Im sorry about the headless shots, but I took them 2 days after my wisdom teeth operation, so my cheek was really swollen and it would have been COMPLETELY INAPPROPRIATE to show, lol.
So it was a simple outfit: Wet look leggings, oversized white tee, croped lingerie type top and a bf blazer.
Perdón por poner fotos sin cabeza, pero me las tomé 2 dias despues de mi operación de las muelas y mi cachete era una bola gigante, hahaha, hubiera sido completamente inapropiado enseñarles mi cara en esas condiciones ;P.
Outfit simple: leggings the vinilo, playera blanca, top tipo lenceria y mi super boyfriend blazer :)
21 Responses
mm..i’ve heard that you are a totally addicted to vinilo leggins..am i right?hahaanyways i am! and your ideas are so useful! =)
im wearing those leggings right now!
im wearing those leggings right now!
I knew your blog today and I liked it very much, I loved your boyfriend jacket, a very similar and I’m always with him.XoxoM
Hi!Great blog!I love your boyfriend jacket, I have a very similar, and use it all…XoxoM
Ola Andy!! acabo de descubrir tu blog y me encanta!! me encanta tu estilo y me encanta las cosas q haces, tienes muxa maña desde luego, jeje. Te agrego a mi blog vale?1bsin
the lingerie top is a brilliant idea!!!and as for Montreal, tell me more about it! got an opportunity there?? let me know if i could help you out with anything, or give you contact names or something….
such a cute outfit for just having your wisdom teeth out! i would prob be moping around in sweats!
nice blazer. i really need one :)
Love this outfit! I love the way you layer the tops!
Your blog is amazing , I love it !Wonderful style , ideas , pics … perfect :DBisouss
Ojala qe estes mejor de tus muelas jeje! me gusta tu outfit… postee en mi blog ojala que me puedas dar consejos sobre mis preguntas… besito!
nice outfit !
hola chica! que bueno que estas de vuelta!me encanta tu block! sufri cuando dejaste de postiar!!haha cuentanos sobre tu nuevo trabajo!ps. ame tu outfit!ps2. una copia de los zapatos balmain de esta temporada estan siendo vendidos en http://www.bebe.comestan bellos chica! son muy tu estilobye love from SPAIN!
GREAT blazer!!!
Te quedan genial los leggins, y me gusta mucho como los llevas =)A mí me sacaron las muelas del juicio y se me incharon también los mofletes… uf!!! daba miedo jaja1besoo
love your leggings and blazer!xx pretty
Ouch! Sorry about the wisdom teeth, but at least it’s over now. Love the blazer.
Hola pequeña! llevaba tiempo sin comentarte, espero que estes mejor de tus muelas al menos ya no las tienes no?el outfit es genial, por lo menos vemos tu tipo, tan mono:)un beso
love ur blog. wish i could b in paris! if you happen to fancy my blog also, would u like to trade links?
Simple outfits are ALWAYS the best. And I think you have become the unofficial poster-child for the BF blazer. I love!