxxx
Wow, Andy, I love seeing photos of your house. I wish I had a tiny room to change into a walk-in closet. My current walk-in closet is much, much too tiny. I love your place. It is very you! And when you're living in Paris, it'll make all the more sense.I can't believe you got the jeweled bra! Very Hanneli!XX.Mae Lu, thereafterish.
love it! you're amazing :) such an inspiration.
so sweet. i like the 2 watch look on you :)
I enjoyed your interview very much! You really an inspiration for a lot of us girls and I bet guys as well. You are truly amazing! love,lasenoritadaisy.blogspot.com
u have such a great closet!!!check out my fashion blog at thetalesofselfindulgence.blogspot.comor follow me on twitter at TTOSindulgence
great interview and lovely pictures, Andy you are amazing!!!greetings fromhttp://mikalafashion.blogspot.com/
Your appartement is really nice. I'm jealous.
You're a natural in front of the camera! My two favourite "Andy-quotes" (yes I just coined this lol) from this video: "I think about it, I attract it" and "because I want to, it's as simple as that". I think it really is true that if you want something really badly and work at it hard enough that you can overcome anything and it will just come to you naturally. And your reason for wearing two watches is spot on…you don't need a better reason than to WANT to, as long as it makes you happy! ;)xo http://www.fashion-feline.blogspot.com
Eres un amor!!!
"why do you wear two watches Andy?- because i want to!" that's the answer, haha Andy i love you :Di've always wondered how your closet looks like. you really have a lot of stuff in it ;) how many blazers do you have?+ great interview!
Really, really nice picturess!
wooow so cool!!!!xxxhttp://anexceptiontomyrule.blogspot.com/
Oh Andy! I adore you and absolutely LOVE your closet too. :)Bre @ http://theredbungalow.blogspot.com
Estan increibles las fotos! gracias por el tip de Overdose.com esta padrisima! ;)
you're really amazing as always andy! cool stuffs.. great interview, so natural! :)xxyougotsomestyle.blogspot.com
:D vi el video y las fotos!! me fascina tu casa!!!! :D subi tu video en mi blog! tengo muchas ganas de hacer una entrada dedicada a tu estilo :D te espero ^^ http://fashionsstreets.blogspot.com/2010/08/andy-torres.html
really cool interview.im a blazer girl too, have tons! :)fashioncassidy.blogspot.com
What a awesome House.Like the Style. Great Pictures.xoxo
Hi Dear, Thank you so much for posting this on your blog! You were such a blast to work with! And to all of Andy's readers: I am really glad you guys liked the video and photos! xo Anna from Overdose.am
your closet looks so amazing. i'm jealous!styleaccordingtome.blogspot.com
Love love looove these photos! I'll have to watch the video when I'm home :)http://aclosetfashionista.blogspot.com/
Love your closet :) xonewyorkaises.blogspot.com
your home looks so nice, can i move in?? :P (joke)…you seem very natural in the interview, I like it ;)
Extremely jealous haha. Great interview!http://behindthelashes.com
wow i see you are a fan of Paris ! Nices pictures and nice stuff ! I have the same casio watch :D You can come see the way i wear it on http://www.the4hundredbeats.blogspot.com/xoxo ;)
Great interview :)
wow I love it :)amazing closet!
Nice video and nice pics :)
nice girl!you rock!x amber
the video was great, they've done an amazing job :)funny, my key chain is from Paris too, the Eiffel tower n stuff :)
Me encanta la entrevista! Y me encanta tu vestidor! Tengo ganas de tener mi casa y poder tener uno tan guay!Eres fabulosa y tienes razon, no hay que dejarse influir por pensamientos negativos!Un besoSandraHTTP://DEARLOOKBOOK.BLOGSPOT.COM
Love this video and perfect shots!Xoxo Birgittehttp://fashionaccordingtobirgitte.blogspot.com
Your room is fantastic … I love the theme !
its amazingggg :D i went to see the magazine and everything she wrote about u!! i lived in holand for seven years but now im in Mozambique (yes u have a daily reader from Africa ehehehehe) and u inspire me alot!!! huge huge kiss and wish u lots of success!!!
amazing photos <33333http://creme-powder.blogspot.com/
Amazing video and pictures!
i my god, i love your house and your wardrobe! have to feel something very strong when so many people are awaiting your blog, and interviews, I love it!
Wow!!! Cool and a very very lovely video and your photos!! And I love your house and closet :) xoxo :).
awesome article Andy!!!!!Looove your flat and your closet!!!xoxohttp://minaischic.blogspot.com/
this is awesome, congrats on the feature babe!www.missmollyfashions.blogspot.com
The best room i have ever seen:)I'm lovin your clothes:)How many blazer do you have?OMG:)Everything is amazing:)
omg, great interview!
