Baby, Im back!!!
Yes, I am back in Europe, missing my family like crazy but excited about new projects and even tho my plane arrived at 2pm and I was completely exhausted from a transatlantic trip, I still managed to get dressed up and go into the city for some “welcome back pics”.
No, I didn’t know that my dress was a bit see through until I was outside, pretty embarrassing if you ask me, I should have worn some nude underwear (recommend it if you are planning on getting the dress).
Traducción :
¡¡¡Estoy de regreso!!!
Una vez mas en Europa, extrañando a mi familia demasiado pero feliz con todos los proyectos que tengo planeados.
Después de un vuelo de 10 horas y de esperar casi 4 en el aeropuerto de la ciudad de Mexico, llegue a Amsterdam a las 2 de la tarde, me cambie de ropa y me sali a por la ciudad a tomar algunas fotos para el blog.
No, nunca me di cuenta de que mi vestido nuevo de H&M era casi transparente, hasta que me salí de mi casa, que pena! La próxima vez me pongo panties beige :S (recomendable si piensas comprarte el mismo vestido)
Oversized stripped dress: H&M
Blue Velvet blazer: VINTAGE
Ring: Yves Saint Laurent
112 Responses
Love it!x. Catehttp://fashionoutlaw.blogspot.com
The dress really suits you fantastic!I also have the dress and I´m still trying to figure out how to wear it without showing everything :)Have you figured out yet how to wear it? Is it better with nude underwear?XX Caty
This might just be my favorite look from you so far! It's the dress for sure…a beaut!
Love your dress!! You make it look like a designer item rather than an H&M piece. Amazing. :)
I almost bought that dress too, untill i saw how see-trough it was. But you look gorgeous in it! XO
great photos! loved the ring! (:
you're so gorgeous, how tall are you without wearing heels?xx
Hey!!Just found your blog! You have such inspirational style In love with your outfit choices!!! Char x
I have this one in b/w, I saw right away that it was see through. It's also very long, can only be worn with heels. I love it, though.Like your blue blazer a lot, it's such a rich color.
bienvendida. me encanta el anilllo.pero el vestido desgraciadamente no te favorece nada :(
Beautiful dress!And I was wondering are you going to add more things to the stylescrapbook shop? :)
hi! I just found your blog through an article from Minmote.no. In the summer my plan is to visit Amsterdam, and It would be cool if you could write a "what to do in Amsterdam" list, or something like that.xx
I like your dress and that YSL ring is beautiful!
Hi! I've just discovered your blog… Your ring and your style are amazing! I'll surely come backkisses from Italy *.*http://thefashionshake.blogspot.com/
I love Amsterdam so much and I love your blog too!!Congratulation…this is my little fashion blog….take a look if you want and tell me what you think!!xoxohttp://coolandtulle.blogspot.com/
You are in a Spanish magazine!The name is Yo Dona (yodona.com).The article is "Moda in la calle"… I saw it yesterday!The author: I Blog Ramiro E.I don't understand why I am writing in English beacuse you know speak Spanish jajja…If you need more information say me!Kisses :)
wow, I absolutely love your dress!X
Hola Andrea!! me encanta tu estilo!! Dà gusto ver mexicanas exitosas en lo suyo!!besos desde el paìs màs hermoso del mundo Mèxico!! http://lamalvarocks.blogspot.com/atte alex
excelente el articulo de elle mexico de este mes.. she's got the BLOG,stylescrapbook!! =) saludos andy, mucho exito ! un beso!
snap i have that dress – its super long isnt it! lov the ring super jealous as i want one xxxx
lovely dress and oh my… how cool is that ring!:)
I love this maxi dress, i tried it on but it deffinetly suits u better than me, you look great!
thats such a cute dres, I bet the guys didn't mind you dress was a little seethrou hihihttp://debijoy.blogspot.com/
Great look i love your ring!
great outfit, but the ring is the star.
Hi Andy!!We heve the same long dress even if mine is black!!I have just posted my outfit photos on my blog. What do you think about my hm long dress interpretation??A kiss from Florence!❤Irene's Closet❤http://ireneccloset.blogspot.com
I like your blog!I follow you!kissesFabyhttp://adreamcalledfashion.blogspot.com/
you look soooooo tall in this dress! lovely!http://www.saturdaystylebykaye.blogspot.comwww.saturdaystylebykaye.blogspot.com
Nice girl welcome back!x amber
amazing maxidress !
