I still get excited when I see the 1st snow of the year which quite honestly I wasn’t expecting.
I dont think anyone here thought we would have that much snow last weekend but Im excited and hopeful that we will have a white Christmas this year.
The roads are covered in snow, the public transport is a mess and I don’t think anybody was prepared for this so if you live in Holland please drive carefully :)
Its freezing outside but who cares! I get to build a snowman!!! :P
P.S- I didn’t build the snowman in the pic, I found it on the side of the road :)
Dress: American apparel
White sweater: H&M Men
Headband: H&M
99 Responses
I like snow :) and this place looks great!!!
love these pictures!
C'est super mignon et le blog est super classe bravo and happy new yearSophie
Hi,your tights?ThanksBarbara
Una duda, llevas algún tipo de maquillaje en las fotos de la nieve? es que se ve tan natural..! un beso!hola! me ha encantado la diadema de flores azules!! Tenéis un blog precioso! me encanta la decoración de la página!http://elarmariodepandora.wordpress.com/
merry xmas, the snow pictures are FAB!!fall in love with COCO ROCHA:http://youareashootingstar.blogspot.com/
Super cute outfit and pics! Makes me want to be in the snow! Jealous! Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!♥ ♥ ♥marimarijanes.blogspot.com
ok, so the "joey warren" comment above is me! i was using my bf computer and forgot he was singed in and not me! I said that I love your shoes :) -xoxo Taylor
such great pictures! I love your shoes!! Winter Wonderland for sure!! xx
i like this shoots and ur cloth !
Haha, I love that snowman! He looks a little demonic, no?xoxo,www.invasionista.com
happy holidays x
Me facinan tus fotos! Espero que hayas pasado muy feliz navidad! Que celos que te toca tener nieve! xxxhttp://splashitup.blogspot.com
great photos ! you look great, love the outfit ! happy holidays xx lue
wooow you're gorgeous! :)
hellooooooo ;) merry christmas to you! just like to say ur a very, very cool chick and i adore your style!
Beautiful pictures and outfitxoxo, thn
wow, you look so good in these pictures ;)
Cute Headband ;)Merry Christmas =)
Gorgeous pictures!You always dress amazingly well doll!Have a merry Christmas with the dear ones and a happyyyyy New Year!Hope Santa will bring you everything you wish for.xoxohttp://hisforhotcouture.blogspot.com/
Hi darling..Amazing outfit. I wish you a merry christmas, many gifts from Santa Claus and a Happy New Year.Kisses, Ann
Niña Feliz navidad!!
Me han encantado las fotos! ya tienes una seguidora mas!
Hey style scrapbook , love your style especially your headband , so cute ^^Visit my new blog !!http://hypeelleca.blogspot.com/
I really love your outfit! It´s amazing!Merry Christmas!
Wonderfull pics
Oh I love!! You look so gorgeous!xx
you are like Blair Waldorf in Holland…you are really cute, I love your outfit..
you look so amazing..i love the first snow, too!!! i want white chtrismas!! =)xoxo cla
I actually kinda hate snow, I such a scrooge :'Dvery cute outfit.Theory of a fashion victimxoxo
Check out my blog, I have given you an award because your blog is one of my favorites out there! Thanks so much for all of your inspiration! <3 By the way, these photos are beautiful!http://leatheretteblog.blogspot.com
Nice photos.Happy Holidays.
What a lovely pictures,you look great!
I post your link in my blogger.. because I considered your style very incredible! ;)
haha, I have a posting with the same title! Holland and snow.. ;)http://livingafashionablelife.blogspot.com
Beautiful pics!MERRY CHRISTMAS, xoxo
love the snowfrom behind the window.. with a cup of coffee
wooowwww.. beautiful!! love love loove your look…. and love snow!!!!
i love the photos :)
wow you're so lucky to get so much snow where you live!love your outfit, espcially that little bow in your hair and the handbaglook lovelyleen
very cute outfit! and for the snow – I think it surprised everyone… especially us by the sea! ;) but in my place, it's all gone today – bc it started to rain… :( Enjoy it…
Ahhh porquè no nevarà acà en Mèxico caray? asì podrìa tener el pretexto perfecto para abrigarme faxioniztamente como tu n.n saludos y un beso, muah!
You look lovely as always and I like it that you're smiling!you're blog is such a big inspiration
Great photos! So funny to see the photos from typical Amsterdam! You look fantastic!
andy your so cute:) i wish we have winter here in our country :)http://coocour.blogspot.com/
beautiful pictures! I love your dress. And are you wearing knee-socks over tights? I love that.
Gorgeous!!Merry Christmas, Andy!http://welooovefashion.blogspot.com
I saw these on Look Book today. Cutest photos ever.
love this winter outiftswwwtariarizona.blogspot.com
You look fab!-theurbanfashiongal.com
Your photos looks so magical! And it looks really fun :D Lovely outfit.
