This is what Im craving today: a funky zebra for my bed, kiss necklace, an amazing one shoulder jump suit, the GUCCI shades Im completely obsessed with, Top Shop cropped top, the D&G L’Imperatrice (which I actually already own and LOVE!), you know how much I love peace signs, so I’m craving a piece sign bracelet and this AMAZING lizard ring from Top Shop…what are you craving?
I was interviewed by Pol Moreno from Im a Vogueaholic, the interview is in Spanish and you can check it out here.
Andy T.
19 Responses
me encanta el colgante del beso, que chuloooooo
u will appear in the next post of my blogxx coment back
defo caving d&g #3 i fell in love and a alexander mcqueen coco bag(never get it but a girl can dream) missiontofshion.blogger.co.uk
Hola, me encanta tu blog. Cual es el modelo de las gafas? Gracias un besoCristina
Nice wishlist! I just made another one today on my blog. Too bad I don't have any money :(
I love the jumpsuit! Perfection!X, fashion-nerdic.
love your blog, so stylish,I'm sure you will break trough :Pwaar heb je die header gemaakt en met wat bewerk je je foto's?wil je het a.u.b mailen [email protected] ?ik heb sinds een paar weken ook een blog, maar weet bij god niet hoe ik er aan moet beginnenax-elle.blogspot.comxo xo
Hola, de verdad me encanta tu blog esta muy bien hecho y tu estilo esta increíble, pero te quería preguntar porque ya no escribes en español?
Me fascino, la prenda de Asos…lastima que no hay en mexico, realmente esta increible!, y las gafas son una belleza ojala pronto las tengas jajaja, y si te dijera que esta en mi wishlist creo q nunca acabo…pero definitivamente estaria ese edredon de zebra esta alucinante!!! Ahh y fue un placer hacerte la entrevista… xoxo
well, the gucci glasses- amazing. I would like to have one but my mother is an optician and she wouldn't let me to wear such weak glasses as she thinks ;p
the ring is amazing!confinesoffashion.blogspot.com
d&g perfumes please!:)Monika from J'adore Fashion
Me encnat el juego de sábanas y las Gucci!Besotes wapa!
I'm in love with the craving ring!www.abitoffashion.com
Great wishlist, love the glasses and tee! <3
wonderfull post my darling…perfect wishlist!!! :-) LOVE YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU forever :-)
Nice wishlist. Right on time for Black Friday.I'm craving an immaculate drapey silk opera coat and velvet peeptoe platforms. I think this is why fashion is so skinny. It's the hunger for the inedible.www.SeekingDirtyHairHalo.blogspot.com
Definetly craving that D&G #3 as well :)
Oh love your wishlist.Asos is simply the best.Love it so much:)