Quick snap shots from todays outfit…
I tried to take some pics on Sunday but the weather was simply unbelievably bad so I just wasn’t able.
I prefer taking pics on location, they are more fun and interesting but due to a lack of good weather for the next few days, my flat will have to do.
I prefer taking pics on location, they are more fun and interesting but due to a lack of good weather for the next few days, my flat will have to do.
I’ve been feeling super inspired lately, its almost like everything around me seems better and I don’t want it to stop.
In other news, I have something fun planned for the 2 year anniversary of StyleScrapbook next November 26 and it includes all of you!!!! so stay tuned!!!
Skirt: VeroModa
Shirt: H&M
60 Responses
I like it!!
You look fabulous! I used two of your pictures on my new blog.. I hope that's ok. You're such a stylish girl. Keep up the good work.
That bow necklace is so gorgeous, I love the size!
You are so beautiful :)I LOVE your blog/ Katy from Sweden
loving the whole outfit!but i really love the blazerr :)♥
The skirt is fantastic.x
I LOVE your outfit!!!!!!!!!!
The skirt is stunning!! And the necklace is also beautiful.xxhttp://adreamworldwherefashionexist.blogspot.com/
Love the skirt…Can I shop it online?
es la primera vez que te comento creo… y quiero decirte una cosa que es mi más humilde opinióny te voy a razonar: por favor mira la camaralas fotos son muy bonitas, tus looks tambien, pero es que ganan tanto cuando miras a la camara y se ven tus ojos!!!al mirar a la camara estas diciendo: estoy segura de lo que llevo puesto y dicen que los ojos son el reflejo del alma.alguien con tanta creatividad vistiendo y reinventandose continuamente, segurisimo que tiene mucho que enseñar de si misma :)espero que no quede muy repelente, pero es que me encanta el blog, y por esto seria perfecto si.. :) las fotos miraran al espectaador
Double the fun ehh :O
could you write the name of the skirt og a number, because I realy want to find it… – HELP:0)?????
Thks for answering :) A friend of mine saw it, but it was a size L :s
hola andrea!love your pics. they are always so vibrant. i have a blog and want to make my pics big like yours. how do you do that in blogger??no se si tienes tiempo para decirme. me puedes mandar un email si quieres. gracias!
Andy, sobra decir que tienes un estilo espectacular, me encanta. Da mucho orgullo que una mexicana este trascendiendo de esa manera en el mundo de la moda.Debo confesar que me da un poco de envidia ver que puedes usar faldas, aqui en Mexico es muy dificil salir en esas microfaldas y ademas tienes unas piernas kilometricas…En fin soy fan de tu sitio, leo tambien el de español y me encantan tus DYS y definitivamente son una inspiracion para crear mi propio estiloFelicitaciones Andy!!!!Ojala leas esto!!!
Andy, sobra decir que tienes un estilo espectacular, me encanta. Da mucho orgullo que una mexicana este trascendiendo de esa manera en el mundo de la moda.Debo confesar que me da un poco de envidia ver que puedes usar faldas, aqui en Mexico es muy dificil salir en esas microfaldas y ademas tienes unas piernas kilometricas…En fin soy fan de tu sitio, leo tambien el de español y me encantan tus DYS y definitivamente son una inspiracion para crear mi propio estiloFelicitaciones Andy!!!!
Great outfit ♥
Bartabac:Mil gracias!!! también hablo español (soy Mexicana)Ahora me paso por tu blog!Seriale Modeuse:I bought the smallest they had, Im not sure if it was small or XS, I would check but I sent it to the dry cleaning yesterday :(XOXOAndy
I have a question. Could you tell me what's the size of that blazer ? Ps : I looove your blog, your style is elegant and trendy.xoxo
Hi!!I love your style and your blog (i also have the grey blazer…), I would like to invite you to my blog:www.bartabacmode.comKisses from Spain
thoroughly enjoyed this blog, it's beautiful!
hey your blog is realy beautifuland if u want to follow here are my blog: modaeslavida.blogspot.com
Lovely. I love your skirt!
