I was lucky enough to meet Victoria’s secret angel & Supermodel Ana Beatriz Barros today, she was so sweet and incredibly tall!
I was 1.92 cm with the high heels I was wearing today but she was still taller than me, so probably almost 2.00 meters tall!
Fashion week finished today, I have a ton of pics I have to sort out for the posting tomorrow so stay tuned!
Who was following the LIVE updates from the REPLAY show on twitter???
51 Responses
I'm 1.75 and I always wear at least 10 cm heels, but I live in the Netherlands so that's no problem for me :) No one ever called me beanstalk!gorgeous post again!
you are so lucky !!!
You are so lucky to have met her she is gorgeoushttp://www.stylescrapbook.com/
Ana Beatriz is Diva!! Perfect supermodel brazilian!!proud to be Brazilian to have people who work so well and stand on the world! Kisses from Brazil!visit my blog:www.quandonarari.blogspot.com
aaaaaaaaaaa i love ana!!!!!! omg!!!! envy!!! http://www.insomnia.pl/Ana_B_B_:_%3E%3B-t194085-s74.htmlhttp://www.insomnia.pl/Ana_B_B_%3A_%26gt%3B-t194085-s68.htmljuliett k (maff)
i suuuper love your style andy! you are indeed a trendsetter! continue being gorgeous! ü*oh i had YOU on my blog, as a blogger review article for style scrapbook! i hope you guys can check it out! http://saturdaystylebykaye.blogspot.com/
you don't seem that tall so i'm quite surprised :D
love her and your blog!
you're cute on these pictures :)
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Ciao Andy! Me encanta tu blog! Qué suerte tienes de haber estado con una super modelo! Eres muy alta! Cuánto mides sin tacones altos?
wow! what luck!
cute photos!!<3http://alittle-rae-ofsunshine.blogspot.com/
Aw god, she's brazilian and tall like me hehehe =D , but sincerely you are looking prettier than her here !http://www.thecatwalkcloset.com/
She's brazilian like me! and really beautiful, she has 1.80 taller !
She's brazilian like me!!
Brilliant Blog…Love it!
Andy, I am happy for you! And, yes, I was following you LIVE :D
wow she's pretty.ps. would be awesome if you checked out my new blog:http://diyainherstilettos.blogspot.com/
zo cool!!!!xoxo amber
aren't you all at sea when you wear really high heels. i'm 1.76 and i feel a little wierd in everyday clothing because i'm so much taller than other girls. not even boys.
Oh, beautiful!!!She is a perfect BRAZILIAN model!!!Hugs,http://marchenoir-mode.blogspot.com/
Es guapísima, aunque a su lado no tienes nada que envidiarle. Un besote y qué envidia todos tus eventos.
oooh! you're so lucky! and can't belive how tall she is!x
oh really asome !!!love it soooo much
Wow!! q envidia! jum las dos tan altas LOL me encanta la foto!! salis las dos genial!! q suerte!!Buen dia!! http://dreams-roses-iirene.blogspot.comBesos!! :)
I'm jealous!
How cool is that! She's really super tall!!xxhttp://b-entrance.blogspot.com/
she is really amazing. I am happy for you :)
She is beautiful! How great for you to have a picture with her!!!
You´re still huge with o without heels!Jajajaja!XoxoOLiNDa
wow you are very tall in my eyes. love your blazer. is it from zara?i think i regognize it, because i have it too.http://thetigerakachau.blogspot.com/
you are much taller than i am, andy! i just 1.55 and when i wear high heels, that doesn't help me at all.ahahawww.eclecticraccoon.blogspot.com
I was following..!she is gorgeous…lucky girl!xoxo,Alexandra
loveee ana beatriz, she has always been my favorite vs model, you are so tall ): I wish I was like thatim 1.70 but im only 14 so I think I'll grow a little bit.visitt my blog, http://www.fabitalavera.blogspot.com
OMG! She's beautiful! U're soooo LUCKY!xxwww.thestylingbee.blogspot.comwww.thestylingbee.blogspot.comwww.thestylingbee.blogspot.com
you're so lucky! and yes shes beautiful-Ericahttp://allaboutitt.blogspot.com/
wow… las dos son TAN altas haha q hiciste para ser tan alta? me vendria bien un consejo hahha Que hermoso que le conociste q suerte!!!!besos<333
wow thats so cool! so jealous!xoxo,Flekisskiss.blogspot.com <– texas gal bloggin fashion from nyc!
Greaaat!! I'm jaleous, really really!!
She is so incredibly stunning. Love her.x
amazing! love your blog! I am literally your new #1 fan! …such an inspiration you can be! xD
Wow,I had no idea you were that tall… :) , nice pics!!
WOW jaloers!
Wow I would have been around her waist I'm only 1.66! How cool was to meet a super model? lol
so cuuuute.i'm following u on twitter!
that high you are my god!by your side I look like a dwarf forest with my 1.60 hahahayou are amazing!http://www.lovelypepa.blogspot.com/
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