Some pics by David Koppelaar from Dutchstreetstyle
I think Scott Schuman and his blog The Sartorialist need no introduction. He is not only one of the best know bloggers around, but also a big reason why I decided to start my blog almost 3 years ago.
I met him for the first time back in Paris during fashion week, when Yvan Rodic introduced us.
Lots of things have been said about him, I can only speak from experience and I think he is a very smart, funny and friendly guy.
When OONA invited me to have a round table conversation with Scott and few other bloggers, I didn’t think twice.
The venue was outlet shopping Maasmechelen Village in Belgium, its such a pretty outdoor shopping centre which reminded me so much of when I was living in Canada, HERE is the website if you want to check it out.
Unfortunately, the flu is playing with my head right now and as much as I want to keep writing, all I can think of is taking a nap.
Thank you for all the “get well” notes and messages I have been receiving, you guys are amazing!
Scott Schuman y su blog The Sartorialist no necesitan introducción,
el no solo es el blogger mas reconocido a nivel mundial, sino tambien una de mis inspiraciones al empezar con mi blog hace casi 3 años.
Lo conocí por primera vez en Paris durante la Semana de la moda, cuando Yvan Rodic nos presento.
Hace unos días me invitaron a una pequeña conferencia de prensa o mejor dicho, una conversación entre Scott y algunos bloggers importantes de Bélgica y Holanda.
La verdad no lo pensé dos veces y a pesar de mi resfriado ahí estuve, no me lo podía perder.
Desgraciadamente esta gripe me esta dando con todo y por mucho que quiero seguir escribiendo, lo único en lo que puedo pensar es en irme de regreso a mi cama.
Mil gracias por todos los correos y comentarios deseando que me mejore pronto, realmente me hacen sentir mejor :)
Green leather shorts: Vintage
Shoes: FINSK
Oval ring: YSL
small gold rings: by 1oak
154 Responses
crazy shoes !!!♥♥♥ http://trendygourmandise.blogspot.com/ ♥♥♥
ohww nice post,yu are an inspiration for me i want to be a good blogger like you,tha you so much for your nice blog :D
I love everything here. You have such great style, love your blog!
Wow, just wow! Those boots…can't get over them.Plus, I think it's really cool that you got to meet Scoot Schuman. His work is pretty inspiring.Jennifer from oohfancythat.com
this ranks up there as one of my favorite outfits of yours. the shorts are such an amazing find, the shoes are awesome, i just love it all! and mad props to the photographer; the pictures here of you are so gorgeous and clear. that one close up of you near the bottom – WOW! your hair looks perfect. you definitely need to make that your profile picture or something!XX
This is so awesome!I can't believe you met Scott Schuman! sooo jealous
Hi!! please tell me which nail polish are you wearing in this post!thank you very much…you're amazing!
Hola andy!!!Tu blog es uno de mis preferidos sino el mejor!!Me he metido en la pagina,y he visto unos que me encantan,donde podria comprarlos..Y aprox que precio tienen?Mil gracias..Y por otra parte..Tienes extension,el el outfit anterior de la trenza..?Es que me encanta la idea,de hacermelo..Cuidate mucho,para qe puedas brindarnos tus bonitas fotos!Muchas gracias Gina
Love this blog:)http://thebrunetteworld.blogspot.com/
sounds like a great day! haha scott is so cute with you tall girls :)
Perfect head to toe, and the shoes are killing me!<3
Have been reading your blog for a long time. Gotta say, Love love love your fashion sense! Your outfits always amazes me. :)
I love the star ring!!!
Felicidades Andy, andas en los mejores eventos! Que risa me dio ver que le llevas una cabeza a Scott jajaja
i think he is great and he defenatly has a great taste. i mean not just in clothes ,but in everything:)and on these pictures you look great:)
Get wel soon! You looked amazing! Scott Schuhman was so friendly ;-)So nice you had the chance to be at the bloggermeeting and ask him questions!
you look absolutely stunning !!xoxo.bloo.http://www.bloo90fashion.blogspot.com
So nice that you've met him :) I saw it in our newspaper that he had an signing-session. But I don't like the outlet village that much; they are famous in Belgium for wannabe-rich-ones who want to wear designer clothes ;pI've read on twitter that you're saving yourself in amsterdam with English. Wow; that's so cool, but you should learn dutch. I think it's a real chit-chat-language. But now I'm ending my very long comment..love xx
Wow ! I LOVE your shoes. and I LOVE that you got to go to a round table with scott schuman!! That must have been amazing. I hope when you feel better you'll do a recap of what you talked about! Until then, get well!
