I found this A-M-A-Z-I-N-G blazer at (where else) ZARA last week & it has quickly become one of my ultimate favs, not to mention that it matches everything and has a pair of amazingly huge shoulder pads.

I wore it with my Heidi Klum, #%$2@ YOU shirt lol (I love its slightly obscene pic), ankle boots & studded mini by H&M trend collection.
What did you wear today?
La semana pasada, encontré este blazer en (donde mas) ZARA y en pocos días, se ha convertido en uno de mis favoritos, por que no solamente me combina con todo, pero tambien tiene unas hombreras gigantescas :).
Me lo puse con mi playera de Heidi Klum, unos botines y una mini con estoperoles de H&M trend.
¿Tu que te pusiste hoy?

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44 Responses

  1. YOU HAVE BEEN STICHED! because i amuse ur style sooooo much , ur style photo has been chosen and review on our blog to add on our collection refering to the objective of our blog, i hope u dont mind k dear VISIT US please do and HOPE U FOLLOW US on track so u can get stich-ed AGAIN! :_ hve a nice day

  2. Me encanta la jaqueta y ya la he visto en Zara. Pero una pregunta: le añadiste botones, verdad?Tu blog es uno de mis favoritos, me canta tu estilo!

  3. WOW this outfit, stole my heart!!!I love everything about it, and of course I couldnt take my eyes of your gorgeous boots…your lined legs support them well…!!!

  4. oh i saw that shirt on bricklane (near where i live) and isnt it kate moss? i always thought it was… but i guess its heidi? anyways you look amazing! and the shirt looks great with the blazer!

  5. I think I have the same blazer as you but mine only has one button on did you add more?Love you're outfit and that t-shirt is just so

  6. holaa! he descubierto tu blog por casualidad y hasta que no he llegado al comienzo no he parado de ver las entradas! enterito! me han gustado muchos de tus outfits y me han inspirado, tienes un cuerpo estupendo chica! y weno, lo que mas me ha llamado la atencion es la maña y el arte que tienes para hacerte tus cositas, que si faldas camisetas…que envidia! ojala yo tb supiera! un saludo!

  7. el vestido aqui aun lo hay( en vigo) igual tienes suerte y lo encuentras para las rebajitas. todavia no lo he estrenado…besos!

  8. i have this blazer! love love love it! the shoulders are the perfect touch! i live in london. the weather is pretty random here as well…really rainy one day and super hot the next :-)

  9. your outfit really rockzzzz!!here in Greece the weather is really hot….today for a walk for coffee in the afternoon i wore a white high waisted skirt,with a pink tank,my purple gladiators with studs and a black cross body clutch….p.s. i really adore your nails colour…..