Hi everyone!
Well, Since this is my First Blog, I want to tell you a bit more about why I wanted to start a Fashion & Style Blog.
I think that having a passion for Fashion, means so much more than just loving shopping. Some people think that just because they love shopping, that means they love fashion, and Fashion is SO MUCH MORE!
When you love fashion, you are conscious about the trends, you have to know which shapes, colors, fabrics and styles are coming each season. So, its not just loving to buy shoes and clothes.
I believe in personal style and hate copy cats, I think its important to always put your signature style in everything you wear, it says so much about you.
Some people are scared when it comes to Fashion, they don’t want to wear certain things, because they think people would make fun. Its true that you shouldn’t wear everything in trend, because some things will suit you, but other will look like a nightmare, its all about your body shape, size and height, but is also true that you have to experiment, to figure out what suits you best.
I LOVE eccentricity, when it comes to the style I love to wear. I play with a lot of looks, and i like knowing what is going on in other countries as well, what is people wearing. I believe that Fashion is not just in the catwalks for fashion weeks around the world, the streets are a big runway, and the people in it are the models. Try to see what people are wearing, you can get a lot of Inspiration from it.
I am really lucky, being able to check what people are wearing in the streets of Amsterdam is awesome!. You can see great styles walking around, what I love about the way people dress over here, is that they don’t care!, they wear whatever they want and they don’t care about what people might think, they can wear the weirdest hat, or the funniest pair of shoes, but they still look great, because they have awesome SIGNATURE STYLES!
The most important thing is to find what your signature style is, and then start building from there.
Sit down and write in a piece of paper, what is your favourite style, who is your biggest Fashion Icon, which is your favorite culture movement, all those things can influence you! and help you finding out what you love the most.
Well, Since this is my First Blog, I want to tell you a bit more about why I wanted to start a Fashion & Style Blog.
I think that having a passion for Fashion, means so much more than just loving shopping. Some people think that just because they love shopping, that means they love fashion, and Fashion is SO MUCH MORE!
When you love fashion, you are conscious about the trends, you have to know which shapes, colors, fabrics and styles are coming each season. So, its not just loving to buy shoes and clothes.
I believe in personal style and hate copy cats, I think its important to always put your signature style in everything you wear, it says so much about you.
Some people are scared when it comes to Fashion, they don’t want to wear certain things, because they think people would make fun. Its true that you shouldn’t wear everything in trend, because some things will suit you, but other will look like a nightmare, its all about your body shape, size and height, but is also true that you have to experiment, to figure out what suits you best.
I LOVE eccentricity, when it comes to the style I love to wear. I play with a lot of looks, and i like knowing what is going on in other countries as well, what is people wearing. I believe that Fashion is not just in the catwalks for fashion weeks around the world, the streets are a big runway, and the people in it are the models. Try to see what people are wearing, you can get a lot of Inspiration from it.
I am really lucky, being able to check what people are wearing in the streets of Amsterdam is awesome!. You can see great styles walking around, what I love about the way people dress over here, is that they don’t care!, they wear whatever they want and they don’t care about what people might think, they can wear the weirdest hat, or the funniest pair of shoes, but they still look great, because they have awesome SIGNATURE STYLES!
The most important thing is to find what your signature style is, and then start building from there.
Sit down and write in a piece of paper, what is your favourite style, who is your biggest Fashion Icon, which is your favorite culture movement, all those things can influence you! and help you finding out what you love the most.
Wait for my next blog!
16 Responses
Hey, I love your posts and your pictures are amazing! I recently started blogging too, plz chk out my blog @ http://sumiinwonderland.wordpress.com/ :)
hi Andy!
Goede introductie :)
Heel erg gefeliciteerd met het 7 jarig bestaan van StyleScrapbook! <3
liefs Luna
Yes, I came here to read your first post haha and to congrat you about the 7th year of bloggin. I love your style and I agree with all you said about fashion and personal style in this post. All the succeed you have it’s because you deserve it. All the things made with love and hard work it deserves recognition, this is no different.
Wish you the best, Andy. :)
Ps: sorry for the english :s
Love, Sandrine.