I absolutely LOVE your shoes!looking great as always Andy :)www.neensynaye.blogspot.com
the shoes are stunning!! :)www.the-heart-of-fashion.blogspot.com
Great shorts Andy! Scott is an amazing guy x
me ha encatado tu outfit que suerte tener la oportunidad de hablar con él!!!!te felicito porque cada vez me gusta mas tu blog!!!un besito
You were so lucky to meet the Sartorialist! Your wedges are to die for! Wow Andy, you're better every time I check out your blog!www.abitoffashion.com
I've met with him during last fashion week here in Milan, he is very modest and friendly person! I adore his work! And also Love your blog bella!Get well soon! http://giiastonic.blogspot.com
Completely and utterly in love with your outfit.. It's so beautiful. Also a big fan of The Sartorialist.. Scott's Amazing,. so wish he'd come to Australia :)http://faialofa.blogspot.com/
cute shoes…
YOU LOOKED SO GREAT THAT DAY WAUUWWW!!xxwww.hilaloeya.blogspot.com
Those shoes are crazy awesome!
you are a very lucky girl!
Andy,You along with scott and other lovely bloggers have inspired to start my blog (finally) http://thestylesoup.wordpress.com. Funny how fashion blogging works huh? It's been in the works for a while but I decided it was time (check it out if you have a moment).Thanks for the inspiration. I've been following you since Nov. and I hope to continue to follow and be inspired by your amazing outfits!
Erm… I think Its love at first site… + the blog is great tooI Shall be back for more Yours trulyWE SPY WITH MY LITTLE i
You look Amazing Andy:)!!Cathythestylestrutter.blogspot.comxxx
come to know Scott Schuman is a dream for me. I love his work, he's such a magnificient man. And I also adore your blog and your style, of course. I wish you the best, Andy.besos ♥indentification:http://twitter.com/davismara
Love those shooess!!!
killer shoes!!!cuanto te costar0o0onn???cheka mi blog hice un vestido… creo k t va gustar…has the strong shoulder detail :D
lucky!! that'd be awesome gettin to talk to himsophisticated, beautiful outfit p.s.
Oh Andy!! The shoess!! Please tell me where you've got them.. I've been looking all over the internet! Let me [email protected] the way you wear them!Love Eva
Me acuerdo que en la fashion week de paris decías "por qué nadie lleva ropas bonitas!!! todos van con abrigos negros :(" jajjjajaj Andy!!! ponte ropa calentita y deja tus preciosidades por un día. que te tienes que recuperar!! :) jjjajajajjde verdad que los pantalones que llevan me han enamorado.. son de esta temporada?? y wow tus zapatos… sin palabras.Qué oportunidad tan grande la de asistir a una connferencia de este artista!! se ve que lo pasaste en grandeun beso enorme enormevalentina :)
a por cierto te pongo ahora mismo en los links de nuestros blogs favoritos!! :)
LOooooooooooove it !!!! OMG your look is STUNNING !fan !!! ;-)xoxo
you look amazing babe! and those finsk wedges!!! TO DIE FOR! did you receive these boots as presents babe? SOOO JEALOUS!xoxo
How lucky you are! Amazing photos. I love your outfit!http://justreptilia.blogspot.comxxx
so coll the shoes..:) i like it..:) http://trendyfashionshow.blogspot.com/
nice girl!you look wonderfull!x amber
Omg you look AMAZING!! looove the shoes!xoxohttp://tempspourlamode.blogspot.com/
must be great to met him :)your outfit is amazing, love your shoes!♥
Hi Andy,It was nice meeting you!See you at the next 'not so exclusive event' haha :-)xx EmmaMyFashionBlog.be
Tu outfit es perfecto, me gusta TODO!
