It´s really just my fault, for trying to hold on to the warm weather as much as possible. You can´t really blame me tho, I am a Mexican girl living in a country by the North Sea and yeah, I do get asked A LOT why is it that I am here, having such perfect weather in Mexico???

The more I complain about the weather, the more I realize that it wont change! So I better start making peace with mother nature and accepting that for the next few months, I will be living in freezer..
Naive me, thought that going out tonight wearing a sweater underneath my leather jacket would be enough, truth is, I COULDN´T HAVE BEEN MORE WRONG!!! The weather has drop sooo much in the past 2 days, its crazy!!! I was freezing, I swear, I am not exagerating!! And then add
to that the fact that I was wearing a dress…Oh well….I´ll get over it…eventually, maybe one day :P

14 Responses

  1. Thanks Amanda!!! well I moved to Holland because my boyfriend was studying in Amsterdam, so he convinced me to come and here I am now :)Isabel y Gloria, no me coso tanta ropa, ultimamente como que me ha entrado una adiccion por hacerme cosas, es que cuando veo algo que me gusta y no lo encuentro en las tiendas digo: pues para que lo sigo buscando, mejor lo trato de hacer! y como ya vi que si pude, ya se me hizo adicción! jaja

  2. Si te sirve de consuelo, en donde yo vivo (michoacan)las temperaturas han bajado muchisimo y hace un aire del demonio…incluso adentro necesitas un sueter…

  3. I love your outfit, a shame it didn’t keep you warm though! :( I don’t get cold very easily, and when I do, I can tolerate it pretty well, so usually I just suffer through the cold in order avoid wearing so many layers! ;)xoxo,S-C

  4. Your dress is so cute !I pretty understand you because in my area in France it is really cold ! We were waiting for snow these days but fortunately it wasn’t that cold ! Even if the weather is completely frozen, I still try to dress lighter and lighter, because big pull over make me depress !:)

  5. te has hecho la falda en un momento..te coses mucha ropa tu misma?me ha encantado la camiseta de la torre Eiffel y la falda que te has hecho.que buenas manos tienes para el diseño y la costura!

  6. I know!! then, its not about the otfit anymore, because you have so many layers and layers on, you totally loose it!!! I HATE IT!!!!!oh God knows I do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! haha!