I wanted to share with you, one of my favorite young Mexican designers, Andres Jimenez from MANCANDY.
It makes me happy and proud to see that there is so much young talent rising in Mexico and Andi is the perfect example.
Since a picture is worth a thousand words, Here are some of my picks from his spring/summer 2010 collection and a video of his campaign, hope you guys like it and it gives you some inspiration for your spring looks :D
Follow Mancandy on twitter HERE
Queria compartirles a uno de mis diseñadores Mexicanos favoritos, Andres Jimenez de MANCANDY.
Me da muchísimo gusto saber que hay tanto talento aqui en Mexico y Andi es el ejemplo perfecto.
Bien dicen que una imagen vale mas que mil palabras, así que los dejo con mis looks favoritos de su colección de primavera/verano 2010 y un video de su campaña, espero que les guste.
42 Responses
Greatttt!!! lovely!!
Beautiful pictures! I love those colours!
the style is soooo unique and i'm absolutely in love with this!!!www.saturdaystylebykaye.blogspot.comwww.saturdaystylebykaye.blogspot.com
very VERY cute!
I like the close its cool and girly
Claro en México tenemos muchisma gente super talentosa este es un gran ejemplo.Gracias por poner fotos tan lindas del pais en tu blog, México tiene muchisimas tradiciones y lugares magicos.besines.
Indeed, he's really talented. I love the soft pastels!-The Trendy Fashionistahttp://thetrendyfashionista.blogspot.com
He is indeed talented!You are huge inspiration girl!Visit my blog!http://fashionalgorithms.blogspot.com
Me encantan los colores y la dulzura de las prendas.
i'm obsessed! love the colours:)catnmouse1.blogspot.com
such a good inspiration!!!thank you andy for this post!!xoxohttp://minaischic.blogspot.com/
How cool! I luv the clothing. This is the perfect inspiration for spring! Thank u!kimmieh555.blogspot.com
I love it! Great styles and pictures!
Gosh.. such cute colors n fabrics! Love the cuts too <3
Amazing! Is it only available in Mexico?!http://velvet-garden.blogspot.com/Jennie
Love it!x. Catehttp://fashionoutlaw.blogspot.com
Love it, all the items are so pretty!xx
wow, these styles are cool!!!www.speetway.comspeetway.blogspot.com
aahw she is so pretty!xx http://asianeyedgirl.blogspot.com/
i love these!! soo cute xoxo
Wow, never heard of – the collection is stunning!!!! I'll remember that name!
I love the pictures, the clothes are incredible ! xx http://www.annevanderburg.blogspot.com
A adorable romantic collection. i likeeee it!!
Me ha gustado mucho la colección, tiene cosas preciosas!! no conocía a este diseñador.besosssdeborarodriguezstylist.blogspot.com
Love the pictures! The color are beautiful!/Annahttp://infashionwetrustblog.blogspot.com
Love it! I instantly wanna go shop for soft pastel coloured clothes now :) What I really like is that it's not overly girly has some pieces can even be worn for formal occasions. Any idea whether we can get our hands on this label in The Netherlands?Thanks for sharing!
Such a great inspiratin, those pictures are lovely.xoxo.
I didn't know it, and it's great!
beautiful collection, love the infusion of blush into the color palette the contemporary ingenuexoxo E&L
OOOH!!! I LOVE THE COLLECTION!! THE SUBTLE COLOURS AND FUN ENSEMBLE IS PERFECT FOR A WARM SPRING!XXwww.thestylingbee.blogspot.comwww.thestylingbee.blogspot.comwww.thestylingbee.blogspot.com
me encantaron todas las piezasson realmentes bonitas.
I love the colours <3
Si a mi igual me gusta tienen unas cosas bastante padres, y si l mejor es que es Hecho en Mexicano, saludos andy!
love this!
Hola!Igual que Fabi (del primer comentario) te recomiendo que cheques a Maria Vogel, yo estuve en su desfile y trae ideas muy padres.Puedes ver algunas imágenes aquí:http://tinyurl.com/23kmhu2Saludos,Clau!
I'm loving this editorial. I'm going to search more Mancandy looks after I leave this comment. Great post!<3Take a Walk on a Rae of Sunshine:http://alittle-rae-ofsunshine.blogspot.com/http://alittle-rae-ofsunshine.blogspot.com/
i love all the rope detailing! i'll definitely be on the lookout for similar rope-like things this spring!they look great!xoxoAli Skyealiskye.blogspot.com
Hot label, and love the look book. Definitely need to watch for this label.
Amazing Stuff! Love it!
tambien ha sido uno de mis diseñadores mexicanos favoritos :)Me encanto lo comodas y vaporosas que se notan las prendas, sobre todo las masculinas awwww!Otros de mis diseñadores favoritos son Ale Quesada y Julia & Renata :)!increible video…wwww.looksforlove.blogspot.com
mancandy siempre a sido de mis favoritos de mexico, creo que es de los pocos buenos que hay, tambien me gusta TE-AMO, Marvin y Quetzal, y yo soy de monterrey y aqui tenemos muchisimo talento no descubierto aun, como Yumm&Trash por Victoria Velarde y Maria Vogel una blogger acaba de sacar su linea y es fantastica..proximamente espero yo tambien ser diseñadora, im 14followwww.fabitalavera.blogspot.com
I LOVE MANCANDYsoy mexicana:)www.fabitalavera.blogspot.com