Is it just me, or is time flying by?
I remember how excited I was for summer to come and in a matter of days, August will be here and Xmas 5 months away, what is going on???
The faster time goes, the busier I seem to get, I need more time to be able to do all the things I need to do and RELAX!
I have to say, I am quite enjoying my new camera (such a difference from a little compact canon!) and last weekend in Paris was the perfect time to play with it.
I am still planning on uploading the pics I took there, just waiting to start the blog with ELLE to post them, I havent forgot :P.
So here is what I wore today while furniture shopping for my new flat;
Cut off tights/ medias: DIY
Denim short cut offs/ shorts the mezclilla: DIY
tank top/ camiseta: ZARA
Blazer: ZARA
Watch/Reloj: TIMEX (from colette)
Bag/Bolsa: H&M
Serán mis nervios o el tiempo se está llendo rapidísimo???
Que locúra, yo que esperaba el verano con ansias y en unos cuantos dias ya será agosto y en 5 meses Navidad!
En cuanto empiece mi blog con ELLE, subo todas las fotos de Paris, no crean que me he olvidado ;).
Esto es lo que me puse hoy:
Cut off tights/ medias: DIY
Denim short cut offs/ shorts the mezclilla: DIY
tank top/ camiseta: ZARA
Blazer: ZARA
Watch/Reloj: TIMEX (from colette)
Bag/Bolsa: H&M
Denim short cut offs/ shorts the mezclilla: DIY
tank top/ camiseta: ZARA
Blazer: ZARA
Watch/Reloj: TIMEX (from colette)
Bag/Bolsa: H&M
43 Responses
I am seeing your blog, and all of your outfits are GORGEOUS and very ORIGINAL !I will come back and now you are in my blogroll !Kiss,Mel
love your style
we have the exact same tank top :P hahaha i love your look anyway :D
Amazing, amazing outfit, as always :)BJS *keep it stylish*
I LOVE your blazer, I LOVE your blazer, I LOVE your blazer, I LOVE your blazer, I LOVE your blazer, I LOVE your blazer, I LOVE your blazer, I LOVE your blazer, and did I tell you that I love your blazer? So cool…
AMO TU ESTILO!un besito. Sofi.
Lovely look!
Andy, did you see that Balmain-inspired jacket in H&M that Bo M. modeled in Lookbook? It's georgeous! :) Seriously, I blame you for making me love military-inspired jackets!
Andy, did you see that Balmain-inspired jacket in H&M that Bo M. modeled in Lookbook? It's georgeous! :) Seriously, I blame you for making me love military-inspired jackets!
Hi..Really adore your style :DYour blazer just perfect and that glasses look amazing. They fit well on you.I just saw you from lookbook.nu and i don't know you have your own blog.So, this is my lucky day that I found your blog by this day ^_^
LOVE your blog. please update more often.
hi there!just stumbled across your blog and love it! :) following you now!please check me out!much love from Ireland xxmagpie-girl.blogspot.com
http://www.whowhatwear.com/website/full-article/stylists-pics-nicole-chavez/hey andy! is she your mother or something? Nicole Chavez… she's like an older version of you!! please tell me in ur next post!
de nuevo enhoraubuena por el blog con elle eh! esas gafas son… como decirlo… perfectas. como la americana. byeeeeeeeeee
Oh wow love the glasses! So chicPlease click here to visit me at SomewhereHere.net
Andy! ame tu look te posteare en mi blog! besitos
Hi there!I love reading your blog,and love your style as well. You give many inspirations to my daily outfit (seriously!) I am a full time worker so I'm continuously needing for source!LOL. I know where you took this pics, is it in Amstelveen?cuz I live literally just 5 mins away from the centre!Keep blogging, please!Cheers xoxo,Novi
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Estás genial!Tómatelo con calma toda´vía queda todo el mes de Agosto!Besitos
Time goes so fast… and furious!Zepequeña.
Im really in love with your yellow watch! but dont keep looking at the watch because then youll notice how fast summer is going by!enjoy the rest!
I love the outfitt!! http://aalittlebitofeverythingg.blogspot.com/xx
absolutely gorgeous! :)I have one question..in past few days I basically read you whole blog (I LOVE IT!!) and I was wondering how do you make all those scrapbooks..which programme do you use? thank's*oh and check out my blog, If you like: http://tempspourlamode.blogspot.com/
Andy, i love your blog! I love ur tote & watch.
Wow, glasses really do make an awesome outfit awesome-er. I love how you're wearing bike shorts under your cutoffs too!
wooo estás preciosa!!! increible, me encanta :)Un besin
Hello Andy! I just want to share with you that I adore your blog, and your personal style is amazing! it is also a dream of mine of living in PARIS! I was lucky enough to go there in 07 and I fell in love with the city!thanks for the Amazing posts! ;) aRiI also started my own blog, but its a work in progress… =)
muchas felicidades por lo de Elle, ahi te estaremos visitando ;)
OMG, i really love your outfit :)
Your hair is so pretty! And i love the ray-ban nerdy glasses :D
you're just so amazing!!! I like your style! :-)
love the glasses and ADORE that yellow bag.
perfect outfit !!! i love it and the yellow touch is perfect
el bolso es ideal
I absolutely love your dresses <3
me encantan los shorts con mallas de ciclista!!!Enhorabuena por lo de ELLE!!!!De verdad me alegro muchísimo!!!!
Love your outfit and the thights underneath the shorts!
i reaaaly like your blog and your lookbook! and that outfit is really cute:) since you're a fashion stylist and other things i wanted to know if i can have some advice? i also want to be a fashion stylist and even though im a juior in highschool im very nervous haha. so i was wondering if you ever went on any interships for designers or ANYTHING you can tell me! hope you can write back!thanks <3
I just love the way you've added a splash of colour to your outfit! :o)x
Necklace is from H&M. I hope you will still continue to write in English on Elle.es. I learned Spanish at school, but still not good enough to understand every word your write! ;-)I also miss your step-by-step DIY projects… :-(Take care,Vikki
Great look! Where did you get that awesome necklace?
it's not just you… the summertime IS flying by! :(
oh i love the nerdies on you ! :)