I know I havent done much “FASHION-RELATED” post’s since I am in Mexico, but I am on holiday, trying to wear comfy clothes and bikinis, which I agree isn’t fashionable at all, I promise that as soon as I get back to Europe, I will give you all the fashion you want :D

Just 2 more weeks and Im heading back to the old continent which if I am being completely honest, I truly miss.


Yo se que en estos días no he hecho muchos post relacionados con la moda, pero estoy de vacaciones y la verdad, lo único que se me antoja ponerme ahorita son shorts y bikinis.
Les prometo que en cuanto regrese a Europa, seguimos con el blog como siempre :D.

Solo faltan 2 semanas y me regreso al viejo continente, que para ser completamente honesta, ya lo extraño.



75 Responses

  1. Hey! Que he encontrado vuestro blog y me ha encantado!! de pie a pa!Felicidades por este blog tan lindo. He de llevar como una hora viendolo!!! Y me ha surgido una duda, queria aprovechar y preguntarte.Me ha intrigado mucho la imagen que utilizas para el link de BLOGLOVIN.Mi pregunta es.. conoces a quien lo realizó?? a caso es otro de esos bellos dibujos que te obsequian?? Es muy lindo.Un beso. Andy. Te reitero es un maravilloso blog!!Eva.

  2. awwww i wanna go to the beach too! haha!www.saturdaystylebykaye.blogspot.comwww.saturdaystylebykaye.blogspot.com

  3. no worries on not posting fashion post~ it's your contagious passion for life that has many of us fans following your blog!! you're posts are always bright and sunny , just like your sarong! :)

  4. your trip for mexico seems to be very good, and you change my idea about this fantastic place! I see you in stockholm today in a amazing picture of Paris fashion week, beautiful as always xoxo

  5. aww, how cute!! i like the dancing ones. and the fact that you aren't naked is quite refreshing(not that you ever are, just saying, a lot of people are these days).

  6. Truly beautiful and your pareo is fantastic.Wow time goes so fast! It seems that it was just yesterday when you told us you were going to Mexico.-The Trendy Fashionistahttp://thetrendyfashionista.blogspot.com

  7. que suerte! y en españa lloviendo…y yo que ya me había comprado crema solar protección 50.eres toda una inspiración, Andy.xx

  8. great photoes!)) And in Kiev is warm but not hot for going to the beach))Wish you great hollidays in Mexico have a great fun;)http://readytosavetheworld.blogspot.com/

  9. seriously, it looks beautiful. and on vacation, you get to "cheat" and wear comfy/beach appropriate clothes. i think you look great here anyway =)

  10. Fabulous shots- almost like an editorial.and I get what you mean about doing fashion posts whilst on holiday, like, I'm on holiday- who cares?I just do inspiration posts :)INTOTHEFOLDFASHIONS.BLOGSPOT.COM

  11. Que increibles imagenes Andy, ame tambien las fotos del post de abajo, donde es ???. Me encanto la foto de tus piernas kilometricaas, estas super alta, y la foto donde sales saltando esta super cool. Un beso

  12. those pictures are beautiful! you look amazing!and i adore the colors in your bikini and cover!!!check out my blog!xoxoAli Skyealiskye.blogspot.comCOMMENT!FOLLOW!

  13. Hi Andy! nice bikinis =) nah, you still look fashionable even you're wearing 2 pieces.don't worry,you look gorgeous! great pictures, nice beach, beautiful model! was that a holland america cruise ship at the back? anyways, enjoy your vacation!!!!!! xoxo

  14. Qué maravilla!!! El pareo es precioso!!Hasta hace dos días teníamos super buen tiempo aquí en Madrid, pero ahora lluvia de nuevo… Disfruta de la playa guapa!!Un beso

  15. Gorgeous pics dancing in the sun- Im sure you miss home but it looks like you are having lots of fun and relaxing too i hope?!This kind of reminds me of my latest post would love you to stop bywww.fashionclocked.blogspot.comkatie

  16. All these pictures from Mexico are so freaking amazing. Enjoy your time with your family and the sun. And you still look stylish, don't you worry :)*NathalieP.S.: Do you have the beach completely for yourself???? I haven't seen any footprints or a single soul :)