Rachelle Bleeker and Chrissie Vreeker creators of the new jewelry brand “By 1 oak“ certainly noticed my love for peace signs, kindly sent me one of their amazing creations straight to my door and I couldn’t be happier!
In other news, quick shout out to my beautiful sister because today is her 24th birthday!
I love you baby! may all your dreams come true!

50 Responses
Wow. Nice Blog. :)And I love your Necklace.
I love the peace sign necklace!
love the necklace!!!!I want it too!!! <3
love you 'peace' necklace, very pretty and the perfect addition to a black outfit ;)alinawww.dreamingchic.blogspot.com
wauw I would love the get gifts from other bloggers!XOXOhttp://loresfashion.blogspot.com
Lovely necklace!http://livingafashionablelife.blogspot.com
Love the combo between the color of the necklace and that of the nailpolish! You've a cute sister!www.abitoffashion.com
I like the necklace (*_*).
Is this a pic of your sis? There is a lsight resemblance..Love the peace sign!Viki xxx
Your new peace necklace conveniently matches your nail color. Love them both.XOwww.SeekingDirtyHairHalo.blogspot.com
I love all of your Peace signs!! Happy Birthday to your sister, too!
Ow, beautiful necklace!!!I loved.Hugs,http://marchenoir-mode.blogspot.com/
Love the green necklace and nail polish!-Ericahttp://allaboutitt.blogspot.com/
Love the chain & the nails – gorgeous :)http://www.friendinfashion.blogspot.comxx
Gorgeous outfit,girl! I love that necklace!! xoxoAmyhttp://thebargainhunterextraordinaire.blogspot.com
Muy chulo el colgante es una monada!!ESpero q entiendas el castellano!!Besos Fresa
lovely outfit and nailpolish colour !
love the necklace it's so pretty!jasmine-thenextbingthing.blogspot.com
Nice necklace!!!
Love your outfit, this necklace is really cool :)xxxhttp://b-entrance.blogspot.com/
like your outfit and the peace necklace.. =)xoxo cla
amazing necklace! the arrangement of turquoise beads in that way is truly unique
super outfit weer!!!gefeliciteerd me je zus!!xoxo amber
Love your outfit and love the blog so much! I also ordered your new years eve dress, the jimmy choo one this morning I loved it so much when I saw it on your blog! xx
The necklace is amazing :DAnd Heppy birthdayyyyy Andy's sisterrrr <3
love the pics and the necklace!
Wow I really love the necklace. Fabulous outfit.P.S.:I added your blog to my blog list.-The Trendy Fashionistahttp://thetrendyfashionista.blogspot.com
Gorgeous necklace and great style!
Wow andy luces preciosa! Y traigo las unas pintadas del mismo color! Jaja xoxo.:)
Love it!
I have only just discovered your lovely and amazing blog! I will be following you via bloglovin in only a moment's time and I would be honored if you followed me!Julia
LOVE THE NECKLACE! NICE OUTFIT GIRL!! WM.http://www.washmach.com/
so cute :))))) love itamabilevita.blogspot.com
love it!
I LOVE THAT NECKLACE!! so cool. I really tried to get jade on my nails this past weekend and just couldnt muster up the courage. maybe this weekend!!xoxo,Flekisskiss.blogspot.com <– 2 girls bloggin fashion from NYC and CHICAGO!
love your outfit!!XXhttp://lovelypepa.blogspot.com/
Me encanta el turquesa, y mas si es combinado con dorado , esta increible, que afortunada!. Por cierto felicidades a tu hermana (: , te sigo leyendo un beso!
Lovely as always!!!And happy B-day to your sister!!!Giuli
oh dear Andy…you are fantastic as always! Love your style and your blog is the best! I really love read your posts and see your pics. Kiss ;)
That's a really great twist on a peace sign necklace!
Es muy bonito el colgante, que suerte tienes que te regalan cosas :P Yo ya hice el collar de flecos que enseñaste en Elle, mira http://tinyurl.com/ygvd9xxY el pintauñas es el Jade de Chanel?Lo ando buscando pero no esta en ningun lado! :(xoxo Mery
i love necklace and ur nails… (L) this Chanel nailpolish make me crazy!!!
maybe it is from the tones of school HW that I studied but can you expalin this—–>—->Send me an e-mail at [email protected] with the name and link of the article you want to purchase.Thanks!
the colour of the necklace is adorable…love how you matched it with your nail polish!Alexandra
CUTE! Love how ur outfit highlights the necklace!xxwww.svalbardsempress.blogspot.com
love the necklace…and i absolutely love the h&m dress in your last post! i was dying to find it in my size, but never got one :-( http://fashionhedonism.blogspot.com
These wonderful! nail color I like!Kisses
love the necklace!xx
Fantastic outfit Andy!