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Follow Style Scrapbook

33 Responses

  1. Wow!! como pudiste hacer eso ?? como que es super fácil? yo no se ni coser un botón como diría mi abuela..lo intentaría, pero en España no tengo idea de donde comprar las lentejuelas!! extraño a Fantasías Miguel! jajajaBesos de una mexicana en Alicante (ahh! pásate por mi blog, te he agregado a mis favoritos!)

  2. you are welcome, i enjoy your blogg and the idea you presented to your fellow bloggers, it’s fascinating!Keep doing what you do, it’s impressing so far=D

  3. Lo cosí a mano :)Thank you for all your comments!!! If any of you try it, dont forget to let me know, I would love to see what you created!!It took me like 2 hours, its really quick and easy.

  4. Girlfriend! I just spent the last hour and a half (supposed to be working) lookin’ at your blog- totally inspiring! Keep on posting, I’m going to keep on visiting… your blog feels like an indulgence, so thanks!

  5. Wow, it looks amazing! As a general rule, I will love anything with sequins, but your shirt really does look exquisite.

  6. Que mano tienes para coser! el vestido clon de Isabel Marant azul marino me dejo impresionada yo todo lo que intento hacer me queda fatal :'(, si puedes pasate por mi blog a ver si te gusta!