Pic by Paulina Torres

Pic by Luis Eduardo Torres
And after 6 long days at the beach with my family, I am finally back home.
In other news, I am heading back to Europe in exactly 11 days and even tho, I am loving my time here, I cant wait to get back there and start with all the plans and projects I have in store for you :D.
Después de 6 largos dias en la playa con mi familia, estoy de vuelta en casa.
En otras noticias, me regreso a Europa en exactamente 11 días y aunque me la estoy pasando increíble aquí, también tengo mucha ilusión en regresar y poner en practica todos los planes y proyectos que tengo preparados para ustedes :D.
55 Responses
i do love your pictures. keep it up. being a model is my dream job. haha stay beautiful andy :)
I love that photos. Congratulations to the author :-) I to the model too :-)
love these pictures <3 http://neneinstyle.blogspot.com/
gorgeous bikini body!im a new follower :)fashionableroad.blogspot.com
the first photo is amazing!xoxo
Such a nice pictures. :) You look so great and tan and beautiful.You must be a model.
love your swimsuit:))
Hi Andy :)Great photos! I love your blog. :) But, I have a question… Do you know about the volcano in Iceland? It has stopped all the flights to Northern Europe, including Amsterdam. I don't know when the flights will be release. I think that in one week everything will be okay… I hope for you, because you might get stuck for a long time if the volcano don't spops erupting. :) then.. Bye bye Andy, love from Italy.
Nice photos!
love the photos!http://thickdaddys.blogspot.com/
lovely pics, i'm so envious. you're so lucky to get to enjoy a sunny beach :)
so looovely pictures!!!I LOVE your bikini!!!wanna the same for the summer!!xoxohttp://minaischic.blogspot.com/
love ur bikini girl! so jealous of u on the beach. i would do anything to escape to paradise!http://bubbbbbbaf.blogspot.comcome check out the blog
Ten cuidado alli con el volcan. De momento nadie vuela a Europa.Natalia
Lovely pictures! You're getting a tan, I can see it ;)Mayby you already found out, but you were featured @ stockholmstreetstyle –> http://stockholmstreetstyle.feber.se/?p=1Just in case you didn't notice ;) x
Me encantas
Nice pictures, the colors look beautiful!Enjoy the rest of you stay!:)
the first pic is amazing! u look so gorgeous!!
one word: gorgeoussssssss!xx http://www.asianeyedgirl.blogspot.com/
You really look fantastica and you're right, these pictures did turn out pretty cool. I can't wait to see what you have planned for us when you'll go back to Europe. Enjoy your 11 days left-The Trendy Fashionistahttp://thetrendyfashionista.blogspot.com
Good Job andy,it's a beautiful place in there!go on;)
Really nice girl!x amber
Really nice pics (: Andy, can I ask you, do you workout? If you do, can you tell me what you do? because you look very fit and I'm trying to get there :P
beautiful photos and perfect places!!http://blacksugarandlollipop.blogspot.com
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Lovely pictures Andy! ;)Shonwerhttp://shonwer.blogspot.com/
Beautiful pics!Chiara*http://toeachhisownstyle.blogspot.com
QUe bonitas son las fotos!!!!!Pasalo genial el tiempo que te queda alli!!!Dsifruta mucho!!!Un beso
You look amazing!!And I love these pictures.
q envidia d fotos, estas fantastica!
What a great photo's!!
sooo beautiful :) xo
Is your bikini from h&m, I think I have the same one, but in other color :)http://fashion-colorhater.blogspot.com/
beautiful bikini! I like that heart!nice pics;)http://mypointmystyle.blogspot.com/
Beautiful post! Even if it's not fashion, you look so relaxed and happy. Thanks for sharing your holiday with us!Dree xchic-on-sea.blogspot.com
you are such a beautiful girl, your body is amazing and those pictures are really stunning!X
LOLZ! U HAVE A BELLY PIERCING!?!?! OUCH!! LOOKS COOL THO! LOVE THE HEART ON UR BIKINI!XXhttp://www.thestylingbee.blogspot.comhttp://www.thestylingbee.blogspot.comhttp://www.thestylingbee.blogspot.com
Lovely pictures! So jealous!
Great photos, make me think of summer and sea!
very nice bikini pictures~~http://sweetfashionsweet.blogspot.com/
Hi Andy! wow, cool pictures! love your bikini and your bod girl ^_^ love your tan too! can't wait for your next update! xoxo
hottie with a body!lol, i really love these andy.XX
love all the pics!!!…
Muy padres esas pics!MY ONLINE VINTAGE STORE:http://olindasvidedressing.blogspot.com/XoxoOLiNDa
pretty pictures :)
Great pics! beautiful beach.
you look like a ballerina in these pics, so so lovelly!and i liked so much that heart detail on your bikini <3
I like the artsy pics :) "As pretty as"
fab silhouette!
beautiful photos. i love your swimsuit!http://www.fashiondrift.blogspot.com
those pictures did turn out great! i love your bathing suit!
beautiful photos! love the colors and movementthe contemporary ingenuexoxo E&L
Están muy padres tus picss andy que no te de pena te ves muy bonita!