If you are a blogger, you probably know how irritating it is to be deprived of precious sun light so early in the day, specially if you need to take outfit pictures.
Although we always try do our best despite the bad weather and bad lighting, right girls? :P
Shout out to Yara from This chick’s got style , I met her in ZARA today while hunting for new clothes, she is a sweetheart and we were wearing matching bags :P haha, go check her blog out if you don’t already know it :)
P.S- Dont forget the anniversary giveaway and keep sending your pictures…for more details click HERE
Sequin leggings: H&M
Leather jacket: ZARA
Girls in glasses tee by Danny Roberts via Borders and Frontiers
Nail polish: OPI color “Go on green”
Andy T.
I leave you with Beyonce’s new vid, featuring queen Ga Ga….Who else thinks that Beyonce is on fire!!! My god, every song she brings out is smashing!! not to mention Lady GaGa which is a bit wacko but genius, she sure knows that shock value will sell her more records.
66 Responses
I’m impress with this information you posted, Thanks for this very useful info you have provided us.Easy Rider Jacket
Nina:I have the Blackberry curve 8310 :)XOXOAndy
andy, which blackberry do you use? xoxo
i also admire Zara- best store ever! Work from home
Nice Outfit but the song isn't from Lady Gaga and Beyoncé, it's just Beyoncé, Telephone is their song :Phttp://ax-elle.blogspot.com
Rocking the shirt!love it! :)
I like this nice t-shirt with faces ;-)
please please tell me.. where do you got this fabulous nailcolour from ?
enhorabuena por tu blog y por tu estilazo!!
love this outfit.http://cupcaketrash.blogspot.com
Heyy!!Perfect look!I loved the legs and the jacket.Cute.Hugs,marchenoir-mode.blogspot.com
Muchisimas felicidades!!!! no me habia metido desde hace mucho… siempre abandono el blog,espero algun dia el mio llege a ser tan bueno como el tuyoooo! Mis mejores deseos x) por cierto me encanto al chaquetaaaa, esta monaa!
Werkelijk prachtig outfit!
enchanted by your boots. love your style
Nice Outfit!
I really like that shirt. Nice boots too!
happy b'day andy( style scrapbook)..ure very inspiration for me..keep blogging^_^
i LOVVEEE THAT leather jacket and the boots ! they looks like hunter wellies, only better !love the lighting in these shots .adding u to my blog roll and following u too :D
cute outfit! i like the graphic on your tee
I have to say… your style is just fabolous!! Love all of your outfits! … You have a new follower ;) (I already was following you, but lets make it official with Google Friend Connect)Danny Roberts is such a great artist, I also have that amazing 'Girls in Glasses' shirt! Love the combination with the sequined leggings!!xoxochasingcherries.com
fantastic t-shirt.
Totally agree with you, it's so hard to get good lighting when it's dark outside. I love the sequin leggings, wish i could rock them and that nail polish is cracking. <3marthasbubble.blogspot.com
i love the girls in glasses tee. very cute. what nail polish do you use? i love the color!http://voguettegirl.blogspot.com/xoxo
Hey,gorgeous!I think I already made a comment about this post but now I haver a question for you :)It`s about those sequined leggings.I think they`re gorgeous and I saw them at the Topshop store today.I want to buy them but are they worth buying?I have a feeling that sequins will fall off really soon.Are they good? :)xx
beautiful outfit! i love your shirt and jacket. and happy birthday!www.mode-damour.blogspot.com
Hey beautiful! No conocia tu blog y tienes un estilazo…. la verdad es que me das muy buenas ideas! un beso y te sigo guapa!annahttp://bcnscrawls.blogspot.com
superbe! j'adore cette tenue!Bises!f
Haha! Yeah, sequines leggings are the best huh!
me encanta todo el look! es muy inspirador!!un besazooo
love your outfittkisses from south of francehttp://melledubndidu.over-blog.com/
I love your style, and this outfit is great!-theurbanfashiongal.blogspot.com
Great outfit, as usualy. And isn't Danny Roberts amazing?!