Andy, wow que una mexicana este donde tu estas! como decidiste lanzarte o comenzar con todo esto de freelance stylist, osea por donde comenzaste? Despues de 3 años de leer fashion blogs decidi comenzar con el mio… el personal style vendra mas adelante pero quise comenzar con opinion y fotos inspiradoras, asi como outfits… me encaantaria que te dieras una vuelta y me digas que opinas…Tu blog es buenísimo, y lo chistoso es que es mas conocido allá, que aqui en México, aqui es raro que alguien que no sea "hipster" siga realmente los fashion blogs haha… pero ahi vamos! :)Un abrazo!http://chicalika.blogspot.com
oooh I love your shoes!!
WOW Andy you look gorgeous!!!This look sutis you very well, the green shorts, and those "crazy" shoes..I LOVE it :))xoxo
your shoes is amazing!love it!get well soon again AndyCheryl xoxo
You're so lucky to have met him. Wow you're really tall!!! I really love your shoes :) And I hope the flu will leave you alone so you can get better.Best WishesP.S.: The brownie you're eating looks delicious.-The Trendy Fashionistahttp://thetrendyfashionista.blogspot.com
congratulations on your blog! i'm so proud of knowing that a mexican girl has gotten so far in the fashion world! keep it up! you motivate and inspire all of us, mexican girls, trying to dive into the fashion industry! best luck! =)
Love all the pictures, you are so beautiful with such an inspiring style. Love your heels! Hope you get well soon! (:
Love this post!x. Catehttp://fashionoutlaw.blogspot.com
I was reading the blog after drk and that girl just steals ally our looks. she started her blog only in november and if you look at her posts its all clothing you wear. the ring, the shoes, the bra. Then i saw that you hung out with her do you realize that when reading her blog it is a bad version of yours. i would be very upset.
Hele mooie outfit! En je schoenen zijn zo cool! Lopen ze wel een beetje comfortabel? haha ;)Werk(te) je trouwens bij de Inwear/Martinique op Schiphol?xx Steph
This post is absolutely fantastic! Everything from Scott to your outfit to the in-the-moment photos. XX,Neekoh
I wanted to go to Maasmechelen, my mom got an invitation but I couldn't go 'cause of school :s.the sartorialist truly is one of the best bloggers around. Haha, he looks so small, and you look so tall :P. Nice shoes, could you post a link to Emma's blog?Xo Xo-Axellewww.ax-elle.blogspot.com
this is so awesome Andy! you are such a lucky girl! Beautiful outfit!Hope you get better soonxoxo
Woow, your shoes, they are so fucking freaking fantastic ! J'adore <3 Great pics, really cool article :Dx Martine
Your shoes are amazing, love them! It must have been a great day<3
The shoes look great, and whatever you've done with your hair looks wonderful as well :) xxSandrahttp://sandrasstyle.blogspot.com/
Wowoo,,me encanta tu estilo!!!Te sigo desde hace mucho y simplemente es elegante! y muy cool!!!besitos!!Muackhttp://trendrebajas.blogspot.com/
Superbe clichés!CELINE&CHARLOTTE
Did you take the pictures yourself? Cause some of the black and white ones are actually really good.and might I add that I am very, very jealous? I want to be introduced to Scott Schuman, let alone sit around the same table, as well.
Those shoes are awe-mazing! And so is your jewelry.
LOVE those shorts and shoes! Take good care of yourself <3
Gosh, you look so incredibly gorgeous! i really l'ove this outfit!x
Love your shoes!
LOVE LOVE your blog Andy! you always amaze me with your style :)I really want those shoes!! :)xxxxStephaniesteointhecastle.blogspot.com
Gorgeous Outfit Especially Love Them Shorts & Your Hair Looks Fab In These Pics!!http://thisstylishlife.blogspot.com/
love your outfit!oh it's so amazing that you visited Belgium and saw Scott!oh btw I love Emma, the fashion consulent..XX from a belgian girlhttp://loresfashion.blogspot.com
Wow! Your shoes are amazing!!
