*The Ray.Ban WAYFARER´S*

The Ray.Ban WAYFARER´S enjoyed early popularity in the 1950´s and 1960s´, especially after they were worn by Audrey Hepburn in the 1961 movie Breakfast at Tiffany´s.

They became huge again in the 1980´s and recently couple of summers ago, since they were seen on pretty much every single celebrity in Hollywood and abroad, but they don´t seem to be going anywhere just yet.

I love this shades for their vintage factor, they suit pretty much everyone and they give that little bit extra, to make an outfit look awesome!
Of course, its always better to get the real thing, you can expect to pay over 100 dollars in a pair of real WAYFAFER´S, but if you don´t want to pay the extra cash, there are always some options. Lots of stores are bringing that same style for way cheaper prices, so its really up to what you want to get.

My advice is that you dont wait any longer and go get them!!! I did last summer!