Its 1:06 a.m, I just finished packing for my trip to Paris, every single outfit has been carefully selected and thought through, now I just have to hope that the weather cooperates, but that is out of my hands.

My train leaves in 5 hours and I should probably be getting some sleep, I just don’t want to forget to bring anything, disaster if that is the case!

Back to my BELOVED city, I am excited out of my mind, thinking its too good to be true, daydreaming of when will I go and stay for good.

I will try to post while Im there, I promise, but if I cant, I see you guys when I get back!

au revoir tout le monde!



60 Responses

  1. hahaha y me encata tu hermana que luego luego te defiende hahaha d el anonimo tu sigue con la frente en alta algo as de estar haciendo bien para que te odien, no, hahaha me encanta el coraje mexicano :) luego luego listos para defender! :D

  2. Andy, im wondering how it is that you get to live in amsterdam and you have a gorgeous place, and all the clothes i want and a fab collection of shoes, and you are so young how can i get so far!!! me encanta en realidad me gustaria saver que es lo que haces, o mas bien como le haces para estar donde estas?! tienes un estilo increible! cuentame!suerte en tu viaje!! anacecilia

  3. I'm so jealous!! I <3 Paris I don't particulary like the people but I love the city…Have fun!! And hopefully we will get lots of stylish pictures..X

  4. Hi !!! I have just discovered your blog and waouh, your outfits are perfects, congratulations for your trip to paris!! I live near Paris and it's snowing and really cold so you'll need sweaters, coats and furs … ^^ Have a good tripAnd sorry if I had made mistakes

  5. I am def feeling you! I live in Italy now but I used to live in NY , I have all my family there and I understand when you say that you dream about moving back to Paris one day!! It hurts I know.. but hang in there, your great! lol =) I hope to move back to NY one day too..Have a fantastic trip!PAMELA from Italy

  6. Buen viaje! espero q disfrutes muchísimo en la ciudad de tus sueños!Estoy deseando que vuelvas para contarnos como te ha ido!Un abrazo desde España! ♥http://mystylemontse.blogspot.com/

  7. I plan my very first Paris trip in September too. Have you any hint for a nice hotel which is not to expensive but clean?!Visit me @ my blog: style-philosophy.blogspot.comYou are great!

  8. Que disfrutes del viaje y de París. Es una de mis ciudades favoritas, tengo familia allí y voy a menudo. Ya nos enseñarás fotitos, no te olvides ;) Por cierto, he leído un comentario muy desagradable que te han hecho. No te apures, es solo envidia ;)

  9. HOW EXCITING! I'VE JUST BEEN TO PARIS MYSELF!! IT'S SUCH A WONDERFUL CITY!! HAVE FUN!!!XXwww.thestylingbee.blogspot.comwww.thestylingbee.blogspot.comwww.thestylingbee.blogspot.com

  10. andy que te vaya super super bien disfruta de tu viaje en el lugar de tus sueños!!! haha toma muchas muchas fotos q morimos por ver todo lo q vayas hacer ;)un besote cuidate<333pd. Que lastima me da quien haya puesto el comment como anonimo porq se ve q siempre esta pendiente de tu blog porque mira la hora en la que comento,,, es el primero hahaha q ridiculo!

  11. Este tipo anonymo me da asco escribiendo cosas malas….Fuera!!! Jealousy, plain jealousy!!! Andy is not 'un cadaver', she is a sexy tall lady! Have fun in Paris girl! Saludos from Peru. Mirka :)

  12. First of all, hideous people like the one who hasn't the courage enough to put the name on what he/she writes, shouldn't post in here!But talking of awesome things, I wish you a great trip to Paris with your friend from Mexico. Have looots of fun!

  13. FEliz viaje guapisima, pasatelo genial!!!!Sigo el blog desde hace tiempo pero creo q es la segunda vez q comento……… aunq no me pierdo ni una.Eres de lo mejor q tenemos x estos lares, ME ENCANTAS.Ay q ganitas de ver q t traes… jejejeMUchos besitossss guapa ;)