Here are some pics from the Bruuns Bazaar show last week in Copenhagen FW.

I was also able to go backstage and Tobias from Bruuns Bazaar gave me a small tour of the headquarters, introduced me to the designers, showed me their showrooms and introduced me to their own personal chef (which had made the best chocolates I have ever tasted just for the show).
It is so beautiful there and everyone was so nice so I will definitely be back next time I am in Copenhagen.

The show was very classic and beautiful and my favorite part by far was the amazing eye makeup the models were rocking.

I have to say that STINE GOYA is one of my favorite Scandinavian brands, so this show was one of the ones I was most looking forward during the whole FW, unfortunately I left disappointed.

I dont think the collection was nearly as good as last season, not to mention that they had us waiting for over an hour after the show was scheduled to start, I know fashion shows are NEVER on time, but over an hour? That is just beyond annoying.
Me and Soren from Le Hype at the Worlds greatest catwalk and at the VICOMTE A presentation below.

Purple dress and belt: VINTAGE


Pics by me for StyleScrapbook


81 Responses

  1. hey hun, i just found a picute of you in my magazine called GRAZIAits on a page whats called 'StreetStyle – Colours this fall' and youre wearing a yellow dress and a moschino belt :)greets from germany

  2. te he escrito antes en inglés, jaja se me olvida a veces que eres Mexicana! xDla verdad es que no vi la pasada colección de esa firma, pero tienes razón que la de este año deja que desear. El traje amarillo con pantalones ajustados y la chaqueta parece inspirado en el típico traje de los toreros españoles (no se si en mexico llevan también esos trajes :P)bueno saludos y sigue disfrutándolo!xoxoMy Cherry Gum

  3. WOW I love your blog, and I have red it this summer trhow my iPod-touch every day.I'm half mexican and my other half is persian ;)I live in SWEDEN and I saw that you were here for the Stockholm Fashion Week! Thats great, I haven't gone to a fashionshow, but tomorrow (thursday) I'm going to Stockholm for a day with, ELLE. :)I also saw that you were with Andreas, thats nice, I got in contact with him from the first beggining, from his first blog ;)Saludos, SheilaQue lo tengas vien :)

  4. wow…i love that first collection! the loose blouse with the tight bottom is one of my favorite looks!

  5. I wish I was there!!and you look awsome!if you want take a look at my blog:worldoffashioninspiration.blogspot.comxxxxx.

  6. I like stine goya a lot :)But that other designer, Bazaar, HMM. I don't know if its the models, they do look kind of lifeless, but the clothes don't look like they are supposed to make them look beautiful either.. or am I not getting the concept? ;)Cheers Nicole (niciseoul)

  7. I have to say that, that blue colour looks great and you, and I understand how anoying it must have been to wait for over an hour!!

  8. wowowo Tu vestido….. tiene ese "Beat of color""" love it!!como siempre un REina!!!Me encanta la falda (estilo súeter amarrado) hahah super originalun besote Guapa From

  9. Realmente hay un trabajo muy bueno¡¡¡¡ como me gustaria ir a esa FW en especial¡¡¡¡ llegan muy fuertes y siempre traen lo mejor de las tendenciasun beso y mas fotos please¡¡¡

  10. Aaah over an hour? that's so annoying! love the last pics woth Soren. you looked amazingloves,The Style