wow to those shoes I don't even think any words will be fitting! those are amazing LOL
this outfit is so amazing, really i love itwould be great if you post, or give an answer to me how tall you areß i'd love to know it, because if youre 1,80 i think its soo cool that youre still wearing heels, u know what i mean?greets outta germany <3
Yo tuve la suerte de conocerlo en Madrid (y a Garance, su novia, tb) y me encantó por su cercanía. Que te mejores ;)
THAT IS AWESOME!! LOVE UR STAR RING!!xxwww.thestylingbee.blogspot.com
I loove your hairstyle !!! It has sooo much volume !! wow..Shoes are very interesting :)
your pants are gorgeous…thefeliblog
Awesome look! & I love your hair
que suerteeeeeeeeeeeeeee! aun que prefiero tu blog, ya que la ropa es mas accesible, por lo menos para mi..un beso!n.-
No sabes lo mucho que mato por los Finsk pony wedges… y ahora salieron unos color block! muero!Que envidia haber estado conversando con Scott!Yo tambien tengo mi copia firmada de su libro! Pase a su book signing en Barneys NY…Felicidades y como siempre, keep up the great work Andy!xo
It;s so sad. They invited me 2.. but i couldn't go because of school.. it looks so much fun :(
Oh my..I'm totally and extremely in love with your shorts.. they r the best shorts I have ever seen.. honestly!and I love your shoes and the small ring with the star.. but the trousers.. why oh why are they vintage and I probably won't have the same ones? damn!take care, Dear..
Stunning outfit! Love shoes and shorts!
q suerte!!! ya explicarás con más detalle en que consistió el meeting. increibles zapatos! mejórate! besos
andy primero ke mal plan ke estes enfermita mis mejores deseos y ke te mejores pronto un remedio de la abuela es un te " en un litro de agua pones un rollito de canela cascara de naranja solo un poko porke amarga y un limon kompleto asi namas lopartes por la mitad y al aguaaaaa va " dejas ke llerva y kuando est elisto te lo tomas y te sentiras mejor,,,:) Promise You….. Ahora si pasando a tu look es perfecto y ni se hable de los zapatos los ameeeeee mucho bastante jiji te envio un besoo un gran abrazo y ke te mejores deseos…..
Amazing outfit! Love the shoes and the shorts and the shoulder pads…ahhh…everything!Get well! Your blog is very cool. (:
Love your outfit and it looks amazing !! I was invited too but I could come because of my stupid school :( I have tried everything to come but I couldnt make it.Love to see the pics on your blog !!!
Nice pics. I went to Scott book signing when he came to London and i had a blast. You must have been so thrilled to be so close to him.PS: Your shoes AMAZING!!!
Andy,wanted to ask you if i could make an interview with you.Just some question per e-mail??
you look soooo amazing! (as always). StyleScrapbook is my favorite blog right now! (: // btw, i love your hair! (;Eve*http://troublesome-transition.blogspot.com
Shoes <3
love this out
Andy you are so beautiful in these photos!!!your outfit is amazing,and love your shoes!!! Ilaria
love this pics and your wedges too.
Insane shoes! You look stunning! xx
OMG! Love love love this outfit! These shoes and these short! Fabelhaft =Dxoxo
I totally agree, Scott Schumann is an amazing blogger ! The Sartorialist is one of the most influent blog all over the world ! You're so lucky to have seen him ! And your outfit is georgous, love it ! :D
Amazing outfit!
Amazing outfit Andy!
Sweety!I made a post about your blog:http://fashion-myonelove.blogspot.com/2010/05/blog-of-month.htmlHope you like it and it is okay?!I put a link to your blog!!!Could you make a post about which hair products you`re using?Love your outfits here and your hair is sooo beautiful!!!
loooove your shoes babe!http://www.saturdaystylebykaye.blogspot.comwww.saturdaystylebykaye.blogspot.com
Great pics :D I love your shoes ^^
wow you look absolutely amazing! I love what you're wearing and how you've put it together, just perfect!
Amazing outfit! I looove the shorts and those shoes are just plain awesome. So cool that you got to meet Scott and in such a stylish surrounding – love it!
Amazing!! Love your shorts!!!
