The weather is improving, but don’t get me wrong, its still pretty cold but at least I don’t need to put gloves on anymore and I can certainly feel free to wear shorts (as long as I match them with tights!)
I love the idea of this oversized Trench so it will be very overexposed on StyleScrapbook during the spring season, I hope you guys don’t mind :P
I recently started a FACEBOOK fan page, so if you are not already following, send me some love and click HERE.
Thanks to everyone for all the support!
Por fin el clima esta cambiando, no drasticamente por que todavía hace frío, pero al menos ya no tengo que salir con guantes y soy mas libre de ponerme shorts si quiero.
Me encanta la idea de este trench “a la BURBERRY” y muy seguramente va a estar sobre-expuesto en StyleScrapbook esta temporada de primavera, espero que no les moleste :P
Por cierto, acabo de abrir una “fan page” en FACEBOOK, así que si quieres seguir StyleScrapbook haz click AQUI y mil gracias por el apoyo!!!!!
Trench: H&M trend
Wedges: ZARA
Belt: Vintage MOSCHINO (ebay)
Python Bag: YAZ Paris
Tights: H&M
Watch: CASIO
101 Responses
Cool Blog!Ever heard about a ё-mobile ? ;-)
HOT HOT HOTTTTT OUTFIT …Im gonna put you among my links supercoolblogciao!
perfect look!
Hey i love your blog and your style. Your outfit is stunning! would it be okay if linked to your blog and borrowed your picture as inspiration? :)xoxox
so lovely!! great tights!
love the boots en de riem. vintage of zijn die riemen nog nieuw te koop? en heb hetzelfde uurwerk. very nice allemaal
L-O-V-E the shoes!!!
this is perfect in every way possible.LOVE it andy!xo
Oh i love that belt nice buy at ebay!! shoe are great to
me encantan tus medias!
i'm crazy about those zara wedges, but are they comfy? i really am used to platform heels and those zaras being stuck on the floor actually frighten me:)
I so adore this look of you! I featured it on my blog http://poiseandvogue.blogspot.com AstridPoise & Vogue
I love your whole outfit!!! kiss from Poland
You always look amazing!!I want your belt, your casio, your trench… =)Very parisienne! LA
I love all your outfits!!I like very much that denim shorts :)See you!
MUy guapa!! ese aire frances te queda genial!!!!Y me encantara ver esos outfits primaverales con el trench.Ademas esos botines me tenian loca de lo chulos q son asi q este fin de semanan no pare hasta encontrarlos y ya son mios!!Mucgos besitossss ;)
Andy !!!you look stunning !! ♥ xoxo.bloo.
Allways so adorable pictures! Love the way you make everything so unique! Thanks for at good blogwww.fashionmanifest.blogspot.com
Hi, just wonder if you got my email regarding the article I featured you in Modeflickan Magazine? :) xoxo
Hola andy! yo tambien soy de México siempre te leo pero hasta hoy me animé a comentar, tus zapatos son lindísimos y que bueno que ya hay traducción en español! besitos!http://modacapital.blogspot.com
LOVE the outfit!
Me parece genial que hayas añadido traducciones a tus entradas,porque el inglés más o menos lo manejamos,pero hay cositas que a una se le escapan y somos latin@s así que arriba el Español.Me encanta visitarte y ver como llevas cositas de marca combinadas con prendas más asequibles,un besito desde España^^.missllbhttp://missllb.blogspot.comhttp://missllb-closet.blogspot.com
Los botines son preciosos! las medias negras los resaltan aun mas! un besote
Nos parece perfecto que uses el trench! es precioso! Estuve a punto de comprarme esos zapatos xo no pudo ser… me encantan!Sandrahttp://dearlookbook.blogspot.com
just the perfect look! amazing! have fun in paris.. love the city!
Very cool tights! The outfit is just perfect.. Let the spring come;)
Your tights are amazing, I am a real tight fiend at the moment!iliketweet.blogspotx
I love Love LOVE you ANDY!! ..When it comes to style ideas, you're always one of my references. …& how cute, I have a very similar MOSCHINO belt. <3 the brand.Great Blog!!
you're on fashionising.com andy!
you're a really stylish girl ;) xx
super tof! vooral het onderste gedeelte :)
hello :)where did you bought this moschino belt, and how much did you paid?I love your blog – fantastic!!
I've also been waiting for the weather to warm up enough for shorts and tights! Love your shoes :)
Love the outfit. Great way to pair the coat& the belt :) Looks great!#' Iv
I love this outfit you look stunning! The Moschino belt with the trench coat is so cute!!! Follow/visit my blog!!!<3FOLLOW:http://alittle-rae-ofsunshine.blogspot.com/http://alittle-rae-ofsunshine.blogspot.com/
Prachtige outfit, en geweldige schoenen > heb ze ook en ben er helemaal verliefd op! Die oversized trench staat je goed.
