I must confess that I think about moving to Paris every single day and as soon as I saw this Eiffel tower sweater from TOPSHOP, I had to get it.
Will this obsession ever come to an end??? I think not, unless I make my dream come true, move there and fall out of love with the most beautiful city I’ ve laid my eyes on, but lets be honest, falling out of love with it will never happen, so yes, I will always be obsessed with Oh La La, PARIS.
Changing the subject, I am going full on Christmas decorating tomorrow while wearing my flannel pj’ s, listening to my collection of Christmas carols, lighting some cinnamon scented candles and maybe sipping on some Glühwein, I CANT WAIT!
Have you started your Christmas decorating??
78 Responses
Cool look!Please help to report autopixx.de They steal pictures and out their own copyright above
me fasinan tus medias y tu falda me encanta la combinacion!
This look is great!!love the hat!!
I love your skirt!!!http://doviliukou.blogspot.com/http://needtobe2gether.blogspot.com/
El sombrero es un must have, me chifla
the only thing i like is the shirt!!<3
Acabo de descubrir que además de tu blog en Elle.es también tienes este maravilloso en blogspot. Ahora mismo te añado a mi lista de blog suqe sigo:)Me encanta la camiseta, es preciosa!Sabes que? me encantaria que nos hicieras una lección de una de esas faldas body-con DIY que tienes. Me encantan, y añun no me he atrevido a hacerme la mía..así que me vendría bien algún consejo:)Un beso AndyMª Jesús
amazing skirt :)kiss from Portugal***márcia*
Your pictures are gorgeous!Can you tell me why it's impossible to move to paris?
girl…I adore your blog&style:)) you are at my daily reads!!!
i love it!!! xoxo
mmm… demasiadas tendencias en un solo outfit, para mi gusto. Igualmente, Andy, eres una gran fashion blogger :)
I love everything about your outfit.http://cupcaketrash.blogspot.com
I's so in love with that tights but I can't find it! Lovely outfit!
Whaoooo!! Great T-shirt!! I love Paris too!! I've just come back from Paris… It's always fantastic being there!!! And of course….I lovelovelove Tour Eiffel!!Giulia_
Whaoooo!! Great T-shirt!! I love Paris too!! I've just come back from Paris… It's always fantastic being there!!! And of course….I lovelovelove Tour Eiffel!!Giulia_
i love ur blog!u are beautifulvisit&follow me:http://tzoulili-tzoutzou.blogspot.com/
I love this skirt
that SKIRT! is AMAZING! and love the styling of the whole outfit! :)aRi
Love love your tights! and that jacket is LOVE!Join my Perricone MD Giveaway
La camiseta es la cosa mas cute cute del mundo. Slds desde México.
wowo..im so glad i stumbled upon ure blog, i love your choices in clothes:)
i love your blog<3 and that look is amazing xo
Te ves muy hermosa! Besos desde brazil
love what youve teamed with that skirt!http://midnights-sun.blogspot.com
Awesome look! I have never been in Paris (for a visit only to drive thru) and it is soooo close! Can't believe I still haven't planned out a trip to Paris!
the skirt is just gorgeous. rock'n'droller's wife ;)
apenas voy encontrando tu blog, y me encanto en verdad eres una ispiración :)
Everything is great about this outfitxox thn
amazing look! I loved itmaeleuid
wow! Gorgeous Andy! Love the last pic! About Paris, I totally understand you, as you know, I've been living there for 2 years and I miss it, Paris is the most beautiful city in the world! YES…I've started Christmas decorating, I love Christmas so much, I love watching Christmas movies, sending cards…. And this year I'm going to Disneyland in Paris just before Christmas so it's gonna be awesome!xxxEmilie
Why do you always wear sunglasses? You look fab without it, and wearing it with almost all outfit shots kinda ruins the picture.Just a though, sometimes a fresh face completes a stunning outfit!
amazing outfit! i love your jacket and boots!www.mode-damour.blogspot.som
Wow love that sweater:) You are always so polished. Love your style, oooo especially the boots(cmon Zara ship to New Zealand lol)http://dissect-me.blogspot.com/Kim xx
i really love all ur styles and i visit ur blog everyday..could you please give me some tips on rearranging clothes in the wardrobe that can help when dressing up in the morning. thanks. that will really help massively.
