Pics by Isabella Rodriguez

Today and for the first time since I came back to Mexico for holidays, it hasn’t been hot.

It was the perfect day to wear a blazer and my beloved bronx shoes again for my granddad’s party.

I just realized that StyleScrapbook’s FACEBOOK fan page has reached 4000 fans, thank you all so much for following me through FACEBOOK as well, you guys always make me smile :D.
If you are not following me already, click HERE :)


Hoy es el primer dia desde que llegue a Mexico en el que no ha hecho calor, así que fue el día perfecto para ponerme uno de mis blazers favoritos para la fiesta de mi abuelito.

Me acabo de dar cuenta que StyleScrapbook ya tiene 4000 fans en FACEBOOK, mil gracias a todos los que me siguen por ahí también!


Shoes: BRONX
PANTS: ZARA (last season)
tee: RIVER ISLAND (this season)
Blazer: ZARA (last season)


125 Responses

  1. Oh what a lovely LOVELY outfit and what an amazing pics! That tree is pretty too:P I like your blog soo much!! check out mine:)

  2. Your pants are amaazing!Great blog by the way!Go and take a look at my blog if you want,

  3. I work in river island as a product supervisor and I really didnt like this top when we got it in. but i really like your outfit. you did good.

  4. uohh me encanta el look! los zapatos los tengo en negro y me resultan un poco incomodos, no se te escapan los pies por delante??? jajjaja1

  5. You hair are amazing!I love the blazer i'm searching for something similar!Have a nice day!A kiss from FLORENCE!❤Irene’s Closet❤

  6. i really love the red flowers in the background, and i really love your outfit! those shoes are the perfect nude wedges for spring.

  7. i have shoes just like those but in black!love the whole lookhope you can stop by my blog :)

  8. congratulations on your 4000 followers on facebook hehe :) I'm not exactly sure what you did differently with your hair but I really like it in these pictures! :)

  9. Gorgeous! Bit retro and very stylish ;) Gotta go, and buy this amazing t-shirt in river island! I don't know how could I shop without your tips ;)

  10. Perfect, Perfect, Perfect…I love everything about this look! That tee is gorgeous, the pants are awesome, and that blazer is to-die-for. Congratulations on your FaceBook fans! You deserve them :) Have fun at your grandpa's house.-The Trendy Fashionista

  11. Love all cenario behind you, the flowers are gorgeous!You look lovely, all outfit is great, I love the shoes :)beijo *

  12. gorgeous pictures, love the flowers/trees, don't know what it is :P. I also have a pair of bronx shoes, they're just so comfy.Xo

  13. wonderful outfit Andy!!!Totally love the blazer (I'm looking for a similar one!) and the pants…have a nice weekend honey!!!!

  14. I'm really in love of your blog !I don't speak very well english but i want to ask you a question: Is it possible to make an interview of you for my blogspot ?

  15. Congrats Andy on having 4000 followers! I love your blog and always get inspired by it!keep up the fab work!dree

  16. Love youre t-shirt! Or just the whole outfit actually :) Do you know if River Island ships to Europe or just the UK?

  17. gorgeous- this is one of my favourite outfits of yours! so simple and chic- super. Did you get your hair cut??xx katiewould love you to call by

  18. nooooo!!!!!!!!!those pants are from the last season!!!!!!!!!!Anyway,the blazer is perfect and the location too.Great photos!kisses from Rome


  20. awww, me encantan esos pantalones!! Yo vi unos de esta temporada en zara pero eran cafes jajame encanto esta sesión, los colores son hermosossigue pasandotela genial andy:)

  21. Andy! Ya vi que tu también vas a salir en la revista Elle de este mes, una amiga mia sale (@kariestrada)… mañana mismo la voy a buscar ;)Felcidades!Saludos,Clau!