¡Hola! :)Me encanta tu estilo, tu forma de expresar tu creatividad en cada uno de tus días con lo que usas. Realmente me encanta.Soy de Colombia, y me enamoré de tu pagina, espero leas mi comentario..Me gustaria hablar contigo..No sé, nunca antes me había realmente interesado por hablar con alguien. Saludes desde Colombia.Espero respuesta.Au revoir ♥l
Gorgeous:)!!Thanks for visiting my blog!thestylestrutter.blogspot.comxxx
Love that outfit!!nice skirt and blazer. chcek my new blog:http://www.trendyvibes.blogspot.com/
The whole look is awesome! I can't wait for your two year blog birthday :)confinesoffashion.blogspot.com
I totally want to copy your look :)
Great Great Great !!!Love your skirt and your jacket :)XoXoAurélie
Is the blazer from this actual season?? I love it!!!Great, congratulations for the 2 years of your site, time is running!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!besosOh! hope one day you check my blog and give me some advice :-)
Meli Clair:Let me know what you wore and which outfit inspired you!!!Cant wait to see it!xoxoAndy
Thanks for all your comments babes!!!!Yeah! the blog anniversary is on the 26 :O exciting!!!The skirt is brand new so it should be still in stores…ciao everyone!XOXOAndy
All perfectly matched, I love this look! :o)x
Is the skirt new, so it´s possible to find now i stores?????
Amo la faldaa…. y que mal que el tiempo no fue positivo para que nos regalaras unas cuantas fotos… te envio la entrevista por mail.. mil gracias y un beso!
andy querida como siempre genial¡¡¡en su momento ya te dije k la falda es preciosa Y lo mantengooooooo.un besazo a la espera ese post aniversario
Ta jupe est merveilleuse!!! :-)
Hi girl! u save my life i didn't know what kind of close i need to wear to the sarah's brightman concert & i saw one of ur outfifs & inspired i know what i want to wear thank you so much …!Im sorry for my bad english but i'm still study well see u ♥
just great!!love it!xoxo.
great skirt! I love it
Great look! I've tried to make outdoor photos on sunday too but it was raining all day long! =S Not helping!!
love your blazer and this look is awesome!! kinda inspired by your style from now on :]
muchos besos andy y enhorabuena por tu próximo aniversario.el outfit es genial, me gusta mucho el collar, tengo uno muy parecido de bimba y lolakisseshttp://elblogdebarbaracrespo.blogspot.com
Magnific gorgeous!!!! Love your skrt…love your outfit :-) You're wonderfull as always!!! LovelyKiss kiss Any
The skirt is fabulous! Love the look!xxx
lovely skirt!
Love the skirt! :)
yo tengo una hermana gemela y siempre hacen la gracia diciendo que ven doble… la falda es una monada ;)
I am still in love with your tulip skirt!!!!!!!!!I should seriously check it out at H&M!
I just found you blog and love it. keep up the good work.http://sparklemidori.blogspot.com
que buena imitación de piel, se ve fabulosa la falda!y esperare con ansias el aniversario del blog:)
Very YSL, love it@ MaisonChaplin.blogspot.com
Just wanted to say that your blog is one of the very few i tend to visit regularly. You have amazing style and I always look forward to seeing a new outfit!Keep doing what you're doing, you're amzing at it!much love, from canadaxox,Rose
love the shape of that skirt!
i love that outfit. the jacket is perfect!xoxo,Flekisskiss.blogspot.com <– two girls living in nyc and chicago blogging all things fashion!
love your necklace :)http://balkanmagiques.blogspot.com/#' Iv
oooh!Nov 26!Come quick!!!Love the skirt!xoxo
Hello honey, how are you? I want to say you that I really love your blog and sometimes it is an inspiration for me :) keep going, you are amazing and your outfits are perfect.kiss from Portugal***márcia*
that skirt is fabulous!http://cupcaketrash.blogspot.com
Great look! Love your skirt :)