I cant believe there are 7 hours to go (in Europe) for the new decade to start.

What a year it has been for me, full of exciting and new things, big opportunities, amazing people, goals achieved and dreams came true.
I cant wait to see what the new year has in store for me, all I can do is hope that it is as good or even better than this amazing year, one which I will never forget.

Thank you so much for still being here throughout this year, thanks for all the support, the good wishes, the positivity and the love.

Happy New year to all of you, may all your dreams come true and I hope this new year is full of love, health, happiness and success.

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!

24 Responses

  1. Happy New Year,Andy.!!!I wish 2010 bring you whatever you want..!!just keep thinking about you're family..this will make you feel like you are closer to them..Have a GREAT night!xoxo,Alexandra

  2. Feliz año nuevo para ti tambien andy!Si mi iPod no miente alla faltan como 3 horas para el 2010 jajaPasatela genial, y espero que este año te vaya muchísimo mejor que el anterior! Ya veras que muy pronto lograrás irte a vivir a París y conseguiras el trabajo que siempre soñaste, de todo corazón andy, te deseo lo mejor para tí y todos tus seres queridos.xoxo.

  3. Happy New Year Andy!!!Hoping that 2010 wil bring you as much joy and success as it has in 09.aww, new year in amsterdam is beautiful, i miss it there :(anywho keep up the amazing work with style and classxoxox