I have been receiving emails and comments asking me to post some pics of my closet.
I recently moved into a new flat which had a small room perfect to transform into a walk-in closet, so I didn’t think about it twice! Oh no…
I still have clothes in my basement, packed in boxes waiting for the summer, or whenever I feel like wearing them I guess.
Here are some pics of it, I hope you like it!
Changing the subject a little bit, I was browsing youtube today and found a band called BOYCE AVENUE.
They are AMAZING!!!! I’ve been listening to their YOUTUBE channel for hours while working on the blog and cleaning my flat.
Please go check them out now! Im sure you’ ll love them, plus you can now buy their songs on Itunes!
I leave you with one of their videos and my song of the day….Oh MY, Im inspired! what on earth is happening to this heart of mine :P
57 Responses
I love your Closet!!!!! Monday to Friday i live in a flat, therefore it`s very difficult…
such a creative post!!!!!! i love it <3 and your closet is amazingxo veronicahttp://fashi0npassi0n.blogspot.com
awesome awesome posts!! =)x
omg! your closet looks amazing! love your blog by the way!www.thesocietyofstyle.com
LOVE BOYCE AVENUE, thanks for this GREAT recommendation!
Hey!!wouw..! you have such a fabulous closet xD.I particulary really like your pink blazer. and I was wondering, were did you buy it???because i'm so in love with the pink alexander wang blazer and searching for a good 'look a like'. thanks allready!xoxo Karlijn.
very..very..nice..im really love ure closet !!^nana^
increibles las fotos, quiero coger algo de ahi
tu closet es genial, q suerte!xxx
i want all of yours closet!!!! btw sorry but I really want to know how to do those notebook with pics of yours?? thanks
OMG! Lucky you! I'd love to have the same…http://leschosesdevan.blogspot.com/
ohh i love your closet!!! is fabulous!Kiss
i am so jealous!!!
amazing closet :) I want it eh eh ehkiss from Portugal***márcia*
Your wardrobe is amazing!! I love it! xhttp://studschainsandstarz.blogspot.com
jajaja ok let me edit the photos & i send u Thanks for ur answer.OMG i love ur closet i want to clean my closet, but your closet have so style see u andy ♥
Your closet is amazing <3
Love it! Really wish I had a spare room for my clothes! One day…
your closet looks WICKED x
i love your shoes! and i'm so obsessed with this song, love it so much
Oohw I LOVE your closet.. Awesome…http://www.chasingcherries.com/
Love the way your wardrobe is organised…looks like little heaven :)
Your closet looks like a place I wouldn't mind hanging out :P
I ♥ your clothes;)
All these shoes are really nice. And the belts-very intersting.
i like the i <3 paris pic + how the shades are organized
beautiful closet! i need to know where you got your wallpaper?!?! i must have some!!!xoxo
omg your closet is amazing!! jealous
Hey q buenas fotos!!!! Yo estoy en desesperada necesidad de un lugar mas grande jajaja
I love how you've organized everything!
OMG Your wardrobe's a killer! xx
A dream come true! I love your closet!!! Nice ;)
LOVe how you organized your walk-in closet!! I'm hoping to convert a room into a closet soon too… really soon i hope!!
Lifehouse 's one of my fav band!
oow…I love that song…great suggestion… :)xoxo
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ooo me encanta tu vestidor!! ideal!! besitos!
Whoa! I wish I had a closet like that.confinesoffashion.blogspot.com
God, I'm jealouz of your closet!
Oh how I enjoy going through your posts!!! xoxo,Mila
im so jealous of your closet. my nyc closet(s) are such a mess no space!!xoxo,Flekisskiss.blogspot.com –> two girls living in new york city and chicago blogging all things fashion!
Very very very nice! love it!
i want your dressing!!!!
Your closet is amazing just like your blog! I too am Mexican and a fashion guru! ;)http://dearbeatrice.blogspot.com/
your closet is wonderful! i love everything, especially shoes, skirts and sunglasses…i wish i had all this here! unfortunately i don't have such a big place to put my clothes and above all i have a very small place to put my shoes. it's a pity 'cause i can't buy more!!!
Adore posts to see other bloggers closet, really do one myself!You have an amazing closet, love it! <3
Great post Andy! Love your closet ;)xoxoEmilie
It's a closet to die for!really love it!XOXOhttp://loresfashion.blogspot.com
My darling!!!i love your house!!!it's wonderfull :-) Magnific post :-)Love Any
What a fabulous closet, love it!!xxhttp://adreamworldwherefashionexist.blogspot.com
boyce avenue is amazing. these guys doing their thing well. xoxohttp://money-sucks.blogspot.com/
what a fabulous closet!http://cupcaketrash.blogspot.com
OMG I LOVE your closet!!!xoxo