La gente dice que cuando te obsesionas con is more likely to get it. Así que sigue así con tus sueños, me encanta tu blog es super fresco y la vanguardia!!XOXXwww.ginaprestan.blogspot.com
Hola soy d colombiame encanat tu blog :)siempre lo sigosiemrpe em a gustado esto y ahsta ahora me decidi a comenzar en estoseria genail q entraras a mi espaciesillohttp://allthedarkmatter.blogspot.com/y me dieras una opinion :)ojala tengas tiempoigual no importa queria decirtelo :)q todo salga bien
Holaa muy lindo todo! Pero una pequeña crítica, he visto que usas mucho mucho negro, siempre hay algo negro involucrado, sería interesante ver outfits más seguido que no tuviesen negro, sé que los haz hecho antes, pero últimamente se han visto poco. Besos!
Andy I have to say this.I usually dont leave any comments.But this outfit is just dissappointing.Your style is always amazing!BUT THIS!!!!I really hate this outfit!Way too much!Did you look in a mirror before leaving your home?kiss
This outfit is TO DIE FOR!
aah ik ben ook zo vreselijk verliefd op Parijs ! Ik ga er volgend jaar stage lopen, dus mijn droom gaat wel uitkomen waarschijnlijk! Hele mooie outfit trouwens !
amazing look! love the combination and i need to acquire spotted tights! looks sooo chic!! http://fashionhedonism.blogspot.com
I understand you….Paris is so lovely…..By the way i´m leaving to Mexico next christmas and I wonder if you could make a post about your favourite places or things of Mexico, It would be so useful!!!!Thanks!
Really like you booties!xox roos
hey andy!your skin its so fab,ca you please do a post abour the make up you use or you like?thanks!
hey andy!your skin its so fab,can you please do a post about the make up you use or you like?thank you
me encanta muchísimo todo el look!!! es genial!! la camiseta es preciosa!un besoo
you have the best style ever!!! Dont give up on Paris, you will totally get there:)
Love your outfit!This skirt is amazing!
gosh I really adore your pais-shirt :) !greets from germany,Natalie :)
cute skirt!! i love your tights! xx
I like it! But it's not my personal style, I'm more pink;)
what an adorable skirt.. =) like your style..Love C.
dont like it.just too much.
Seeing your photos was like a dejavu, I've just posted an outfit with the same sweater and I like it very much, too :))
interesting skirt!nice sweater!XOXOhttp://loresfashion.blogspot.com
wow gorgeous!!!!you're wonderfull in this outfit!!!love the t-shirt!!!!!!!!!!! :-)
Nice outfit! x
This outfit is wonderful! I love everything you wear! http://www.abitoffashion.com
nah, I havent decorated for christmas yet, planning on doing it next week, but I have made lots of christmas cards :)
listen holland is a lot closer to paris than toronto so i'd say your chances are a lot more realistic than MINE!!!!!!!!!!!i love your outfit, and blog. going to follow it <3 check mine out!http://fashi0npassi0n.blogspot.com
the tights although are not a big focus but i love them soooooo much!they add so much texture and pattern to your already lovely outfitim so excited about xmas ahah
Hi. great Skirt, I love the style, once again, Andy!No, no yet with Xmas decorations. My boy is soo lazy to help and I am not in the mood to do it by myself :-(Besos
Great skirt and shoes.X, fashion-nerdic.
Who knows,maybe one day you`ll make your dream come true!Why not!My dream is moving to Paris or London,so I`ll also try to make that dream come true :)You are a smart and pretty girl,you can do whatever you want ;)I love that Topshop shirt,I saw it on the internet but they didn`t have it here in Split :(
Christmas decorating is a must, so I'm already collecting some stuff. moving to Paris? that's a big thing. :)
daaaamn …..I love that skirt,shirt,tights, …everything …X
Lovely skirt!! :) xoxo veerahttp://veerasguessing.blogspot.com/
We always start our Christmas decorating the day after Thanksgiving, so naturally Thanksgiving doesn't feel overlooked ;)! I'm pretty obsessed with Paris too, but in a different way…I've never been and I have tried to think of every opportunity to get there. Maybe one day…Anyways, gorgeous pictures and outfit!
Andy, I saw this and thought of you! Paris on your toast… ooh la la!http://www.fredflare.com/customer/product.php?productid=4961&cat=254
Looove the polka dot tights! Finally got a pair or my own :) Love the skirt and sweater too!www.fassioncity.blogspot.com
llevo ya meses siguiendo tu blog! soy mexicana tmb; y debo decir que tienes estilazo! me encanto la falda con las medias plumetti! Felicidads tu blog me encanta!
muy bonita falda
omg do they still have that zara leather jacket where you live? i want it so bad!my email is [email protected]
wow!!! That skirt is the cutest I've ever seen! And I love how you've styled it!