Sunday afternoon and I still feel sick, it has been 5 days already!!!!

The flu hit me hard this time so Im just hoping to get over it asap since I have a hectic week coming up.

One of my best friends from Mexico is visiting for the week and on thursday, we go to Paris, you can only imagine how excited I am!

My outfit today was nothing fancy, I was just trying to stay as comfy and warm as possible, something I didn’t achieve, oh well.

Spring, please hurry your ass up!

Bag: Kipling
Bracelets & earrings:


68 Responses

  1. Once again a great outfit…just love your blog!!could you please tell me where you've bought your beautiful watch? I adore her!Thank you :)xx

  2. Thanks for the comment, it is very important to me, people like you that I admire a lot and su fan comment on my blog! really enjoyed!add even your blog is on my blog roll! you already know but it is my girl the lookbook! one of my inspirations …kiss Brazil

  3. I HOPE YOU'LL FEEL BETTER SOON. HAVE FUN WITH YOUR FRIEND FROM MEXICO. You always look amazing on anything, even a potato bag! I love your casual outfit.-The Trendy Fashionista

  4. you may have flu but you look super gorgeous!! oh and i also own this denim shirt, it's really comfi indeed;)hope u feel better soon!-L

  5. i hope you feel better really soon but i think that the idea of going to Paris will help with your recovery ;) have fun with your friend!i love your shirt and the boots!<333

  6. hei andy.are your boots from zara? I absolutely love them ,I had a similar pair two years ago but I loved them so much that they ended up in a very bad shape. Thanks and I must say that I really like your blog :heart: .

  7. Ooooh! Love the boots!!P.S. Hope you get better soon!

  8. I love such denim shirts. I have got to buy one for myself. I like this set very much. very comfy and stylish. Hope you get better soon.

  9. Rembrandt square! I find it reallllyyy cosy but when me and my bf went to eat something in the italian restaurant, a couple behind us found a fingernail in their food!Not so fashion related but oh well ^^xoxoAfroditefrom