Patzcuaro, Michoacan.

Pics of me by Luis Eduardo Torres
Every time I come back to Mexico, I feel like a tourist in my own country.
I have been living away for the past 8 years, but that just makes me appreciate the beauty and charm of Mexico even more.
Just came back from a 3 day road trip around the state of Michoacan, I hope my images speak louder than words, enjoy! (this is just day 1)
P.s- Expect videos soon ;)
Cada vez que regreso a Mexico me siento como turista en mi propio Pais.
Ya casi llevo 8 años de vivir fuera, pero eso me hace apreciar muchísimo mas la belleza y el encanto de Mexico.
Acabo de regresar de un viaje de 3 días por el estado de Michoacán, espero que las fotos hablen mas que mil palabras.
P.S- Esperen videos pronto ;)
72 Responses
I have the same watch as you in pink! By the way, I love your blog. You have a great style!-iris
i love your outfits!!!! <3 they're really inspirational!dirtyblueblood.blogspot.com
Relly nice pics of Mexico! It would be really fun to hear your "history". where u been living for the past 8 years etc. I don't even know your age?!
Beautiful pictures! and nice outfitWhat's the name of the camera you have hanging on your bag?xoxo
Amaxing outfit!Looks like so much fun!x amber
Love that outfit, you make mexico look amazing although i'm sure its not hard being such a great country, can't wait to visit it someday!!
Gorgeous pictures.Xo Xo-Axellewww.ax-elle.blogspot.com
i love this outfit! very inspiring!
hola, oye no manches estan padres tus fotos. Creo que encontre una foto tuya en "i can teach you how to do it", pero no estoy muy seguro :Shttp://www.icanteachyouhowtodoit.com/pfwnynyfw11/slides/IMG_2845.html
Beautiful Post Andy.Love, Graciahttp://lovegracia.blogspot.com/
Que fotos más bonitas, que bonito debe ser Mexico!! Me ENCANTA tu blog Andy, estoy deseando ver tu próxima actualización!!! =) XX
Que hermosas fotos! Me encantó tu estilo… Yo estuve en Oaxaca y Puerto Escondido, Oaxaca en Semana Santa y ya quiero regresar.Saludos!ferni
hOLA, Acabó de encontrar tu blog y está increíble, oye donde compraste tus tennis y tu bolsa porque están padrísimos!!!! Creó que vi esa bolsa en Zara…Sigue escribiendo =)
I really love your blog and the fact that I have never been in Mexico and you are so kind that u want us to get know your country it´s soo exciting for me, I simply adore the pics! i am a vietnamesse girl and I haven´t been in Vietnam for 4 years and when I was there I felt the same way like you so your posts are really touchy for me:)
tacoooos<3 hahapreciosas fotos!un beso desde españa de otra andrea ;)
I've been there! it's such a beautiful place and your pictures are awesome!
Sabes, lo más bonito es que le muestras a la gente de otros lugares lo Bonito que es nuestro México. Si puedes date una vuelta por Puebla y us alrededores :DSaludos
andy me encanta tu blog! es mi favorito me encantan tus fotos y todos tus comentarios! espero que te haya encantado patzcuaro! yo nací ahi y me tuve que ir :( pero cada vez que regreso es mas hermoso que antesbesos!!!
i love the purple jeans!http://www.fashiondrift.blogspot.com
Purple jean perfection!!Live Love LA
Cool pictures, I love what you show us from your country..Its always good to have another perspective
Es precioso, siempre he querido visitar Mexico..espero que algun dia :)
This truly makes me want to go to Mexico. I've been there before a long time ago and I wish I could visit again soon. You know, the 15 th picture the one with the Antiguo hospital de Santa Maria reminds me of the new Chanel add :)Have a great time, can't wait to see more pictures.
Beautiful photos! I'd like to see those places myself some day.Where are your sunglasses from? I love them! I'm looking for something like that.
Hi Andy, thank you for your replay! :) I sent you an email once again on andy@stylescrap…. http://madamejulietta.blogspot.com/ She helped me and put even a banner. I would be grateful if you could help me in some way XOXO
i adore your purple skinny jeans :)You look so cute! xCamillaINTOTHEFOLDFASHIONS.BLOGSPOT.COM
Bellas fotos, muero por ir a Mexico, hice amigos del alma mexicanos cuando viví en Londres y son lo más adorable de este planeta.Por cierto tengo esa camisa de jean y últimamente estoy usando mas mi colgante del símbolo de la paz que las cruces.Sigue enseñando a todos, los bellos colores de tu país, buen trabajo.BesosyOka,
Las fotos son geniales. De siempre me ha gustado México, es algo que la gente de mi alrededor no entendían ya que nunca he conocido a nadie de allí y de mis conocidos que ha ido solo han visto la playa y poco másAl ver tus fotos me he enganchado mucho más de ese magnifico país y creo que será el primer destino en mi lista de viajesUn saludo. Disfruta de las vacaciones!
great pics!! i want to go to Mexico!xoxo
¡Me encantas!