Beautiful photos! I love the one with the bicycle. Be safe in the snow and have fun!http://www.mock-off.com
these pictures are great! you look so happy! and your outfit is amazing!
Wow you really love snow! You look so happy :-) well who doesnt love snow, rite? Oh you fashionable girl..I could never just wear ensembles like these during winter. I tend just wrap myself up in a thick coat and wear layers of jumpers and a pair of wellies..*sigh. Cant stand the cold! Merry Xmas and happy holiday :D
Sales super guapa en la 1er foto ;)Saludos,Clau!
Fantastic, beautiful!A PIECE OF PASSION
wow i love love love your style you are absolutly one of my favourite bloggeer..can i call you fashion?visit me on http://fairelesgrandsmagasins.blogspot.com/xoxo.
view from broodje bert! best sandwich place ever. x
absolutely adorable! The boots & headband are gorgeous and the snow makes the perfect backdrop :)www.friendinfashion.blogspot.comx
You look soooo pretty :) I live in Holland too, sooo much snow here. Love the outfit, love your blog!
you look so pretty. i love the photos. the snowman is really cool!xx, betzhttp://herarmoire.blogspot.com
wow, que daría porque en méxico nevara :(aunque si estando a 7°C me congelo, no me imagino a temperaturas bajo cero jaja.Yo tengo un vestido igual a ese solo que un poco más largo.Saludos andy ;)
Great snow outfit! I love the photo with the bike! http://www.abitoffashion.com
Yeah! were do you live? well hear in Sweden it's allot of snow and freezing…brr…have an awsome Christmas and btw, I adore your style!/johanna
Beautiful outfits! And your photos look so happy.
it snowed here too (first snowfall on my birthday last thursday!!) it's apparently been the craziest weather for manchester- the city goes mad when there's a bit of snow (well what seems like a bit to me being from CANADA- used to it! haha) lovely pictures xx
Lovely wintery photos:)!!thestylestrutter.blogspot.comxxx
Oh, how I wish it would snow here in Puerto Rico :( Lovely photos, outfit & snowman!!blanche-neve.blogspot.com
Que lindas fotos! Especialmente la 1ra y donde escribiste en la nieve!
Owww!!! Snow!Perfect photos. I loved so much.Hugs.
There is so much lightness and positiveness in your posts and your total appearance. The socks are great accent.
sorry i mean where did you get your Coat!;) haha
YOU look stunning:)!Where did you get the cote???
Love your boots!
YOU LOOK AMAZING :)Perfect winter outfit.and all the photos are so beautiful.I wish it would snow here in Split :(
Qué bonita es Amsterdam! qué recuerdos… quiero volver pero cuando haga más calor, jejejePor acá, en España, también hace mucho frío y está nevando!Un beso!
In poland there's soo much snow too! :) Awesome outfit and backgrounds! :)
beautiful. You look soo happy!! :)Monika from J'adore Fashion
Here in Sweden we also have snow, a lot of snow. Love your outfit, you look stunning!
nieve, nieveee, nieveee!Oh Navidaad, dulce Naviddaaad!Creo q tendré el honor de formar parte del comentario 20! nunca había llegado a antes de los 50!!un besooCassie.
Nice outfit! Yeah, I really hope we get a white christmas here in Holland. Did you buy an 'oliebol'? Haha!
love it!!!the headband looks great on you!!great pictures!!!!!!!!!!!xoxo amber
such beautiful photos lady!i wish we had snow in australia.looks so pretty.xx
Wow you really got so much snow. It has sarted to melt already in Paris :/ You outfit is so cute, hope you'll spend wonderful holidays!!xxoxhttp://b-entrance.blogspot.com/
Que maravilla de fotos!!! Aqui en Madrid ha empezado a nevar hoy aun que ahora mismo esta lloviendo y la nieve esta empezando a derretirse.Un besito!!
I love these pics! And I love the socks over tights-do it all the time when its cold. I'm going to Amsterdam soon and your pictures made me so excited for it! Do you have any suggestions for shops I have to visit there?
You look so happy! All we got was grey slush in London.. :(Love the monochrome- you match the weather :)It would be mine
your coat??tanks
love the top and the socks over the knee!XOXOhttp://loresfashion.blogspot.com
you look great!X
magic sights!!I love your bag!
me encanta!!! que bonita la nieve, vas muy bien preparada para el frio invernal!!un besazooohttp://lovelypepa.blogspot.com/
so cute!
Lovely bow. I like the combination of colors.
I do adore the first snow too. well, I'm wishing you white Christmas then. :)
Fantastic!Love all your pictures and outfit!x
The white snow looks great on you,although you're a Mexican!The photos are just wonderful! :)