
I know I posted a similar look a while ago, Thing is:

1.- I promised my bf & myself, that I would wear my clothes more than once and not let them sit there for eternity untill I have to get rid of them.

2.- I quite fancy this oversized sweater!

Tho this time, I didnt wear it with over the knee socks, and wore the flower on the sweater instead of the head, oh yeah! almost forgot, I wore my ADORED grey tri blend tank top from AA underneath :)

The weekend is back gorgeous readers of mine!!!

13 Responses

  1. hola guapa!!lo primero, me han ENCANTADO tus blue pants de hace unso dicas, de donde son???? son chulisimos y te qdan BUF! GENIAL!!!Y lo de BB, pues ha estado bien, pero la verdad, me ha sorprendido la poca gente q habia en relacion a ediciones pasadas…será la “crisis”me encnantan tus polaroids!! La de San francisco!! mmmm, me encantaria ir a esa ciudad, la tengo pendiente, me la recomiendas??muakss!!