How cool! Great shoes you got there
I like your shirt.when you bought it?
your shoes are amazing andy¡¡¡
You lucky bastard!!! Ow and your shoes I really love them!!^^
those shoes are CRAZY!!! love them!
looks like such a fun experience and i am in love w/ your shoes!! hope you are feeling better soon!!xoxo
great outfit, great hair, great experience! amazing work Andy! get well soon…elihttp://eli-a-porter.blogspot.com
OMG! the shoes are absolutely fabulous!! Where did you get them?!And lucky you, meeting Scot! :)Get well soon!!!xoxobutterfly307
you lucky girl! great pics and your outfit is amazing as always!xo endzyhttp://mademoiselleendzy.blogspot.com
your outfit is just perfect! i love the shoulder details and the colour of your shorts. get well soon. :) and keep on posting, i love your blog and style!xxx Isabelhttp://impressionsforbreakfast.blogspot.com/
yo fui a verle a Las rozas Village en España!!
wow, those hair!!
These photos are amazing Andy! And I love your shorts!
You look really pretty in these picstures, Andy! Freakin' amazing shoes you are wearing here. Hope you feel better soon!
You really have the chance to participate in all these events:) I envy Andy darling. I love your outfit, simply beautiful, especially the little shorts. I think I want a wife like you, very slender, radiant … ! It reminds me the day I saw you at the Trocadero in Paris, too elegant and Miss Deni. Big hug, much love from my heart. ♥Sincerely, Yann!XOXO
Oh wow must have been such a fabulos event! Jeez he is tiny! :) Love this simple look on you! :)XXXhttp://gypsy-diaries.blogspot.com/
Oh Andy I really love your vintage shorts, I want I want. Your hair looks really nice as well. All in all a great outfit to meet Mr Schuman.Hope you feel better soon.www.dressedupdown.blogspot.com
ahhh what an amazing experience, to have the chance to sit down an talk with him!!!you looked absolutely stunning! the shoes are out of this world and your green shorts are so refreshing! love it!!!!xox VickyBikinis & Passports
I was there too!I was sitting across the room in front of you.It was such a nice day.I wanted to take a picture with you,but I was kinda shy & I was in a hurry because I had to go to school.Hope to see you another time!x Kriziawww.krizia-shark-attack.blogspot.com
Wow…..that's brilliant that you got the opportunity to sit down with the original fashion blogger!I love his blog (and yours too!)and love the way he continues to stay relevant! thanks for sharing this with us!Dree xxstyle-on-sea.blogspot.com
Great outfit! I love your shoes! And great shots of the meeting!
very awesome that you could meet him. I am a little jalouse.Great pictures by the way! your outfit is very nice.greetz@stuffwedid
Love your look :) Your blog is amazing!XXhttp://totallyshopaholic.blogspot.com
Amazing! Scott Schuman will be in Germany tomorrow, I would love to meet him! lucky you! I love your outfit
Your style Andy is amazing! YOUR SHOES ARE STUNNING :oHave a nice day Andy!xoxo❤Irene's Closet❤http://ireneccloset.blogspot.com
what kind of nailpolish are you wearing? Get Well!
Que padre Andy!! Seguro que conocerlo a de ser una super experiencia. Y ahora, métete a tu cama y descansa! Que así nunca te vas a recuperar ;)Un besote desde Barcelona.Carla
Love your nail! and your rings!Scott pics are amazing! I love him!xx
great pictures Andy….you are really beautiful and shoes. I dont have words….sooo cute :) love them :)xoxo http://fashionsmajlik.blogspot.com/
Yay!Love that man <3Love your hair <3And those trousers you're wearing!!!!Get well!!!xxx Suus
Woooow,awesome shots!!I adore your pants and jewelry<3XXhttp://tokyofashionholic.blogspot.com/
OMG I can't believe you got those FINSK wedges!! They're so hot!!Hope u get well soon!! ;)
LOve the SHOES!And get well!
i'd kill for those shoes. they look amazing!
you look so beautiful in these andy!your hair is amazing.+ those awesome shorts + shoes are soooooo goood.xxx
Amazing outfit. ♥
Andy, if you need a doctor, come to Romania!:P Kidding! Just take good care of you and get well soon cause I miss you posting! Like Scott inspired you to start this blog, you inspired me! And for sure many, many other bloggers! Lots of hugs!
love your outfit!!!love this post
great post!!!love your outfit too
you look fab!! i guess these pictures are pre-flu… get well!!
LOVE those shoes! your blog is amazing xxwww.youhavehomework.blogspot.com