Love your maxi dress, and the YSL ring aswell!
Haha, yes the dress is a bit see thru I've experienced it myself too haha! But even tho you look great!
Amazing dress! I love your style!xoxoRobe à Flo
very nice dress!hey andy, why don't you smile?
Thanks guys! You are really sweet!!!!!I am happy to be back!The dress is quite sheer so I am trying to figure out a way to wear it without embarrassing myself in public! :P♥Andy
love the purple stripes on you! it looks fantastic with the velvet blazer.i'm wearing this same dress today too; the all black one!i love it, and yes, it is quite sheer lol. thank god i noticed that before i went out in it.
La vdd no me gusto para nada el vestido:s , no le veo donde esta el diseño , pero para gustos hay muchos (: , q bueno q ya estas por alla y q bueno q tienes un buen de proyectos en mente, un beso!
hola andy, me encanta tu blog, hace un rato que lo sigo y me inspiraste para hacer el mio, la verdad me encanta como te vistes y lograras ser una gran diseñadora.saludos desde Méxicoalehttp://aleslookbook.blogspot.com/
I just saw this dress today and was eager to purchase it until I realized that if was see-through in the store I can just imagine how bad it must outside. Now seeing it on you…I regret not buying it.You look amazing in it :)Lena xoxohttp://qualityrivets.blogspot.com
Am in love with VELVET items!! Velvet dresses bags and many other goodies!!I love the blazer am a fanatic when it comes to blazers! And the color just makes me love it even more!!! You amazing!!Great shades and awesome hair!!….have a great weekend!♥
amé tu blazer!
Loving the maxi and how you styled it with velvet! stunning!You have THE ring!! I'm so jealous!! xxx
ash Andy! Que envidia! :P Yo me quería comprar el vestido pero negro con blanco la semana pasada pero le hubiera tenido que haber cortado como 30 cms, jajaja!!! Pero tú como siempre: stylista!
Love it!
What a gorgeous ring! Must get one made just like it :PMuch admiration all the way from India :)
oh my goodness! you look like such a glamazon in that dress! legs miles long…stunning. :DBre @ http://theredbungalow.blogspot.com
Wow! You look amazing! :))Kisses from Poland Andy!
So lovely dress! Wow:) I am
ik heb hem ook -net zoals vele anderen- maar dan de zwart/witte variant. ben er echt verliefd op en zal het op het ondergoed letten ;)
love that the dress is a right fit for you babe. i had to belt it so that i wear it without cleaning the whole city. ;) i got it in black!xoxo
hi andy !'m a french reader and i love your blog! i would like to know how much does the ysl ring cost?i adore it!!i want to buy me the same!sorry for my english!! bisous bisous
I love the boldness of the dress! With the blazer, it makes a really funky outfit :)xx
vas muy guapa y por lo de los pantis ntp en las fotos no se nota nadaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :D y por lo de comprar no lo creo aqui en mexico ya sabes no hay H&M
Hi Andy. Your dress and coat are fabulous.I love your styly.You are beautiful.See you, Carolina.
You look amzing Andy!
Hey andy, luces muy bien en este vestido, está super lindo, oye y no sería que podrías sonreir un poquito? te sienta bien la facha de contenta! =)http://aurinkuus.blogspot.com
Welcome back sweety!!!!!! Your ring is amazing!!!xoxohttp://kellysboudoir.blogspot.com
That dress is gorgeous & welcome back xINTOTHEFOLDFASHION.BLOGSPOT.COM
Love the maxi dress!
the long dress is beautiful and you wear it divinelygood weekend!xxx, Grazia Centrone
I've been thinking about maxi dresses all morning and now you're coming up with this post! how cool ist that?well, thanks for showing us another pretty amazing and fashionable bargain.x
So glad to see your're back!!! I can't wait to see your projects :)-The Trendy Fashionistahttp://thetrendyfashionista.blogspot.com
LOVE the maxidress!! And the ring is just WOW:-)
Estas muy wapa,tu vestido es genial…y si se enseña un poco pues…tampoco pasa nada ;)
El vestido está wow .. pero el anillo está INCREIBLE.Me encantó!
