This is what I wore the first day of Copenhagen Fashion Week, unfortunately I didn’t take any pics that day to show you but lucky for me, Daniel from StockholmStreetStyle came to the rescue :P

I dont know who told Life&Style magazine I was 27 years old, because I am not.


63 Responses
oh, you are FAMOUS! ;) i love your outfit. and i have to buy this german magazine, i'm from germany :D
Congrats !http://www.valentineavoh.blogspot.com/-diary of a fashion stylist-
Great features!
you're such a star :D
your blog is amazing !
awesome! great job with your blog, you're one of my faves!
you look fantastic in each pic but your shoes in the first one are my favorite!lachicmenagerie.blogspot.com
I love this outfit so much! I especially love that skirt! You have such amazing taste, honestly I cannot say it enough, youre like my favorite blogger!Love,lasenoritadaisy.blogspot.com
love the outfit! especially the shoes!thelibertybelleblog.blogspot.com
I was like "WHAT!? Andy is 27!?" WOW I did NOT hear that before ,) haha so how old are you andy??xoxo,Luísa
Very well done, Andy! I wish you all the best :-)
lol. how old are you? the first outfit was my total fave…
congratulations you deserve it you look fab at the first picture http://0fashionstarr0.blogspot.com/
Never witjout your Moschino belt, love it :D
You really are a star !!!xxxhttp://leslooksdecoralie.blogspot.com/
you are the best!!!!!!!!!
great Andyyy!!keep going :)http://sunflowerontheroad.blogspot.com/
love the skirt in the first picture! congrats for the features!
so pretty !love.Etinology
Wow!So nice!!!
congratulations! it was a fab look and you totally deserved the features!http://stylishedforever.blogspot.com/
every day you were fantastic! congrats for the magazine! ;)
great look andy, like your skirt print.
Hi Andy, I just saw a picture of you on my favorite brazilian fashion blog, take a look: http://juliapetit.com.br/moda/truque-25/XOXO
I hyped you on lookbookAdèle – http://moltocuriosa.com ♥
love all these looks! congrats on all the features!! :) xo
I love this!! You definitely deserve this.
congrats on all this! love that top in the first photo!katie
All of your outfits are gorgeous! My style envy!!xohttp://madisonsassortment.blogspot.com/
such lucky girl :) xonewyorkaises.blogspot.com
congrats with your features! loves,The Style Sandwichthestylesandwich.blogspot.com
Congrats on all your features!! :Dhttp://aclosetfashionista.blogspot.com/
love your yellow outfit!! very funky color:-)u deserved it! congrats!!!i also have a blog, pls check it out http://thetalesofselfindulgence.blogspot.com/
You really do deserve all this features. Your style is so great! http://www.fashionandloveandlife.blogspot.com
love the stockholm street style outfit so much!
you deserve all the press andy! you have immaculate style and you are one of my style icons!!bjs,beckyhttp://meninaelegante.blogspot.com/
wow teenvogue,,,perfect, fantastic ;)http://fashionsmajlik.blogspot.com/
Congrats on all the publicity.http://behindthelashes.com
Congrats on the features!Saying you looked fabulous isn't enough, I just have no words to express how amazing your outfit was!!! :o)x
you're also in germans Grazia :)
Wow… Congratulations in all of your features :)-The Trendy Fashionistahttp://thetrendyfashionista.blogspot.com
Andy you look stunning like always!greetings fromhttp://mikalafashion.blogspot.com/
All the outfits shown here are great and well put together. Your shoes/boots are great and I love the colours you use. http://www.purelovefashionn.blogspot.com
Love the shoes in the first pic and the blue blazer :)Also…glad you had fun with us here in Stockholm!
I really like your style! http://dolceedamara.blogspot.com/
Sounds like you had so much fun!What an amazing experience! You totally deserve it!xxx
Sounds like you had so much fun!What an amazing experience! You totally deserve it!xxx
Amazing!! Congrats on all the press! :) – love your skirt (from 1st day of fashion week)www.annawithlove.com
That yellow dress is amazing!-Nolita Vintagehttp://www.nolitavintage.com/
gorgeous n stunning!! xoxo
looking great hon!✘leoniewww.monstrexi.com
cool girl!x amber
So nice!!i would like that tocheck out my blog:ILSEDANIELLEMARTINA.BLOGSPOT.COMxo
Echt leuk om jezelf overal tegen te komen!
Your shoes are amazing!!
Congratulations for the features! ^^I like your yellow dress a lot.Greetings from Romaniahttp://blackvelvetfeeling.blogspot.com
Great features;))
love the stockholm street style outfit so much! i need a top like that in my life!xxwww.fashionhedonism.com
Love your skirt! Ik dacht al, ben je 27, maar dat klopt dus niet haha. http://theboydoesnotlikethat.blogspot.com/
you TOTALLY deserve it. congratulations Andy!http://flash-delirium.blogspot.com/
gratz! u deserve it, cause u got an amazing style!xx http://asianeyedgirl.blogspot.com/