Pic from last summer in Paris
So where I am going tomorrow is no longer a secret…
This would be my 4th time in Paris this year and Im sure it wont be the last.
An unexpected trip came up, I will be going there for a meeting with my friends from HYPEED, but will take the opportunity to go to few of the shows during Fashion Week as well, men FW that is and hang out with some of my friends too…Which shows did I get invited to? You will have to wait and see ;)
Taking the first train to Paris tomorrow morning, will get there at 9:30 and stay for the next 5 days…Paris HERE I COME, be afraid, be very afraid!
Mi destino ya no es un secreto…
Mañana tomo el primer tren a Paris, una junta “inesperada” salió de repente y yo no me pierdo la oportunidad.
Esta seria mi cuarta vez ahí en lo que va del año, estoy segura que no será la ultima y como mi junta es hasta el lunes, me voy a tomar el fin de semana para ir a algunos shows que me invitaron, para Men Fashion Week y pasar el tiempo con algunos de mis amigos bloggers que también estarán ahí :)
¡Paris, llego mañana! esperame con ansias :D
79 Responses
A little gelous but I hope you have the most amazing trip. Love the blog, keep it up :)http://whimsymagicinspired.tumblr.com
Gorgeous look! love it!XoXoFiammahttp://fashion-thrill.blogspot.com/
i envy u so much for going to paris men fw.but u are so adorable.
Que envidia me das *_*Yo tambie quiero ir a Paris!!Un besazo preciosa
wish to visit Paris this often, too :)have a great trip!
I wish you have a great time,Paris is so beautiful http://fashionsmajlik.blogspot.com/
you will have good fun that is for sure. I'm looking forward to reading it.
You're so so lucky:) And that outfit is great!
Oh I'm so jealous!!!Have fun sweety!!xoxoK.http://kellysboudoir.blogspot.com
Me gusta mucho tu blog, saludos desde Mty, Mexico :)
Have fun, Andy! Be careful and I can't wait to see what you come up with!XXs,Mae Lu, thereafterish.
have fun in paris! and oh, love your shirt. xxhttp://dredreveries.blogspot.com
hey!! cool! amo tu blog! lo amo y eso qe tngo 1 dia d vrlo! nono pro encrio! qisiera hacrm fashonista cmo vs! pro dii.. bajos recursos!
Nice nice baby!Kisses!I love PARIS and PORTUGAL!
Andy toda la suerte en tu lindo viaje!!queremos muchas fotos!saludos!! dsd Argentina!stylojuicy.blogspot.com
Andy toda la suerte en tu lindo viaje!!queremos muchas fotos!saludos!! dsd Argentina!stylojuicy.blogspot.com
OMG, have fun. I miss it there so much!http://thequietingmuses.blogspot.com/
qué cool que vayas a paris. Ir allá es mi sueño así que por favor disfrútalo por todos aquellos que no podemos ir!. Buenísimas fotos, por cierto :)Cuídateee
oh, i love paris! i'm going there in two weeks! :)have fun
I'm slowly getting jealous ;)Have fun, take care and keep blogging.All the best,Laura
ahh soo excited! wish i was going to paris right now instead of studying for finals :( have sooo much fun and take an incredible amount of pictures!xox VickyBikinis & Passports
disfrutaaaaloo al máximo, te amamooos desdee Méxicooo!
love this outfit..!www.nobodyknowsmarc.blogspot.com
I am so jealous! Where do you get the money from ;)?!? http://www.myfashionfindings.blogspot.com
Paris? I am so jealous of you! Have an amazing trip and give us unfortunate souls something to look at. :)http://fashionregardless.blogspot.com/
lucky you! have an amazing time! looking forward to ur new posts!read me at:http://taetaeeescloset.blogspot.comxxx
OHMYGOD!Toooo awesome! Have fun overthere!
OH I am so very envious of you! You are sucha lucky gal! :)Safe Trip!xxJenhttp://belledecouture.blogspot.com
hi andy q envidia….. paris diviertete un saludotehttp://runwaybycash.blogspot.com/
Ooh you lucky thing:)!!! Have a great time!Cathythestylestrutter.blogspot.comxxx
tienes tan suerte! Para mi un vez en eno en paris seria suficiente ^^
Have a great time, you lucky, lucky girl!!! :o)Hmmm… can you please take me with you? ;o)Kisses!
