Heart necklace: I love fashion news.nl

Skirt : River Island
Orange stone ring: Yves Saint Laurent

pink stone & multiple gold rings: By 1 oak

Wont give too much away right now, but I am off to Paris again tomorrow first thing in the morning.
I cant believe that I have been there 3 times in the last 2 months, how incredible!
As soon as I have more news, I will let you guys know, in the meantime, i hope you enjoy todays posting :D
Traducción :
No puedo decir mucho ahorita, pero mañana regreso a Paris para una visita flash, es increíble que he ido 3 veces en menos de 2 meses!
En cuanto sepa mas noticias y tenga mas detalles les cuento lo que esta pasando :)
90 Responses
the outfit is so cool I love your skirt and the 2 watches :)
I recognize this place, I was taken a some pics when I was in Amsterdam :) I saw this skirt but I don't like it, still I don't know if I like it but sure I love the top!
Can't stop viewing your blog, every post just keep getting better and better. I love your outfit in this post :)www.stickthinlegs.blogspot.com
I love this whole outfit, the skirt is amazing! I'm so jealous that you're going to Paris! Have fun darling x
amazingly cute skirt
I want all your jewelry! fabulous outfit love the way that you put it all together! Lucky you going off to Paris again! http://www.spiltglitter.com
fantastic shoes!
Love this outfit!
Andy! Me encanta encanta tuy blog… hasta hace poco me entere y me encanto! me encanta q siempre publiques la traduccion y q sea un super blog de alguien de lationamerica! un abrazo y exitos en todo! xo!
your skirt is absolutely amaziiiiiing!xoxo.pls check out my blog http://fairelesgrandsmagasins.blogspot.com/
oh i like so much your clothers!!=)Kiss from France<3http://maudemode.blogspot.com
Andy i've been following your blog for so long now and even if I never comment it just know i adore it! Anyway what i wanted to say is, i was flickin through the elle uk website as usual and i came across a picture of you in paris! it's in the the way you wear it-paris fashion week section, i just though i had to tell you :DxxxxxTania
you have same YSL ring as Chiara from blondesalad.com and i like this outtfit=)
Amazing darling, can't wait to meet you!
you're one lucky girl! I'm curious to hear why you're going to Paris this time. It must be something with fashion!
Wow lucky you! You're going to Paris again. This time I hope you'll stay there. Buena Suerte and hopefully you'll find a job there.Good Luck y Buen viajeBTW, Thanks for your comment it made my day!-The Trendy Fashionistahttp://thetrendyfashionista.blogspot.com
you look amazing babe! and yay for paris! so excited to know what´s this about!xoxo
woow! You are so pretty! ;)
great look, chiccheck and comment fashionaddress.blogspot.com
your skirt is lovely :)
hi andy i love that outfit look fantatic :D i was wondering if you know how to order that fantastic necklace & bracelet with hearts in i ♥ fashion news im from cancun mexico but i don't know how to do it please help me thanks xoxo
qué barbara sales guapísima, me encanta este look!
love your outfit! especially the way you combined it!
oooh really nice post reeally beautiful outfitgreat once morehope that you have a great time in paris xoxo natalia
love the outfit!!You're so lucky!XOXOplease visit: http://loresfashion.blospot.com
Wow, Paris again! And what a lovely outfit!
lovely skirt!
Incredible another trip to Paris- makes me feel less guilty about 2 trips to barcelona in 2 months!Great outfit love grey and peach works so well together.xwww.fashionclocked.blogspot.comkatie.xx
cada dia mas y mas guapa
you look stunning! have fun in Paris!
Love the watches, and most important…just love love love ur YSL orange ring. give it to me? Kidding..;)cya.
you look lovely! but i loved you with your side-bang!!!Great Outfit!
J'adore your YSL ring!:)Monika from J'adore Fashion
