My dearly beloved readers,

I wanted to take a quick chance to wish you all a very special and happy Christmas.
enjoy the company of all the people you love, eat a lot, laugh a lot and hug the people you love a lot.

This is my second Christmas away from home and let me tell you that its the most difficult time of the year to be away from my family, but I know they will be thinking about me and I will too.

In Mexico, we also celebrate Christmas on the night of the 24 (noche buena or Christmas eve) so tonight, me and my boyfriend are cooking for the both of us, making gingerbread cookies and a small turkey, asked my mom for few recipes and will spend the whole day cooking for our Christmas eve dinner.
On the 25th. we will go to his parents house and celebrate it with them.

I hope you are all well and enjoying the company and love of your families, which its the spirit of this holidays (its not about the presents you know :P ) although its always nice to be visited by Santa once a year right?? haha.



68 Responses

  1. heyyy! merry xmas (a bit late though!) and have a wonderful new year's :)your blog's really nice, i like reading it, like daily. i also added it to my blogroll,i'd be happy if you had a look at my blog too! i just started it,so it's not really wonderful yet,but i'm trying.take care!nathalie

  2. Hi there I just thought I leave a comment and tell you that I really like reading your blog a lot. Also the fact that you include the places where you get your clothing from. :) I really like your style by the way.I have to say I discover you around lookbook and that's where it brought me to here. The thing that caught my attention is that you are from Mexico (a fellow mexicana like myself haha!), but your in Amsterdam right now. Are you there for school or what? like a study abroad program or something? I'm sorry if you have mention this before, but I'm asking this because I was thinking of studying abroad next year (where I'm going to transfer) and the destination I want to go is Germany and Amsterdam is one of the main places I really want to go. I just find it fascinated that your from Mexico, but currently living in a foreign country all by yourself (well I'm sure you know someone though) but away from home without your family that is. How's life there? and what exactly made you to live there? sorry for asking a lot of questions lol. I hope you had a great Christmas.<3

  3. Soy de Brasil y entiendo muy bien su sentimiento de estar lejo de su familia en este periodo de navidad : /Feliz Navidad Andy me gusta mucho su blog… Eres una de mis mayores inspiraciones : )Besos!

  4. Hola es la primera vez q me lanzo a escribir en tu blog, pero no podía dejar de desearte feliz feliz navidad, pasatelo muy bien y disfruta reina, tanto como lo q nos haces disfrutar con tus estilazos.Muchos Besitos ;)

  5. HI ANDY I HOPE SOMEDAY YOU GET TO SEE MY POST I CAN SEE YOU GOT TONS TO READ AND YOU ARE ON VACATION. well you've passed to my blog this one time i mentioned i have your same ZARA black shoes. well im that girl i was wondering if you could say what you think about my outfit and maybe dont hype if you don't want to but like say if you like how i used them with my clothes i think im in a kind of edgy style idk you tell me :) please pass by

  6. The clock and the armchair remind me the furniture of "The beauty and the Beast" of Disney.This photo is like it's been out from a fairytale.In a few words, great shot!Feel free to visit and follow my blog : would be an honour to follow me The Style Scrapbook.Thanx :)

  7. Feliz Navidad! :DMe acorde muchisimo de ti cuando vi esto. Quizas te guste :) <3

  8. HAPPY XMAS!!!! te deseo unos bonitos dias con tu chico y su familia. No te preocupes que seguro que pronto veras a los tuyos.Besos

  9. La foto es una maravilla =)Feliz navidad y felices fiestas;aunque estes lejos de tu familia veras que te lo vas a pasar muy bien y vas a tener unas navidades increibles =) muaaaaaaaaaaa!

  10. Feliz Navidad Andy ! Ya verás que pronto vendrás a México y estarás con tu familia! Espero todos tus sueños se cumplan y que recibas muchos regalos ! Mi mejor regalo es haber conocido tu blog! Eres mi inspiración , me fascina! Saludos desde México y feliz navidad! atte Salvador Eljure

  11. andy!! estoy exactamente en las mismas! en España, segunda navidad lejos de México lindo y celebrando con el novio!… , pero hay que aprobechar las oportunidades!!que tengas muy feliz navidad :)

  12. Being Filipino, we too celebrate on the eve, but since my husband isn't we try to incorporate a little bit of both traditions. Merry Christmas and have a great time with your boyfriend!

  13. merry xmas, joyeux noël to you too!! hope you'll enjoy your dinner with your amoureux!! have fun & hope you'll post some pics of all the recipes you'll prepare :)Besos

  14. Andy! Feliz Navidad para ti y para tu novio! Yo también vivo lejos de casa, pero he vuelto por Navidad para ver a mi familia y pasar estos días con ellos.Vas guapisima en las fotos, como siempre. Me encanta tu blog.Pasa buena noche con buena compañia.Muchisimos besitos desde España!

  15. Merry Christmas from Amsterdam :)Your place looks beautiful, very Christmassy! Enjoy the cooking and the time with your loved ones, even though you may be continents apart.

  16. Feliz Navidad Andy!!!Espero que aunque no estés en Mexico lo pases genial y que el gordo de rojo te traiga un montón de regalos!!!Bsotes

  17. FELIZ NAVIDAD DAHLING!!! enjoy noche buena as i will too will be celebrating it later tonight. MERRY MERRY XMAS AND BE HAPPY! ♥ HUGS FROM DUBAI.

  18. awwww andy! se que es estar lejos de la familia y sobre todo para estas epocas pero bueno espero que te la pases bien y espero que el proximo año si estes con ellos :) te deseo lo mejor para tu familia y para ti FELIZ NAVIDAD linda :)

  19. Feliz navidad para tí tambien andy!!A pesar de que estes lejos de tu casa y tu familia espero te la pases super bien y recibas muchos regalos jaja;)Te deseo lo mejor para tí y toda tu familia, un abrazo y un beso desde méxico y de nuevo, feliz navidad!xoxo