¡Qué maja eres! Eres súper con tu gran vestido!:D
loving the dress!!!www.ioleinfashion.com
welcome home, hope enjoy your triplove your maxi dresses and ringPEACEeuropevintage.blogspot.com
fantastic blog, love it. you look amazing in that maxi dress, please visit my site: missmaggiemaggie.blogspot.com:)
Your jacket is amazing!! And welcome back, Andy!!
Amazing dress! H&M has done a very good work this season. I love everything and especially the long dresses. P.S. welcome back!
Welcome back ! What a great maxi dress, love it :D
You look great as always!
its cloudy there? come here where's the sun shine honey! :)) (Im in Italy)
That's the reason I didn't buy this dress :)welcome back!!xxxhttp://tempspourlamode.blogspot.com/
welcome back:)!! Love your maxi!Cathythestylestrutter.blogspot.comxxx
That outfit is perfecti want a maxi dress too i loved it !perfectxoxo nataliahttp://herointemptation.blogspot.com/
Estás preciosa con ese maxi- vestido!!
welcome back! the ring is gorgeous and so it that dress and blazer! love everything!XOXOwww.ninetyy-three.blogspot.com
Bienvenida a europa!!! me encanta tu vestido, no se aprecia que se transparenta, no t preocupes!Un besoooSandrahttp://dearlookbook.blogspot.com
Sorry…I just don't like your style at all.
Gorgeous dress. And the ring is so pretty!http://www.fashiondrift.blogspot.com
We love the velvet jacket! x
Welcome back Andy! Yesterday I bought that maxidress and I appreciated your underwear advice ;-)kisses from Romehttp://romanusmodusvivendi.blogspot.com
Welcome back :)
Back and still amazing!!I love that dress on you!
I really love the outfit as a whole but I particularly love your jacket, such a lovely blue. Lydia xxxxhttp://allthingsnicestyle.blogspot.com/
e' uno stile goivane e frizzante, mi richiama molto alla moda di sonia rykiel…http://louis-myfashionshow.blogspot.com/
Un vestido precioso, pero dudo mucho que me quedara bien a mí con mi poquita altura, jejeje. Por suerte en ti se ve estupendo.Saludos
Beautiful ring,i love that !xohttp://agnes-bb.blogspot.com
Welcome back!Have the dress in black, but bought it twice because of the little "see through" … but maybe the nude underweare helps. Do you know any store which sells them???
Welcome back! Hehe, that's pretty cool dress:)
welcome back Andy! love the dress and that RING..!!
you look amazing, no worries in the pictures the dress doen't look so seethrough, you can wear nude underwear next time! and welcome back!
Fab ring & blazer :)http://thelittlesequinedbook.blogspot.com/
Love this velvet blazer. Welcome back Andy :)
oh em gheethe dress is EPIC. want please!!! and you're quite tall and it still goes past your ankles – win!!welcome back to Europe :Dhttp://magdaleneloves.blogspot.com/
looking amazing like always, and didn't actually even notice it being see through, still can't seem to see anything :D
great blazer!! I like that it's made of velvet!;)http://mypointmystyle.blogspot.com/
You look great as always. It seems to be kinda gray in Amsterdam. Don't you miss the mexican weather?
Welcome back Andy!!hope the trip wasn't too draining, i'm impressed you still managed to do anything with your day!!the boy happy to see you home? =]xxMyliewww.myliestylin.com
nice dress!! welcome back girl! ;)
Welcome back Andy!MY ONLINE VINTAGE STORE:http://olindasvidedressing.blogspot.com/XoxoOLiNDa
welcome back andy.. !your photo as usual is great, but i think those maxy dress doesnt suit you well.xoxo
guapa!!! y bienvenida de nuevo al viejo continente
so fashionista my dear!!i have the same dress but shorter and of the winter!:Danyway welcome back!!!xoxohttp://minaischic.blogspot.com/
gorgeous i have this too- only i wish a was a bit shorter so it touched the ground like yours does! Have a fun afternoon! xx katiewould love you to call byfashion clocked
wow, great dress!greetshttp://shelikesfashion.blogspot.com/
gorgeous maxidress!X
Welcome back Andy! Love the dress! Your YSL ring is amazing!