In PAris again????!!You're so damn lucky, girl!Keep us updated!Valentina from Fashion Trotter – 100% italian street stylehttp://fashiontrotter.blogspot.com
suerte por alla Andy! disfrutalo con lo mucho que te encanta esa ciudad ;)
can't wait till your photos lucky duckhttp://rebeccarugby.blogspot.com/
I quoted you in my blog. WIsh you the best in Paris, have fun!!!
lucky you, wish I could go too! Have fun!!
enjoin ur trip!!!
NICE!! Enjoy…..
Beautiful pic :D
ooo this sounds lovely. :)Have a fantastic trip!Bre @ http://theredbungalow.blogspot.com
es mi ciudad preferida junto con New York!!!bueno disfruta mucho y haz muchas fotos para darnos un poco de envidia sana!!!un besito
me alegro por tiii Andy!!! Disfruta mucho de este viajeee y estaremos esperando fotos:)HAVE FUUN!!!<333
AAAAA Paris !!!! que bueno !!! Me puedo hacer bollito y me llevas en una de las maletas jeje, que la pases genial muchacha !!!!! Saludos !!!http://lookstyleoflady.blogspot.com/
ohh have a fantastic time a Paris!!http://magdaleneloves.blogspot.com
Cool! Have a great time, Andy! =D
Wooohoo!I'm leaving for Paris too on Sunday, so if I see you,am I allowed to give you a hug??? i love you so much =)Have fun!xxJodie
I live 20 minutes from Paris and you're in luck because it will be really nice and warm. In any case makes good!
Ke bien andyyyyyyyyyy excelentes noticias ,,,, Muy bun viaje se ke amas PARIS y kiero ver tus fotos alla ,,, oh lala ,,,, yeah baby,,, disfruta tu estancia aya y toma muchas fotos :D
Great look. :)
Have a wonderful time Andy!
Qué suerte!!!Qué ganas tengo de volver a París!!!Disfruta de la ciudad!!!Buen viaje!!!
have fun Andy!xx http://asianeyedgirl.blogspot.com/
your life is my dream.. that sounds SO exciting! its unbelievable youve been there four times in the past year – one can only dream of that.. ive been but i was too young to enjoy it.. cant wait to see pictures!!!<33heelsandinspiration.blogspot.com
Thats so cool! Have an awesome time!!xx Click here to go to Malu’s Fashion! Click here to go to Malu’s Fashion! Click here to go to Malu’s Fashion!
woww espero que te la pases muy bien en paris, que bueno que hay presencia mexicana en los desfiles… un besowww.elestiloimporta.blogspot.com
YAY YAY YAY!! soo happy for you Andy, have an amazing time ♥xoxo
Charming picture, charming look, charming city and charming girl :)
You're so lucky!Have fun!http://lxstateoffashion.blogspot.com
i'm jealous : )
have fun dear <3 love paris
magnifique Andy !!Des bisous de CELINE&CHARLOTTE
Geniiiial!Espero que disfrutes Paris al máximo…como siempre!esperare las fotos del viaje con ansiad..aparte de que llegas en temporada de men fashion week, lo cual estara increible…me encanta el outfit y la foto esta al 100…saludoslooksforlove.blogspot.com
I'm so jealous of your life lately! :) Take me with you!!!xxxhttp://gypsy-diaries.blogspot.com/
WOW!!!You remind me of me about year ago. I've been traveling to London around once in a month.Anyway, have fun in Paris!! :))http://stylist-journal.blogspot.com/
WOW!!!You remind me of me about year ago. I've been traveling to London around once in a month.Anyway, have fun in Paris!! :))http://stylist-journal.blogspot.com/
i miss Paris incredibly :chave an awesome time!
this sounds like a great time! have tons of fun! <3chelsea elizabeth
wow. lucky girl. have fun there!!check out my blog, plz :)
Wooooooow Welcome in PARIS !!!!!! the most beautiful city in the world !!! ;-) have fun !!xxxx
heyyy que lindo andyy!!!después ns muestras tu estadia por esa maravillosa ciudad!saludos desde la blogosfera Argentina!!ellie,visitame en http//itstyleblog.com
ah just last night I was thinking about how I felt the first time I saw the eiffel tower last year…and how beautiful it felt to be in Paris, hope you have fun!
When something come unexpected, this is much interesting!) Wish you a good trip!
Disfrútalo, París también es mi ciudad favorita!Te envíe el enlace al artículo de la revista Showdown en el que apareces, si te apetece publicarlo en el blog sería genial ;)
When something come unexpected, this is much interesting!) Wish you a good trip!
have great timehttp://www.thefeliblog.com