Sabrina and me arrived in London at about 11:00 am, the day already looked grey and rainy but It just turned from bad to worse so I am sorry for the limited number of pics, there was no chance I was going to start exposing my camera to the wet conditions, plus we had many shops to visit anyway.

The weather for tomorrow looks promising, so we’ll see, I promise lots more pics ;)

I have to run now, but I promise updates tomorrow.

P.S- Thank you for all the nice comments in my 2 previous posts!!!


Llegamos a Londres como a las 11 de la mañana, el dia ya se veia gris y lluvioso pero se puso muchísimo peor, así que perdonen el numero limitado de fotos hoy, peor no me podia poner a tomar fotos bajo lluvia torrencial.
Prometo tomar mas mañana y mantenerlos actualizados :)


Trench Coat: Queens Wardrobe


65 Responses

  1. Hi! I am from Croatia and every day I m looking your blog! You look great as always :)Where did you bought a hat – it is great!Lucia

  2. Hi! I am from Croatia and every day I m looking your blog! You look great as always :)Where did you bought a hat – it is great!Lucia

  3. Hi! I am from Croatia and every day I m looking your blog! You look great as always :)Where did you bought a hat – it is great!Lucia

  4. Hi! I am from Croatia and every day I m looking your blog! You look great as always :)Where did you bought a hat – it is great!Lucia

  5. hi! love your blog and Sabrinas =) Hope you 2 have a blast in London!p.s. love your sunglasses.. can you tell me where they are from ?

  6. these pics really make me miss London! can't wait to go back there! glad you having a great time! hopefully the weather pulls thru for you xoxox

  7. I just got to London too! The weather is grim but you've managed to still look fabulous! If you have any favorite small boutiques I'd love to hear what they are so I can check them out over then next few weeks!Check out my new fashion bloginfineform.blogspot.comxoxo

  8. the weather was horrible yesterday, but it looks like it's going to be great today and there's nowhere better than london in the sunshine! hope you have a great day :) x

  9. awww London. my favourite place to be and shop. hope you'll have great time there!greets

  10. Love all the photos! Where did you buy your yellow nail polish, I love it! (: Hope the weather will turn better, have fun in London!

  11. Andy suerte en London! no te olvides de mostrarnos muchas fotos y espero que llueva un poco menos en los siguientes dias mientras estes ahi ;)cuidatee guapa!

  12. Tenes una sonrisa hermosa deberias sonreir mas en las fotos =) me encanta tu blog!! sos divina!cariños-

  13. Hi andy! te sigooo hace poco! me encanta tu estilo y tu forma tan natural de ser! sos super dulce!saludos:)

  14. what model is your canon SLR camera? i have been searching for the right one and i love the quality of your pics!

  15. Que envidia me das Andy! Me encanta Londres, asi que pon muchas muchas fotos!!Aprovecha y mira a ver qué tal esta el Primark! Que el de alli es enoooorme!Pasalo bien!xoxo Mery