I sincerely apologize for the lousy “outfit post” today, the truth is, I didn’t have time to take proper “outfit shots”, my day was kinda crazy, I had to plan a trip to Paris in a flash, go to the city to pick up some clothes to bring for Fashion Week and pack.
The outfit was nothing special, but I needed something comfy to run some errands and get stuff ready in a 25 degree weather.
I ended up going to bed at around 3:30 am, which means I’ve slept for an hour and a half…right now, I am on the train on my way to Paris and should get there in about an hour.
Probably will be catching the Galliano show tonight and have few invitations for the shows tomorrow, so we shall see how everything turns out and to be honest, I am kinda excited about seeing all those gorgeous male models rock the catwalks in Paris FW.
Stay tuned for more coming today!
Perdón por las “fotos de vestidor”, yo se que no son a lo que los tengo acostumbrados pero ayer no me dio tiempo de tomar fotos mas decentes.
Me la pase ocupadisima tratando de planear un viaje a Paris, recogiendo alguna ropa para traerme a la semana de la moda y tratando de empacar.
Termine de hacer todo eso como a las 3:30 de la mañana, solo he dormido una hora y media pero ya estoy en el tren rumbo a paris, llegare como en una hora.
Estén pendientes con las nuevas actualizaciones fashion weekeras…
80 Responses
That orange hanger is amazing. And I love the dress, of course :)
What a great, easy dress. I love it.
That dress looks sooo good on you!!Enjoy Paris!
Paris is so marvelous !so lucky you could be there, I'm dying to go there !Successful Failure
This dress is absolutely gorgeous! The stripes create great shapes!
I wouldn't classify that as a lousy outfit!:)
wow, Galliano show!! He is my fashion idol. LOVE him! and of course my fav brand is Dior :)Have fun Andy!Xx Nazneenwww.neensynaye.blogspot.com
Love the Maxi dress, saw some at H&M but their sold out.FASHIONABLEN3RD24
I love your blog. And most of all your style. I got the same dress – and I´v even paired it with Moschino as well… ;-)http://guldlog.wordpress.com/category/dagens/
Love the belt♥ agirlcandream-myrthe.blogspot.com ♥
tengo ese mismo vestido pero el de rayas moradas y blancas! en principio iba con idea de coger ese, pero después el morado me pareció mas original y me decidí por eseestás estupenda Andy!un besitohttp://www.lovelypepablog.com/
Nice!Enjoy your trip to Paris!You're having some good weather over here these days! Enjoy!♡‿♡
So amazing!!! I go to Paris tomorrow!! xD
suerte en tu viajebesoshttp://islandofdolls.blogspot.com/
Beautiful dress Andy!Carolina.
you are fantastic with this long dress! too good!*_*
nice dress! http://jnnsblog.blogspot.com/
Ohh I want to go to Paris too…Have fun!thestylesandwich.blogspot.com
Mmmmmm….. que envidia más sana!!!!Disfruta de Paris!!Y saluda a NotreDame de mi parte!!!
Great dress! I have the same dress like yours! Greetings!http://mikalafashion.blogspot.com/
So lucky! I also have a dress like that! :)I have a question to make to you… i don't if you could answer me but here it goes… do you know when Paris spring summer 2011 fashion week begins? Enjoy Paris.Kiss,J.
ooh.. that's a fun dressstripes looks good on you :)have fun in paris!<3http://escapesweetest.blogspot.com?P.S. can't wait to see your outfits while in Paris!
The dress is really looking good !I love it!Have a nice time in Paris..http://valentineavoh.blogspot.com/-the diary of a fashion stylist-
love the dress!! i have the same in black and love wearing it with a vintage braided black leather belt! the fabric is super light and comfy!!have an amazing time in the city of looove and make sure to keep an eye on those hot male models :)xox VickyBikinis & Passports
I like your dress,and you are always so beautiful!!enjoy in Paris!!! Ilaria
Still, looks amazing Andy! Have fun :) xxRebeccahttp://rebeccarugby.blogspot.com/
paris looks like a charming cityhope one day I will see this cityand you look beautiful in maxi dresses
looooooove your dress!!! :)i love maxi dresses!! – Ditte
bom descanso quando poderes!
cute dressxoxo,Flekisskiss.blogspot.com <– Texas gal bloggin fashion from NYC!
love this dress!www.nobodyknowsmarc.blogspot.com
Love the dress Andy!:)http://www.gingersmile.blogspot.com/
Stripes and Moschino…perfect election!hope you have fun in Paris…i'll catch up via Facebook…XOXO
Me encanta el vestido! Que pases muy buenos días en París, ya nos contarás ;)
saca fotos de lo de galiano xfis!!!!!me encanta ese hombre , tiene tanta imaginacion y tanta personalidad….es taan reconocible :)
wow! i love your dress!
