Last few pics by
Here are some random snaps from the second day in Florence, it is so nice being surrounded by blogger friends again and meeting new ones.

Yesterday the day started with a blogger breakfast at the LuisaViaRoma store where I was surprised when Elin Kling also arrived, I have followed her blog for a while so it was a nice surprise.

Then we got to pick 2 outfits for a photo shoot and we went off on Location to shoot…
What did I pick? An amazing LANVIN dress and the most stunning Antonio Berardi black dress, I cant wait to show you the result of the shoot, but also Camilla, my dear assistant for the day took some videos while the shoot was going on, so I will be posting the “behind the scenes” too :)


El dia empezó con un desayuno de bloggers a donde también llego Elin Kling, una de mis bloggers favoritas.

Después tuvimos que escoger 2 outfits para la sesión de fotos, yo escogí un vestido de LANVIN y uno de Antonio Berardi, espero que me manden las fotos del shoot pronto para ensenarles.
De cualquier manera tengo un video del “detras de camaras”, en la noche lo voy a tratar de subir al blog.

Perdonen mis prisas al escribir el texto pero tengo que arreglarme en 15 minutos!!!!!

Nos vemos al rato.



101 Responses

  1. looks like you had an amazing trip. loving your black leather shorts!

  2. another perfect outfit. gosh i can't image how amazing this experience must have been. and elin kling?! did you meet her? i'm dying.

  3. Hi, I love your blog a lot.You inspired me al the time ! Thanks !Don't stop with blogging :)Have a great time.Love,

  4. Andy! geniales las fotos de Italia! la verdad es un lugar lindisimo! yo hace un añ saque la ciudadania, espero poder viajar algun dia y por que no encontrarte por ahi ^^. Me gustaron mucho las fotos de la libreria! como me gustan los libros de modaa! son una debilidad para mi! espero que estes bien! te mando besos!Flor

  5. Great pics! Looks like a blast! I love all of your looks! Cannot wait to see the video and what you wore for the shoot!xxJen

  6. I love how fresh you guys look and always nice to see my favourite bloggers together in 1 place! lovely pics!Dree

  7. love your wedges girls !!great blog btw ! lovely picsid love for you to check my blog outand dont forget to enter in my

  8. How can somebody have so much fashio atittude instead of just wear some nice clothes?! You rockkk !!!!!!

  9. I LOVE THOSE PICTURES!! so jealous you got to meet kling! love her blogxoxo, <– Texas gal bloggin fashion from NYC!

  10. this looks like so much fun!ch'check out my new bloghttp://indulgentbraincandy.blogspot.comhttp://indulgentbraincandy.blogspot.com

  11. THis pictures are perfection! from the gorgeous long hair, the Beautiful ring, the cat eyes ! the pumps all of you are wearing! its major chic! love the post!

  12. Estáis guapísimas “q envidia jaja”!A parte lo estaréis pasando bien se refleja en las fotos.Estoy deseando ver la sesión de esos 2 outfits.Afortunadas os deseo lo mejor!Besos desde Spain ♥Montse♥

  13. Sweet pictures- I can't believe how luck you are! Can't wait for the photo shoot post. :)

  14. que envidia me daiss!! los ook de todas perfectos sobretodo tus botines :) se nota que os lo pasasteis genail!!un besito guapa

  15. Lovely pictures, can't wait for the other pictures of your shoot and see which clothes you picked!!Have fun ANDY, x

  16. Wow it looks like you're having a lot of fun!!! I can't wait to see what the shoot looks like and the behind scenes :)-The Trendy Fashionista

  17. Can't WAIT to see the Lanvin dress!! :)Oh by the way,did you & sabrina bought those shoes together or was it coincidence? however, Super nice, Fink is great!

  18. I'l so curious to see that Lanvin dress! Always a big fan of Lanvin:)Did you & sabrina buy the Funks boots together? Cuz if it's a coincidence, it's really sweet:)Love,

  19. You guys look so good, and in Florence you can actually wear shorts without freezing your legs off! I'm so curious to the Lanvin-dress! :)have funnn!

  20. Hola!Descubri tu blog ayer y no me pude resistir a seguirte, me encantan todos los outfits que sacas sobre todo esos zapatos!son la bomba!Besitos desde Madrid!