Eres una inspiración para mí, con solo pensar que eres mexicana y que lograstes volverte una chica fashion internacionalmente y comenzar sin nisiquiera conocer el idioma, solo tomastes tu maleta y viajastes. Me haces querer ser como tú y ser una inspiración para los demás. Gracias! Por cierto es extraño ver ELLE México Diseña 2014 sin tu presencia. ❤️
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That is the best blog's introduction ever, you are so right! Love your blog, you are so talented!www.laurablogmode.com
Me ENCANTÓ tu 1er post!!!! Muy sincero, real y apasionado. La moda siempre ocupo un lugar importante en mi vida, mi mamá estudió alta costura y diseñábamos juntas las ropas que veíamos en las revistas que nos mandan de españa y que aún no llegaban a Lima o veíamos lo que estaba en las tiendas y trabamos de hacerlo a nuestro estilo. Es verdad que la moda es mucho más que comprar y estar "in" es mostrar tu personalidad y ser fiel a tu estilo. Mil éxitos más!!! sigue siendo una gran inspiración para chicos y chicas en todo el mundo ;)Pía (Lima – Perú)
You are such an inspiration for me! <3
And in this day, the world suffered a big change in a fashion sector. I think you were the first girl to make a blog and share what you do, what you like, what you think, etc! We have so many bloggers in this world, but when all this started?! The first one or not, I think you started a big thing!Thanks for all of this Andy ! Bisou*
Hey Andy! I'm Sara! Right now I'm trying to write my first post in my blog so I decided to read yours ;) I love fashion but I'm a mess about it! Hehe I'm studying Publicity and I would love to have a little blog to promote myself. I'll promote your blog as a referent talking about publicity, growing in social media, etc. It's great to know that you are an international blogger now that only 4 years has passed since you started your little walk in this whole world! Congrats! And wish me luck in my new personal aim! Kisses!
5 comentarios en tu primer post y ahora 5 años después tenemos que bajar la barra bastanteeee para comentar !! QUE ÉXITO !! Eso se llama trabajo de hormiga, dedicación y pasión !! Las mejores energías para ti y de verdad, sigue viviendo tu sueño y creciendo en lo que haces, solo buenas energías !!Besos desde Venezuela !!Rem.
Hi Andy. I'm Karen, originally from Portugal, but now I'm in Prague.It's snowing like crazy outside, so since I didn't have much to do, I decided to check your first post on your Blog, and it's so inspiring. I'm still descovering my personal style, I'm still a work in progress. I'm not the riches girl, so I can't buy many thing that I love, especially if they are expensive, but I do believe that great style doesn't need to be expensive, we just need to have a good eye o_Ô hehe.So keep doing what you're doing, and keep inspiring us. And I wish you the best of luck for the future.Love Karen xoxohttp://shinigami-u-openingmymind.blogspot.com/
Dear Andy.. Since a long time ago i thought of creating my blog obviously about FASHION. well is that since 5 years i've be crazy with FASHION.since last year opened an account but stayed in standby. and I slept all night thinking about what will update soon but well I study and live super busy. One day for reasons to the fate i enter in your page and i said WOW your blog is AWESOME. and always turn on the laptop and I go there.and you know something you're my inspiration. yesterday i was changed somethings in my blog and already has a name.i'm so so happy and very excited and well if not trouble could you help me. well just a few good tips.It's very important for me. and again CONGRATULATIONS you're blog is AMAZINGxoxomarie
hey Andy, So i have been following ur blog for a while, and you are so inspiring. I just started my own blog and it all feels so overwhelming. But reading ur firt post, has started to put things into perspective, ur great at what you do, you got some kickass talent. Thankyou so much, xox Monica from Australia
I was really interesting in your first post! I think you have a great style and I've read everything! I've liked what you write because you're right, we shouldn't be afraid about what we want to wear and it is cool to try different looks just because we are inspired. Yes, I lov fashion -and not only shopping- and I think you'll be a great helpful girl who help me to find my own style :)Thankx so muchI'm following you now (as many other people did it before ;P -you're so famous!-)
I guess I just fall in love with your blog… All you said in this post make me believe in something and in my dreams and makes me feel inspired… Thanks a lot for that ;) I’m going to follow your blog and try to try some other styles and not being affraid of what everyone is thinking about my clothes… Thanks a lot again for all :)Kisses from a french/brazilian girl