Very pretty pics!!! Love your belt!http://etincelledemode.blogspot.com/
OMG! I'm in love with your Moschino belt. I have to find out one on ebay! Great trench too!www.abitoffashion.com
acabo de descubrir tu blog y me encanta!! asi que te sigo sin pensarmelo :Dpreciosa! me encantan esas cuñas!un besazo
your trench with the belt looks amazing.. and i love the zara wedges.. xoxo cla
OMG! I love your trench and shoes!!!
those shoes are awesome…i tried them on but i just cant walk in them!
Hello! wanted to ask you to pass on my blog for an initiative, if you like follow it!
You coatch it's amazing! And your shoes too! very very absolutely Style!! KisseeeeeeesAida Camila;)
These pictures are adorable. Your oufit is gorgeous. Where did you get these tights? I am so coveting these shoes…*Nathalie
I love your outfit, se te ve increible el cinto de Moschino!!!! LOVE YOU CRISIAN!!!:) jaja
Love the outfit!! Great tights and coat! XOXO Kate
nice look as usual!spring is coming closer indeeeeeeeed :-Dxxhttp://www.ludivine-avenue.blogspot.com/
You have a great sense of style!Really, I love all your outfits!Chiarawww.forget-me-not-chiara.blogspot.com
me encanta el outfit!!!=)
Me encantó el outfit, el cinturón y los shorts son geniales.XX.
very chic and stylish combination. I love the trench. I have very similar one in my closeth. And I am obsessed with this wedges from zara. I am planning to buy them. Now I definitely have because they are gorgeous.
love the whole outfit bus specially love the oversized trench, i have one similar of the same colour!
i loveeee it :) <3 sis
I LOVE LOVE LOVE UR HEELS & TIGHTS!!XXwww.thestylingbee.blogspot.comwww.thestylingbee.blogspot.comwww.thestylingbee.blogspot.com
I like your hat! (beret I think) :Dxo, Sherlyn(sherlynlavenia.blogspot.com)
i always adore your style, your style always look georgeus!love your tights, the belt, the shoes and the coat!you looks beautifull, awesome!please visit:http://risingecha91.blogspot.com/thanks
Kim Kardashian was wearing same belt last summer i believe! You look great
Love the zara boots they are stunning
Great!!! xxxx
You have such great legs! And I love the striped tights you're wearing – gorgeous with those wedge boots.Shttp://notjustmedical.wordpress.com
Great outfit! I'm after a moschino belt myself these days. =)trousersshoesandskirts.blogspot.com
me encantaron las fotos, buen look :D
Me encanta esto! Lindísima! Qué orgullo que seamos compatriotas!!!
Oehh je outfit is echt super! Krijg er echt zin van in de zomer!
OMG How cute do you look! Love
I think I'm in love with your bag!x
I TOTALLY love it! <3
Love your belt:)!! Will be perfect for fashion week!!thestylestrutter.blogspot.comxxx
WOW!! perfection
Love the belt!!http://fashion-fever-ineke.blogspot.com/
love the shoes. your legs look a mile long!!
I love tight and boots!All your look is great!
Ik had die beauties van shoenen ook al gezien bij ZARA, maar vond ze nog iets te pittig geprijst.. Even wachten op een huge sale, haha :) Maar hoe lang ben jij eigenlijk? Want ik ben 1,76 en volgens mij jij ook zoiets, toch? lovee!
Really nice look andy!x amber
love that outfit!!the boots are soo pretty!!
hi, love your blog and style!! you are amazing!! X
love it soo much. you look just perfect and i almost feel spring when i look at you ;)xo
Perfection, dear! You are totally rocking a streetstyle vibe with this belted trench.
I love it!xxx
very sleek style!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love that trench and the wedges. I absolutely have to get these at zara !!!http://www.iletaitunefoisundressing.com/
Love the trench, we certainly won't get bored of it. These pictures are really nice, i've just bought a new camera and i'm so excited to share more photos.Do you work for H&M? you wear a lot of their stock.www.dressedupdown.blogspot.com
love that trench.
Love the outfitI added you on fb<3love your blog xoxo
me encanta como siempre :)
i love the outfit! u look great as usual
Lovely outfit! And nice pantyhose :)
i love the shorts, im doing the same myself, it looks good :) Finally the spring is on its way :)Have a nice weekend
This a fabulous look! I love everything!
Holaaa! me encantan tus medias!!! Pero no me atrevo a usar shorts!! solo faldas y vestidos! Lindo look! ;)
Love the whole outfit, especially that Moschino belt and the wedges. You are really awesome, have a fabulous weekend!
I love that baga…..Gorgeous!!!XoxoOLiNDa
mooie wedges!!
great great outfit!!XoXofromhttp://minaischic.blogspot.com/
I love your coat! The hat you're wearing is adorable. Your whole outfit is perfect. Have a wonderful weekend.-The Trendy Fashionistahttp://thetrendyfashionista.blogspot.com
love those looong-never-ending legs of yours :) wish i have one as such :( and about the outfit,you nailed it,yet again.love it
Nice outfit hun, I'm wearing the exact same tights today! Came in a two pack with the dotted ones right?Xx
Love the outfit and how you paired the coat with the belt. And, I don't think we can ever get tired of trench coats this spring. (;