I'm so happy for you :)Anna*Sheisagniewww.makemesomenoise.blogspot.com
i've got this dress in black.. but I haven't worn it yet.. I think I'm a little bit too small for such a maxi dress.. it's amazing on you!!
Jealous you get to go to the Galliano show? You are such a lucky lass!http://pagesixxx.blogspot.com
That dress look amazing on you!! Beautiful xx
Wow, you are living the dream right now! Enjoy it m'dear!Off The Wardrobe
You look great ;D
i lOVE THAT DRESS!i KNOW IS KIND OD EVERYWGERE ON THE BLOGOSPHERE BUT IT'S STILL STUNNING!Valentina from Fashion Trotter – 100% italian street stylehttp://fashiontrotter.blogspot.com
magnifique Andy !Des bisous de CELINE&CHARLOTTE
Super love the dress and the moschino belt… =) I would love to style my clients with the clothes u wore… =)
galliano shoe? wow i envy you :D i think you will have a gorgeous trip! Can´t wait to see the pics. Oh and of course you have to come to Berlin once, to the fashion week ;)greetzhttp://katjushadawaiii.blogspot.com/
Where did you get your dress ? I love it !!!Have fun in Paris! ( i feel lucky to leave at 30min from Paris ^^)Des bisous !Lucie :)
pasalo bien en paris!!!!!!!
In previous posts I didn't like that dress too much, but styled with your Moschino belt it looks great!AstridPoise & Voguehttp://poiseandvogue.blogspot.com
that dress is beautiful! xxhttp://dredreveries.blogspot.com
Owww…the view of Paris is so beuatiful.. :)I wish I can go there sometime..and nice outfit as usual.. ^^
have fun in Paris!and take lots of pictures ;)x ilsedaniellemartina.blogspot.com
Helllo!Lovely dress,very pretty!Paris capitale de la creation!Bisou!
The dress is fantastic !!!! I love it!!!!http://audreyismyfavourite.blogspot.com
I'm looking forward to seeing your photos from the show :) Have fun! Your today outfit is great as usual!
have fun! love the dress…
I have that dress, I love how you wear it with the belt.
How much time does it take you from Amsterdam to Paris by train? What's the average cost of the ticket? Pls answer!!! :)
you still look great so don't worry! have a safe trip to Paris and most of all have fun!xoxo
the maxi dress is cool, very Acne … have fun at the men's shows! http://www.sylviaetc.blogspot.com
I want to go to Paris me too, ufffff! I have the same Moschino belt! <3www.abitoffashion.com
Great dress and this Moschino belt is the perfect accessory!
gorgeous dress and belt! envy you loads, as do many of other readers! have a great time!read me at:http://taetaeeescloset.blogspot.comxxx
amé el vestidoo cañon!!… mil suerte en París!!xoxoAle!http://dailyfashionmx.blogspot.com/
love this dress
love this dress
You're so lucky! Have fun in PARIS and rest a little, I'm sure you're exhausted.-The Trendy Fashionistahttp://thetrendyfashionista.blogspot.com
Have fun! xxxhttp://gypsy-diaries.blogspot.com/
love the dress anyway. stripes <3
love the dress, looks so good on you!~xx http://asianeyedgirl.blogspot.com/
as I commented you before said that I do love a stripe..well I guess I should repeat it again..LOL..that stripe maxi dress will makes you look taller..fit you nicely. I will go to find it too for myself..=)
cool dress….you look gorgeous ;)http://fashionsmajlik.blogspot.com/
I love that dress and moschino belt! look forward to all the posts from Paris! have a great time!Dree xxstyle-on-sea.blogspot.com
that belt looks good with evvvverything, and I love that super long maxi dress.
lovely dress
you're so lucky you're going to Paris for the shows..have fun, I'm excited to see your upcoming photos! ;]
I love the long dress and stripes! Very cute!
Love your dress, have fun in Paris!
wow, you look stunning in that dress;)
i feel honoured i've got the same dress! have a lot of fun in paris and i'm excited about your upcoming posts