It is so good being back in Mexico!

¡Es lo máximo estar de regreso en México!
.Skirt/Falda: H&M
.T-shirt/Playera: made it myself/la hice yo
.Jacket/chamarra de mezclilla: H&M
.Sandals/Sandalias: H&M

Follow Style Scrapbook

33 Responses

  1. awwwwe.. i really miss your DIYs! :/ btw, that shirt (eiffel) you made before really inspired me to do one for myself! i really love wearing it even now! hehe.yougotsomestyle.blogspot.com

  2. hi! great outfit!! u always have beautiful pieces! may i ask u how do you do ur t-shirts?? they are gorgeous!kisses

  3. Wau me encantó el look…además una gran idea pues yo tengo la misma faldita…eso sí…las medias ya van fuera aquí pues hace un calor tremendo…bsitos cielo…disfruta del finde..me encantó el bolso…d donde es?

  4. I always love your outfits! You are such an inspiration and it is great that you do many DIY projects and make much of your clothing. Seriously, such a great shade of blue.

  5. Andy, I seriously want to steal that shirt of yours! haha!:D lovely outfit… i tagged you in my latest post by the way. please check out my blog:)

  6. Hola!Bienvenida a Mexico paisana :)Te deje un premio en mi blogSaludos y que te la pases muy bienClau!

  7. Andy, don’t get sick!But seriously, have a great time at home, enjoy it! You look great as always :)

  8. That outfit is just so great. I love the eiffel tower shirt and the way your paired it with everything. The blue just stands out so well!

  9. So cute! I love how you always manage to wear skirts no matter what the weather! I have a tendency to only rock them when it’s warm, and when its cold, I end up schlepping around in jeans and sneakers!

  10. madre mía!!! Nunca hubiera pensado que una combinación tan extraña diera lugar a un outfit tan perfecto!!!!! de dónde es el bolso???

  11. hey I have ur sunglasses! Nice to know I have some fashion sense lol…love ur jacket! Have a good time in mexico xoxo