Wauw – beautiful pictures !!/Lindabruunbybruun.blogspot.com
Love your purple legs :)Thans for sharing such a beautiful photos of your "home", Mexico is beautiful!beijo
These photos are beautiful..
love the bright jeans and your pics are amazing! looks like such an amazing place! have an amazing trip!! can't wait to see the videos :-)xxhttp://fashionhedonism.blogspot.com
great pics, really love all!
amazing pictures!!!
your country just looks amazing, would be pleased being also there !!! :-)>> http://www.lcrberlin.blogspot.com
really like this post!!!
love the picswhat camera do you use?
You look great! Nice pictures!
Son unas fotos preciosas!!!ME han encantado!!!!TU look es genial, comodo, pero ideal!!Un beso guapa
I love your pictures, i really want to go to Mexico, travelling is so inspirationalhttp://pollypocketfashion.blogspot.com/
Great photos- 3 days I'm sure that whizzed by… favourite photos the bubblegum and the parrot- BRILLIANT- always love the purple skinnies.xx katie.would love you to call bywww.fashionclocked.blogspot.com
great pictures, Andy did you get my email?
it really is a magic town!!you look great as always!
Amazing pics! I love Mexio!I'm wait for the next video!!Have a nice day!xoxoFestyhttp://festyinstyle.blogspot.com/
love love your denim shirt!!I have the same!!xoxohttp://minaischic.blogspot.com/
The second pic is very very fun! Love your soft purple jeans!www.abitoffashion.com
I'm sooooo jealous!!!!I wish I could visit Mexico someday!!!Btw your purple pants is great!!!Amazing photos as always!Many many kisseshttp://kellysboudoir.blogspot.com
Amazing pics!Would love to go to Mexico,too:)
wat een mooie foto's zeg! ziet er zo mooi uit allemaal! en je hebt ook een lekkere comfi outfit aan:)
Hey! I just found your blog yesterday – i can't believe i haven't stumbled upon it before!! I browsed through many many pages of your posts and i must say i adore your style! I love that you know how to use color in your outfits and i think your hair is awesome! Beautiful photos :) seeing the sunshine in them just makes me want summer NOW! ah i can't wait :)Much love from Finland xx
Mi mama es colombiana y cuando veo estas fotos ma da tanta ganas de ir a colombia o a otro pais de america latina!!!Estas fotos llenas de sol me alegran el corazon!!!Espero que te diviertes bien.http://etincelledemode.blogspot.com/
Andy, this pics are beautiful!! love the H&M jeansshirt on you and the yellow timex;) enjoy your trip, bisous de paris nati
De todos los maravillosos sitios que hay en Mejico hemos tenido que estar en el mismo!!!!Creo que los pueblos mágicos, como ustedes les llaman, de Michoacán fue lo que mas me gustó de todo el viaje……Me emociona ver fotos de eso otra vez, ojala pudiera volver………..MY VINTAGE STORE:http://olindasvidedressing.blogspot.com/XoxoOLiNDa
Great pictures, makes me wish I was on vacation and not working :)xx
Son preciosas! algún día conoceré Mexico, prometido!
Loved making that trip with you Prim :)….show the world what Mexico is about!!!
Loved making that trip with you prim :)…show the world what Mexico is about!!!
i love your shoes! from where are they? Mexico loks amazing!xoxo
LOVE THE PIX! MEXICO SEEMS SO GORGEOUS!! I'M WELL JEALOUS!! I'VE JUST GOT THE COLD BRITISH WEATHER OVER HERE!! LOLZxxwww.thestylingbee.blogspot.comwww.thestylingbee.blogspot.comwww.thestylingbee.blogspot.com
I love ur denim jacket! Also Mexico, seems great! Amazing! ;)Shonwerhttp://shonwer.blogspot.com/
yah these gorgeous photos need no words =)i bet it's so fun to act like a tourist in your home country!p.s. when are you, aimee, liz, and i going to sweden?? =)XX
de que parte de mexico eres/? michoacan??
no se q tan lejos te quede guanajuato pero ohhh dios es padrisimo! vente!!!
hermosiisiimo lugar y hermosas fotos..me encanta tu camisa y el color de tus pantalones.me encanto la coleccion de cruces(:Yaryy.
I love your sunglasses and the shoes!! I'm a huge fan of your blog you are such an inspiration!!www.livelaughlinds.blogspot.comcheck it out! :)
Mexico looks amazing! far more amazing then I would've thought. I would love to visit there one day (:Love your sparkly shoes. they're rad (:Xxhttp://faialofa.blogspot.com/
Hermosa te quiero muchisisimo, simpre serás mi pequeña bruja. Estoy muy orgulloso de ti… ¿sabes quien soy? Adivina ;-)
LOVE the purple legs! What a beautiful place, thank you so much for sharing! xoxo
what gorgeous photos :)looks like you had a wonderful road tripi would love to see mexico some day :)xx
todo se ve hermoso y que lindo que estes en Mexico otra vez disfruta mucho me muero por ver als demas fotos y los videos! muchos besospd. haha mira q coincidencia mi hermano se llama Luis Eduardo Torres haha :P<333