Whether its a head band, a blouse, a ring or a necklace, we just cant get enough of bows.

I own them in different colors, different sizes, different materials and I don’t think Im getting sick of them just yet.

They are girly but can be roughed up quite easily, I think skinny jeans, ankle peep toe booties and a sharp shoulder blazer will do the trick for me.

How do you wear them?

Bow blouse: H&M
Blazer: ZARA
Shoes: H&M


68 Responses

  1. hey! i really love your blog! you look so great on this outfit, i love bows too very much!! but i was wondering, did you bought it at h%m trend, divided or the normal ? bye xxx

  2. hey! i'm great! looking forward to going away in dec!! how are you? love love your blazer…can't find it in any of the zaras in london :-( looks perfect on you!xoxohttp://fashionhedonism.blogspot.com

  3. Bueno llevar dos relojes no era muy util…pero el resto no esta nada mal…te pones algo para tener las schoulders o ya viene en el blaser?

  4. I don't believe there is anyone that can pull off strong shoulders better than you!Don't forget to enter a unique jewelry giveaway on my blog!xoxo

  5. Como me estresa que en mexico no haya h&m .. el color y la posicion del moño de verdad me fascino.. esta divina la blusa… me deprimire! jajajaja gracias por contestar la revista nena, yo te notifico en cuanto la publique en el blog… un beso!

  6. loveee it,i love bows too,i have a pair of flats with a really cute gray bow.hey, so you are a mexican too?visit my blog. im a 14 year old girl that is deeply obsessed with fashion.www.fabitalavera.blogspot.com

  7. super padre el estilo!!!! but hey… why are u living so far? en holanda??! es vdd que no ha de haber mucha inspiracion hasta alla….compras toda tu ropa que padre!!!!XOXOXOXOXOyour blog its so damn cool bb*Jimena

  8. oh, your style is gorgeous! I moved from Scandinavia to the Netherlands about one month ago, I'm really no impresset by the fashion here, and don't get any insperation by the streetstyle whitch is very sad. but finally I found you at lookbook.nu, I love your style and your pics!I wondering what you do for living? You are a freelance stylist? Do you style for magazines or what? How did you get in to the dutch labour market? I would be so greatful for an answer!Greeting, Veronica

  9. la blusa es preciosa!!! aquí, en h&m nunca encuentro nada, no sé si es que no llega nada de lo que veo en los blog de otros países o es que yo no sé buscar je, je

  10. Hi Andy!! I LOVE this outfit, as usual. You look adorable, girly and fabulous! Just wanted to drop you a quick note and say CONGRATS because YOU are the winner of my very first reader giveaway!!!! :) I'm so excited! When you have a minute, please send me an e-mail at [email protected] with the address you would like the shirt sent to! I'm so very happy for you! Thank you for visiting my blog and for entering the contest! <3xoxo Tiff (http://stylesophisticate.blogspot.com)

  11. Yes I looooooooooove bows!!This is such a simple outfit but I am loving it so much,the jeans,blouse,blazer,everything.hahChic!