I wanted to thank Sophi for sending me this beautiful bow necklace from her online store.
Please go check it out, she has the coolest hand made jewelry (including a cup cake necklace that I absolutely adore!)
Sophi’ s jewelry is adorable, affordable and ships worldwide!!!!
In other news, Im planning to go watch “This is it” for the second time,before its out of the movie theatre, unfortunately nobody wants to come with (buhhh!!) so I guess I’ ll have to go alone.
And last but not least, I wanted to share with you guys one of my favorite songs “Wonderwall”, but the cover by Ryan Adams, I absolutely adore this version and its buzzing my head too much these days…What is buzzing you lately??
31 Responses
Oh No! my mistake..you never deleted my comment though :-( so sorry..(silly me)
The pics are cute :) with the Eiffel tower behind you. I hope you wont delete my comment this time, I dont know what have I written down that made it being deleted though???anyway I like your blog it becomes one of my daily reads :). Cheers, Novi
Fantastic shoulders!
Love the shoulder pads.
If I was in Amsterdam, I'd go with you :)
Lovely necklace! I want one too!http://leschosesdevan.blogspot.com/
Nice necklace, Andy!Here in Brazil, bow is the new fashion hit and you can find it everywhere: all kinds of jewelry, prints, belts, shoes, bags, etc etc etc… =)xoxoAndrea.
Wauw that's really cute! I'm gonna take a look at her webshop!
i love your necklqce!!!kisses lindahttp://elblogdebarbaracrespo.blogspot.com
qué bonito!!!!!!!!
Me gustaría representar tu estilo e n mi blog, Look 10, puedo escoger el look o quieres enviarlo tu misma y también quería saber si pongo como país a Mexico u Holanda.puedes enviar mensajes a: [email protected]
I saw "This Is It" last night and it confirmed what I already believed: MJ was the best entertainer that the world has seen. His music will live on forever.I've had "Human Nature" on repeat in my head all day today! "Why, why…"
Hi, love love lvoe the look!Come check out Madonna for D&G and Linda Evangelista for W Magazine, they also look stunning! @ MaisonChaplin.blogspot.com
¡Q bonito el collar!tb me gusta esa trencita q llevas en el pelo y tu jersey ^^un besohttp://cranberrysherbet.blogspot.com/
cute necklace!And I love the way you're wearing your hair :)
I absolutely love the necklace!confinesoffashion.blogspot.com
cute necklace! and i love ur top!www.mode-damour.blogspot.com
Wooow el moño esta increible… con eso de que la tendencia esta fuerte me convence y eso de que manda a medio mundo me gusta mucho… Y yo te acompañaria a ver la de This is it , pero creo que me quedare con las ganas a nadie le parece interesante! por cierto te mande la entrevista por mail.. creo que no me avisaste si si te llego… un beso!
que bonito!!!!!
Very cute! It's especially great for people who like bows but don't want to go overboard.
Me encanta el collar, divino!!Yo iría contigo si no estuviéramos tan lejos jaja.Un besote :)
red hot chilli peppers: other sideit fits my state of mind like a glove!
muy preppy andy ¡¡¡¡¡BESOS
Hey Andy, I've been reading your blog for a while now but have never commented! Just wanted to say I think you have awesome style and I always look forward to seeing your looks! Keep it up, you're great x
o wow, so awesome! really love the vintage feel!xoxo,Flekisskiss.blogspot.com <– two girls living in nyc and chicago blogging all things fashion!
perfect necklace :)kiss from Portugal****márcia*
Thanks for your comment my darling :-) I requested to follow you on twitter … mine is http://twitter.com/anyannachiara :-)I would be happy to meet you follow :-)Kiss kiss Any
love your style, love your blog…you always look amazingcan we link exchange?fashionbyhe.blogspot.com
That's an awesome song! I was obsessed with it after I heard it on the O.C. Love your blog!
lOVE YOUR NECKLACE!!!is lovely!!! :-)
that bow necklace is adorable.http://cupcaketrash.blogspot.com