I loved Andy!Great see an update of your room, I loved the coca-cola's Bottles :)kisseshttp://thescrapbookfrommyshoes.blogspot.com
Aw, Andy, I love this interview! You are such a lovely person and I have to say, I am really jealous of everything what is hanging in there. You have the best wardrobe ever! Hope your blog will keep on growing in the future, because you deserve it!
love your keyringscheckout my shoppingbloghttp://ruleoffashion.blogspot.com/
Great video!i like it!
That's a great interview!! You look good, relaxed and fun…Nice closet also!Take care ;)http://www.valentineavoh.blogspot.com/-diary of a fashion stylist-
I loved video and your Moschino belt is georgeous!!! You are my favorit blogger and inspiration, thanku U for this :*
I've loved this interview!Valentina from Fashion Trotter – 100% Italian street stylehttp://fashiontrotter.blogspot.com
awesome picslove your wardrobe
Love the black and white pics, so cool! Love your sunglasses' collection!www.abitoffashion.com
This is so cool. You are amazing and inspirational to everyone out there.
this was the cutest interview i have ever seen :) you should really never stop blogging! ;)
I love the interview! Great job, Andy! And those pics are amazing too! You are so lucky <3loves,thestylesandwich.blogspot.com
I really know this 2watches-question :D nice video!
I really enjoyed watching the interview :) ! Your style is soooooooo great ! I try to watch your blog every day ! xo
you look gorgeous, and that sequence bra- LOVE!lachicmenagerie.blogspot.com
very lovely room!!!xx
Great video and love the pics!http://theboydoesnotlikethat.blogspot.com/
Oh Andy you really are so sweet!I love your house. It has everything about you!Love your way of being in life without negative thoughs and only positive vibrations!Hope you have the best always! Because you deserve it and you really are an inspiration for me!Silhttp://myfashionscript.blogspot.com
Andy, loved your intervieuw! Really nice!X Laurahttp://life-is-a-monster.blogspot.com
I love this video. And your clothing closet is amazing!!!
I loooooooooove it *_*All the photos are amazing and the video is awesome, you're awesome *_*Aw, amazing inverview! :)Kisses from Spain <3
Andy I have to say you are such a PERSON… It's unbelievable how far you've got and I really wish you that success. I like how you talk about your life views…I wish you just more and more success and smile on your face! P. <3 (THEVOILE.BLOGSPOT.COM)
I really enjoyed these interview, it's nice to hear from you through a video like that! Keep on going, but I don't worry about it!Virginie/ DIY Fashion Blog http://www.virginiepeny.com
really nice interview. love your wedges too :)
Such a beautiful photos. I wish a had your closet, you have so many beautiful things.http://iamafashiongeek.blogspot.com/Besos de Mallorca
great interview :) you have so many clothes, and all are very nice, I love your collection of watches ^^
Wow!!! Amazing video and pics!!!
Nice interview! And cute pictures of your closet! :)Andreahttp://andrejkyblog.blogspot.com
Your place looks nice and you have lots of stuff that I'd wear!-Nolita Vintage-
Hey Andy: Love your blog and the article is great fun. Have you ever tried organizing your closet by color rather than by item? I highly recommend it! It clears the mind somehow.
This is lovelyyy :)
Great to see your closet! too bad the picture aren't such a great quality. x
Your wardrobe is amazing Andy!You look really good in the pictures :)http://stylecoffee.blogspot.com/
Nice closeeet! Great interview!Congratulations and greetings from Romaniahttp://blackvelvetfeeling.blogspot.com
Wooow ame tu sala, esta INCREIBLE!! Las botellitas de coca-cola estan super cute ♥Eres asombrosa Any de verdad que si FELICIDADES por todos tus logros!http://anniedotmx.blogspot.com/
love it, the viedo is really good and your closet looks amazing ;)wish you a lot of successful dayshttp://fashionsmajlik.blogspot.com/
love those coke bottles. you place looks great!✘leoniewww.monstrexi.com
Aw so cute you are! :) You should give us a tor of your whole apartment one day! :)xxxhttp://gypsy-diaries.blogspot.com/
Lovely video! You're so sweet :D
Lovely photo's
you look very gorgeus! i love your stuff. :)
You are sooo fantastic!! And I love your house and closet, oh my god you have a lot of clothes girl!:P you are really an inspiration for me!loveehttp://style-in-sight.blogspot.com
I honestly always wondered what you closet looked like! :) great interview.xo