Lucky you!Lovely skirt and rings…Chiarawww.forget-me-not-chiara.blogspot.com
Hola guapa me encanta tu blog, te sigo desde hace tiempo..Una maravilla de looks! Un beso
For modeling? I think you would be a gorgeous model!!Good luck either way!
You look amazing honey! X
You are so cool girl <3www.thegoldenmode.com
Where is your nail polish from? I am looking for such a grey one for sooooo long but can´t find it…
yep! i saw you today in the river island how cool!you looked goood
Great photos, Andy!
Oh maaan! This is Amsterdam , right? Gosh, i miss it so much! Love Holland!And your lucky chick, all the best for your trip ;)xo Goodle
you have lovely fashion sense
I like your new way of telling readers what you're wearing. Like gradually, and with close-up pictures. You are too lucky to go to Paris again, it's like, every girl's dream! (:
Where did you get your tights from??
those tights are wonderful!xxhttp://disarmingdarling.blogspot.com
wow…what a cute outfit!!,,,really love this…
Love the print of the skirt matched with gray Andy!!! Edlira
i really love the lighter tones in this outfit!and your shoes are to die for. yay for paris x3!!
i found this pic of you on a bloggg today!http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_JDzq7p2LUM4/S6On8BGAFnI/AAAAAAAAJ6s/yWUbHYSBOec/s1600-h/IMG_8799.jpg
Very cool outfit, this is such a cool skirt! Enjoy Paris tomorrow, the temperatures will be much more enjoyable than during fashion week!x
Nice outfit I especially like the photo where you are walkinghttp://www.iletaitunefoisundressing.com/
Aaah again !! That's amazing !I can't wait to hear it..Enjoy your trip !
wonderful skirt!!!love you long hair!!
I love your skirt and aviators!
You are so lucky to go to Paris again. What is in your shopping bag???? ;)
Where did you buy your sweater ? I'm looking for one like that since .. . since too much time ! :PThanks, your posts are always nice and different ! so much inspiration ! xoxo
Wow, very jealous!!I love the grey tights, I've been debating whether or not to get some but I think you've just sold me! Great blog!
awesome skirt.xoxo,Flekisskiss.blogspot.com <–Texas gal bloggin fashion from NYC
Me encanta la falda de River Island! Es perfecta!
I love your outfit! :) x
love yout shoes! and paris? you're soo lucky!
i love your outfittt !
your outfit looks like spring – i love it! :)And I also wanna go to Paris 'cause I haven't been there yet… Well, much fun there!
You lucky girl!
Que morro tienes Andy, llevame contigo a Paris! Tu outfit tan ideal como siempre:)
so lovelyhttp://factorystyle.blogspot.com/
seriously you're one of the lucky-est girls in the fashion industry atm! and one of the coolest as well! in love with all your outfits! but about the free shopping at river island.. do you seriously get to pick everything you want for free??
Love this outfit Andy!!!Have a nice trip to Paris! :)xoxo
beautiful, love your shoes!!!
so beautiful!!!! <3
you should like, set one watch with the time it is in holland and the other one set with mexico time :DFabiola.
lucky you, I miss Paris!!love this outfit post it's so perfect and he colours are amazing togetherxx
I loooove this outfit! great skirt!and Paris again? I'm speechless! Lucky you!! :*butterfly307
wow! how cool is that? PARIS :)I can´t wait to hear more detaills about you trip! Keep on going…you deserve it so much!
paris??? again???ohhhhh…I envy you!!!!
i want to walk in your shoes =P
Lovely outfit! Amazing jewelry! And have a wonderful time in Paris again ;)
lovely like always!!have fun in Paris!!!xoxohttp://minaischic.blogspot.com/
Great Outfit!
Very pretty skirt!
Me encanta tu falda!!! Super romantica! :) Andy eres un ejemplo a seguir!!Te queremos! :) <3R&S
You look really good!Wauw to Paris again!!!!!!!!!x amber
You look great, nice outfit! wish I could go to paris agian..
what a cute outfit! xx
Wow you're so lucky!!!! Great news! I wanna know the rest! Lol
why are u wearing two watches?