I wore the skirt I made today, it seemed like the right thing to do, since I finished it days ago and promised I would show you guys the end result. I am pretty happy with it, still cant believe I found that fabric, its soft and warm, perfect for the cold season to come.

I´ve had such a rush of inspiration lately and it doesn´t seem to stop. Every day I get new ideas, new things I want to make, I feel like the sky is the limit, I dont know, maybe this is the beginning of something, maybe its a sign that this is what I should be doing, I dont know, I dont feel like trying to figure life out, I just enjoy what I´m doing so much, so I will try to make this moment last…..GOOD DAYS!!

shirt* american apparel
grey jacket* H&M
skirt* made it myself
shoes*little local boutique

16 Responses

  1. Thanks Jenn! you ar too kind :P…u having halloween fun??? in Holland people dont really celebrate it (or not that I´ve seen) so as much as I wanted to dress up and go to a costume party, it ain´t happening! Actually, its almost 4:00 am in Europe now, so god knows why im still awake! :P