i love love love your clothes, and this blogfollow me http://www.fashionthebestkindofdrug.blogspot.com<3
Love this outfit, the top is so cute (:I very much agree, Beyonce is amazing all her songs are instant hits.Theory of a fashion victimxoxo
Hola Andy,la verdad que llevo como dos horas leyendome todo tu blog nunca habia escuchado hablar de Style Scrapbook, y no entiendo por qué porque me acabas de parecer una de las mejores bloguers que he visto o más bien leiod nunca. Tus outfits son simplemente maravillosos, la edición de los posts, las fotos. Me hago fiel seguidora ya jejeUn beso!http://www.nosoytuestilo.com
i agree!!! but these photos are actually really nice!!! it reminds me of thecobrasnake party photos! awesome! and i loooove ur outfit! fabulous as always!!btw. i wanna greet ur blog a happy bday! you've inspired a lot of girls all over the world on how to look great! keep up the good work! XD
Siempre me ha gustado esa camiseta. besotes ;)
you look fantastic!!http://doviliukou.blogspot.com/http://needtobe2gether.blogspot.com/
love the outif!yes indeed very difficult to take a picture when it's dark.wow wish I met her!XOXOhttp://loresfashion.blogspot.com
need to have that sequined leggins!!!
That video is great! Love Beyonce and Gaga!
great tights!!!
i like this blog, you have very good style;)
I totally understand what you mean, it's so frustrating when you have time to take pictures the weather get's in the way.Anyhow damn, I love your nailpolish, can I ask where it's from?X, fashion-nerdic.
Hi babe, That's so sweet :DI really liked seeing you in person, although I felt rather un-cool looking like a drowned cat hahah!I ended up with the grey sweatshirt too, and I think / hope the bag will be a christmass present :DVery curious about your shoes! And how did the floral dress work out? I thought it would look really good on you!x and hope to see you around in zara again hahah!
ur outfit is great :)love youre boots :DHappy birthday to such a lovely blog:*
I love Bad Romance but I really dont like this song with Beyonce.yaaaay you`re looking atthe camera :)Great outfit!Looooooove your boots and nail polish!xx
Me encanta la camiseta!!!Besos
love your shirt!!!X
you're WOOONDERFULL WOONDERFULL WOONDERFULL :-) Magnific outfit!!!Love it :-) Love your green nail too :-) Have a nice week-end my love!!!
love your boots! where did you buy them?? :) kate
Sweet boots! Your blog always inspires me.www.antiquatedtreasures.blogspot.com
Andy! Buenisimo look!Me gustaria que hagas algun post, hablando sobre tu maquillaje, que marcas usas, que colores prefieres mas, etc… seria interesante saber mas sobre eso..Un beso!kaia.
i think the same way. i hate to see when the sun goes down, ive wasted another day.by the way: love your nail polish colorvisit my blog :D
andy!! i looove your blog!! and about this post i want to say that i loove everything .. including you nails!!! i just love it so much! what is the name of the enamel??natalia from brazil =*
Cute outfit, and I loove your nail color. It's a nice pop of color against the dark weather.xx, Shannon
Ya, I'm in Minneapolis, which is nearly the North Freaking Pole, so I know a lot about bad lighting. It's a total damper.But a bloggers gotta do what a bloggers gotta do.Lovely seafoam green nails. XO
Hola andy!oye siempre me e preguntado quien te toma las fotos?y si la verdad son mas glamourosas las fotos en las que no miras a la camara! me encantan tus fotos :)y felicidadess por el aniversario :) espero que cumplas muchos mas y sigas nutriendonos dia con dia de ideas fashion para lucir!! love style scrapbook!!
Your jacket is beautiful! I love it!
I can never seem to find the time of day, more like the sun of day, to take my wardrobe remix pix too!! haha and I too like my pix better when I'm not looking straight into the lens ;p Kudos, you are totally rocking those sequins leggings!!
Hola Andy!!! the encontré via Vogueaholic, leí tu entrevista y aquí me tienes visitando tu blog!!! veo que vives en Holanda! tienes un blog increíble muchas felicidades!!!´aquí me verás más seguido!saludos desde Guadalajara ;)
Thank you so much girls!!!!!!!!!!! you are so sweet!XOXOAndyElla: Las botas me las regalo mi novio, son de una tienda chiquita nisiquiera tienen marca :P, pero vi unas parecidas en ZARA:)
Happy Birthday STYLE SCRAPBOOK!!!!28/11/2009…Τhanks you Andy for all the inspiration..You are really a great person!kisses&hugs,Alexandra
Me encantan las botas, ¿de dónde son? Ah! Y aprovecho para felicitarte por tu segundo aniversario. Espero que vengan muchos más!
it's so true. Hard to get a time to make some photos before the sun will go down.. A agree that Yara is such a sweetheart;) I only met her on her blog, but she's fabulous;) And i also admire Zara- best store ever!Monika from J'adore Fashion